Part 24 (1/2)
Mix ingredients. Place in greased baking dish and bake 30 minutes in moderately hot oven.
1/4 cup fat 1 pint milk 2 qts. milk 1/4 cup flour 1/4 teaspoon cayenne 1 cup cheese
Make as white sauce and add cheese. Pour over bread, sliced and toasted. Bake in moderate oven.
3 cups dried breadcrumbs 3 tablespoons maple syrup 1/2 teaspoon salt
Mix thoroughly and place in moderately hot oven for 20 minutes, stirring frequently. Remove and serve as breakfast food. Very inexpensive and delicious. Graham, corn or oatmeal bread is best for this purpose, but any bread may be used.
1 cup leftover cereal 1 cup chopped peanuts 1/2 cup dried breadcrumbs 1 beaten egg
Shape as croquettes and bake in oven or pan-broil. Serve with tart jelly.
1 cup stale bread 1/8 teaspoon cayenne 1/2 cup grated cheese 1/4 cup milk 2/3 cup flour 1/4 teaspoon salt
Make into dough; roll 1/4 inch thick. Cut into strips 6 inches long and 1/2 inch wide. Place on baking sheet. Bake 20 minutes in moderate oven. Serve with soup, salad, or pastry.
In nearly every case when meat is purchased, some bone is paid for.
Too frequently this is either left at the market or thrown away in the home. Bones, gristle, tough ends, head and feet of chickens, head, fins and bones of fish, etc., should be utilized for making soup.
If a meat or fish chowder with plenty of vegetable accompaniment is served, no other meat is required for the usual home meal.
If a cream of dried or fresh vegetables, or a meat stock soup with plenty of vegetables or cereal content, is served, the amount of meat eaten with the main course of the meal will be materially lessened.
Soups may be a most economical method of using water in which meat, fish or vegetables have been cooked; also of utilizing small portions of leftover meats, fish, vegetables or cereal.
Cream soups are made by cooking vegetables or cereal, then utilizing the water in which they are cooked as part of the liquid for the soup.
Outer parts or wilted parts of vegetables may be utilized for soups instead of being discarded. Water in which ham or mutton has been boiled makes an excellent basis for dried or fresh vegetable soups.
In fact, soup can be made from all kinds of leftovers--the variety and kind make little difference so long as the mixture is allowed to simmer for several hours and is properly seasoned.