Part 14 (1/2)

Ski-running Katharine Furse 19220K 2022-07-22

Part (a).--_Four continuous lifted Stemming turns on a slope of hard snow at an angle of not less than 30 degrees_.

Part (b).--_Four continuous Telemark turns on a slope of soft snow at an angle of not less than 30_.

Part (c).--_Four consecutive jump-turns to connect downhill tacks on a slope of breakable crust at an angle of about 30 degrees_.

Part (d).--_Christiania swings to a standstill (right and left) from a direct descent at a very high speed_.

Part (e).--_Four continuous Christiania (see General Instructions) on a slope of about 20 degrees_.


1. The turns must be done round sticks or flags placed by the Judges.

2. Not more than three attempts at any one part are allowed on the same day.

3. Soft breakable crust will usually be found on slopes with a southerly exposure just after the sun has struck them or just before the sun leaves them.


The First Cla.s.s Test consists of three parts, which must all be pa.s.sed in the same season and should, if possible, be pa.s.sed by the same Judges. If this is impracticable, Judges must indicate on the Test forms which parts they have judged. Not more than two parts shall be judged on the same day.

Part (a).--_A descent of not less than 2,500 feet, which should, if possible, be continuous without any intervening stretches of level or uphill. The course selected must provide ample opportunity for fast, straight running, and must also include a fair proportion of steep and difficult ground_.

Part (b).--_A descent of not less than 1,000 feet on really difficult snow, such as hard, wind-swept, unbreakable crust, on which Lifted Stemming turns are practicable but Telemarks impossible, varied by breakable crust in which only Jump turns are practicable_.

Part (c).--_A descent of not less than 500 feet of difficult woodrunning in which continuous turns are just possible for a first-cla.s.s runner._.

The above represents a minimum, rather than a maximum. If Judges can devote sufficient time to the Test, each section may well be repeated on different days in order that the Judges may have ample opportunity of coming to a decision.

For a descent of about 500 feet, the candidate should lead in order to test his capacity for choosing a good line. During the rest of the Test one of the Judges must lead and must set a first-cla.s.s speed. The other Judge must remain behind the candidate in order to compare his speed and steadiness with that of the leading Judge.

A First Cla.s.s runner turns as little as possible and slows up as little as possible before each turn. His turns are done at a high speed on all but very steep ground.