Part 3 (1/2)

Ragged Dick Horatio Alger 16330K 2022-07-22

likely to stay there.”

”That's so, d.i.c.k. But I must be goin', or Mr. Taylor'll get somebody else to s.h.i.+ne his boots.”

Johnny walked back to Na.s.sau Street, while d.i.c.k kept on his way to Broadway.

”That boy,” soliloquized d.i.c.k, as Johnny took his departure, ”aint got no ambition. I'll bet he won't get five s.h.i.+nes to-day. I'm glad I aint like him. I couldn't go to the theatre, nor buy no cigars, nor get half as much as I wanted to eat.--s.h.i.+ne yer boots, sir?”

d.i.c.k always had an eye to business, and this remark was addressed to a young man, dressed in a stylish manner, who was swinging a jaunty cane.

”I've had my boots blacked once already this morning, but this confounded mud has spoiled the s.h.i.+ne.”

”I'll make 'em all right, sir, in a minute.”

”Go ahead, then.”

The boots were soon polished in d.i.c.k's best style, which proved very satisfactory, our hero being a proficient in the art.

”I haven't got any change,” said the young man, fumbling in his pocket, ”but here's a bill you may run somewhere and get changed.

I'll pay you five cents extra for your trouble.”

He handed d.i.c.k a two-dollar bill, which our hero took into a store close by.

”Will you please change that, sir?” said d.i.c.k, walking up to the counter.

The salesman to whom he proffered it took the bill, and, slightly glancing at it, exclaimed angrily, ”Be off, you young vagabond, or I'll have you arrested.”

”What's the row?”

”You've offered me a counterfeit bill.”

”I didn't know it,” said d.i.c.k.

”Don't tell me. Be off, or I'll have you arrested.”



Though d.i.c.k was somewhat startled at discovering that the bill he had offered was counterfeit, he stood his ground bravely.

”Clear out of this shop, you young vagabond,” repeated the clerk.

”Then give me back my bill.”

”That you may pa.s.s it again? No, sir, I shall do no such thing.”

”It doesn't belong to me,” said d.i.c.k. ”A gentleman that owes me for a s.h.i.+ne gave it to me to change.”

”A likely story,” said the clerk; but he seemed a little uneasy.