Part 9 (1/2)
11. R. Jonathan (21) said, ”Whoso fulfils the _Torah_ in the midst of poverty shall in the end fulfil it in the midst of wealth; and whoso neglects the _Torah_ in the midst of wealth shall in the end neglect it in the midst of poverty.”
(21) He lived about the middle of the second century C.E. He was a pupil of R. Ishmael (verse 9).
12. R. Meir (22) said, ”Lessen thy toil for worldly goods, and be busy in the _Torah_; be humble of spirit before all men; if thou neglectest the _Torah_, many causes for neglecting it will be present themselves to thee, but if thou laborest in the _Torah_, He has abundant recompense to give thee.”
(22) See chapter III, n. 32.
13. R. Elieser (23), the son of Jacob, said, ”He who does one precept has gotten himself one advocate; and he who commits one transgression has gotten himself one accuser. Repentance and good deeds are as a s.h.i.+eld against punishment.”
(23) He lived about 140 C.E.
14. R. Jochanan, the sandal-maker (24), said, ”Every a.s.sembly which is in the Name of Heaven will in the end be established, but that which is not in the Name of Heaven will not in the end be established.”
(24) Most of the Rabbis believed with Rabban Gamaliel that the study of the _Torah_ without employment brings transgression (chapter II, 2). Consequently, each invariably followed some vocation. Hillel, the senior, gained his livelihood as a wood-chopper; Shammai was a builder; R. Joshua, a blacksmith; R. Chanina, a shoemaker; R. Huna, a water-carrier; R. Abba, a tailor; R. Pappa, a brewer, etc. Other Rabbis whose names indicate their trades, as R. Jochanan ha-Sandalar (lived about 150 C.E.), were Isaac Nappacha (the smith) and R. Abin Naggara (the carpenter). Many were merchants and others agriculturists. Generally, the Rabbi studied during two-thirds of the day, and worked at his trade during the remainder. Those engaged in agriculture would study in the winter and till the soil in the summer. Consult Franz Delitzch, _Jewish Artisan Life in the Time of Christ_; and S.
Meyer, _Arbeit und Handwerk im Talmud_, Berlin, 1878.
15. R. Eleazer, the son of Shammua (25), said, ”Let the honor of thy disciple be as dear to thee as thine own, and the honor of thine a.s.sociate be like the fear of thy master, and the fear of thy master like the fear of Heaven.”
(25) He lived about 150 C.E.
16. R. Judah (26) said, ”Be cautious in study, for an error in study may amount to presumptuous sin” (27).
(26) R. Judah ben Ilai lived about 140 C.E.
(27) Cf. Chapter III, 10.
17. R. Simeon (28) said, ”There are three crowns: the crown of _Torah_, the crown of priesthood, and the crown of royalty; but the crown of a good name excels them all.”
(28) On R. Simeon ben Yochai, see chapter III, n. 12.
18. R. Nehorai (29) said, ”Betake thyself to a home of the _Torah_ (30), and say not that the _Torah_ will come after thee; for there thy a.s.sociates will establish thee in the possession of it; and lean not upon thine own understanding” (31).
(29) He lived about 130 C.E.
(30) If there is no teacher where you live.
(31) Prov. III, 5.
19. R. Jannia said, ”It is not in our power (to explain) either the prosperity of the wicked or the afflictions of the righteous.”
20. R. Matt.i.thiah, the son of Heresh (32), said, ”Be beforehand in the salutation of peace to all men; and be rather a tail to lions than a head to foxes” (33).
(32) He lived about 120 C.E. in Rome.
(33) It is better to be a pupil of great teachers than to be a teacher of worthless pupils (Maimonides). It is better to follow those who are greater than to lead those who are inferior.
21. R. Jacob (34) said, ”This world is like a vestibule before the world to come (35); prepare thyself in the vestibule, that thou mayest enter into the hall.” 22. He used to say, ”Better is one hour of repentance and good deeds in this world than the whole life of the world to come; and better is one hour of blissfulness of spirit in the world to come than the whole life of this world.”
(34) He lived about 160-220 C.E.