Part 11 (1/2)

The Tin Box Horatio Alger 26430K 2022-07-22

”Yes; but I won't come just yet. I want to see how Lucindy'll act. She wants to get rid of me, and she'll be saying something soon. Like as not, she'll offer to pay my fare back to Illinoy,” and the shrewd old man, who had hit the truth, laughed.

”Very well, sir, I'll speak to mother. We've got a nice room that we've kept for a spare chamber, where I'm sure you'd be comfortable.”

”I don't much care now what Lucindy says or does,” said the old man, cheerfully. ”If Philip won't have me for a great-uncle, I'll have to adopt you in his place, and I guess I'll make a good exchange.”

”Thank you, sir. I shall try to treat you as a nephew ought.


”That's a good boy,” said Uncle Obed to himself. ”I wish he was my nephew. Somehow, that stuck-up Philip, with his high-and-mighty airs, doesn't seem at all kin to me.”

Harry went home in excellent spirits. It would be of advantage to them to have a boarder, as it would give them a steady, even if small, income.

”I wonder what he'll be able to pay?” he said to himself. ”If he pays as much as I used to get--four dollars a week--it'll make us all right, for I'm sure of earning as much as two dollars a week, even if I don't get a place.”

His mother brightened up, too, when Harry told her of the prospect that opened up of making up for his lost wages. It was a timely help, and both mother and son regarded it as such.



”Strike while the iron's hot!” This was the motto of Mrs. Ross, especially in a matter of this kind. She was firmly resolved to get rid of Uncle Obed as soon as she could.

She had always claimed to be of high family, and to have been brought up in the same style in which she was now living, and here was a witness who could disprove all she had said.

No one knew better than Uncle Obed that she had been very poor in her early days, for it was he who, out of his small means, had contributed to support her mother and herself. Any day he might refer to those years of poverty; and Mrs. Ross felt that she should expire of mortification if her servants should hear of them. Farewell, then, to her aristocratic claims, for she knew well enough that they would be ready enough to spread the report, which would soon reach the ears of all her acquaintances. By way of precaution she took an opportunity of presenting her version of the story to Nancy, who waited on the table.

”Mr. Wilkins is rather a strange old man, Nancy,” she said, affably, as Nancy was clearing off the breakfast table the next morning.

”Is he really your uncle, mum?” asked Nancy.

Mrs. Ross wished she could deny it, but felt that she would be found out in falsehood.

”Yes, Nancy, I confess that he is. There is a black sheep in every family, and poor Uncle Obed was the black sheep in ours.”

”You don't say so, mum! He seems harmless enough.”

”Oh, yes. There's no harm in him; but he's so rustic. Poor grandpa tried to polish him by sending him to expensive schools, but it was no use. He took no interest in books, and wouldn't go to college”--Uncle Obed would have opened his eyes if he had heard this--”and so grandpa bought him a farm, and set him up in business as a farmer. He was rather s.h.i.+ftless, and preferred the company of his farm laborers to going into the fas.h.i.+onable society the rest of the family moved in; and so all his life he has been nothing but a rough, unrefined farmer.”

”What a pity, mum.”

”Yes, it is a pity, but I suppose it was in him. Of course, it is very mortifying to me to have him come here--so different as he is from the rest of us. I am sure you can understand that, Nancy.”

”Oh, yes, mum.”

”He won't feel at home among us, and I think I shall ask Colonel Ross to pay his fare back to Illinois, and give him a pension, if he really needs it. I dare say he has lost his farm, and is dest.i.tute, for he never knew how to take care of money.”

”That would be very kind of you and the colonel, mum,” said Nancy, who didn't believe half her mistress was saying, but thought it might be for her interest to pretend she did.

”By the way, Nancy, I think I shall not need any more the mantilla you like so well. You can have it, if you like.”