Part 41 (2/2)

The Tin Box Horatio Alger 20300K 2022-07-22

”Served him right,” said Mrs. Gilbert, satisfactorily.

”As things have turned out, I can afford to overlook his past meanness.

He has suffered punishment, though not at my hands.”

”If I had known that you were mixed up with burglars, I should have felt very anxious, Harry.”

”I know it, and that is why I didn't tell you. However, all's well that ends well. The tin box is found, the robbers are caught, and I have a rich mother.”

As he spoke, he put the bonds into his mother's hands.

”But, Harry, they are yours. I cannot accept them.”

”Take care of them, at any rate, mother, and use the interest. I shall like it better than to keep them myself.”

”You are a good boy, Harry,” said Uncle Obed. ”I like to see boys think considerable of their mothers. And now, if you are both ready for dinner, I am.”

”Excuse me, Mr. Wilkins. I was so intent upon Harry's story that I am afraid the dinner is cold.”

They sat down to dinner, and the meal was a very happy one, even if the dishes were somewhat cold. Harry's good luck put them all in fine spirits.

After dinner Harry went out into the village, in the direction of the store.

I suspect he wanted to show his watch, as most boys do when for the first time they become the proud possessor of one.

On the way he met Philip Ross and James Congreve. The latter he had not seen since they parted in the wood.

”There's our young captive, Philip,” said Congreve.

”He's got a watch. At any rate, I see a watch chain,” said Philip, whose curiosity was excited.

”h.e.l.lo!” called out Congreve, as they met; ”where did you get that watch?”

”I don't see wherein my having a watch should concern you; but I do know, after the contemptible treatment I received at your hands yesterday, your questions deserve no notice from me. But, as matters turned out so well, I can afford to swallow my indignation.”

”It was rather a mean trick, leaving you bound in the wood,” said Congreve, candidly. ”I wouldn't have done it, except to oblige Philip.”

”Has he told you how he liked being tied himself?”

Congreve looked, in surprise, at Philip. The latter had not chosen to say anything about his own adventure in Temple's hut.

When Harry told the story, not omitting to mention that he had compelled Philip to beg his pardon before he released him, Congreve burst into hearty laughter, while Philip stood by, angry and ashamed.

”That's the best joke I ever heard,” said Congreve. ”I wish I had been there to see.”

”I thought you were my friend,” said Philip, indignantly.

”I laugh at my friends sometimes,” said Congreve. ”What a splendid joke!”
