Part 5 (1/2)
All around her people were dancing to the heavy music in slow, exaggerated movements. As she focused on the exotic costumes and heavy theatre make-up they wore, Heather realized that she still looked like an innocent schoolgirl compared to everyone else. There were people in leather, vinyl, lace, and velvets. Many were wearing considerably less and showing far more skin and cleavage than she.
Heather took a healthy swallow of her Long Island Iced Tea and realized for the first time how strong the bartender had made it. The alcohol slid into the pit of her empty stomach, and she suddenly felt light-headed.
”Maybe I should go outside,” Heather mumbled out loud as she felt the alcohol hit her brain. ”Thank G.o.d I didn't wear those spike-heeled boots, or I'd be flat on the floor by now.”
With careful steps, Heather walked to the doorway of the enclosed outside porch. Practically no one was out there. She walked over toward a dark corner. The crisp autumn breeze blew some of the fumes away, and Heather's mind cleared a little. Breathing deep, she smiled as she looked up at the clear stars, turned and promptly walked into a firm, hard-muscled body.
”Oh! Sorry!” Heather said as she looked up-and up-into the eyes of a very tall man. The tiny tree lights gave only a dim glow, especially after the harsh glare of the club's powerful strobes. Still it was enough to let her see that he was strikingly handsome and dark. She felt strong hands grip her upper arms, steadying her from their collision.
A smile touched his mouth as he gazed down at her. She could see that he had fine, if sharp features with a p.r.o.nounced five o'clock shadow. Thick black lashes framed his bright, yellow-green eyes, the corners tilting up to give him an exotic, feral look. Dark brows slanted up over his deep-set eyes like wings. Long waves of l.u.s.trous black hair fell over his shoulders, like silk.
”Hi, I, ah.” Heather began, and was quickly stopped by his finger pressed gently to her lips for silence. Her lips tingled where he touched them and she licked them without thinking, gazing at his faint smile.
He chuckled softly.I wonder if she knows how close to the surface all that pent-up frustration really is? He suddenly realized that her head didn't quite reach his shoulder.A pocket dynamo. His smile widened, parting his lips slightly, revealing a bright flash of white teeth.
Beautiful,thought the werewolf.She's beautiful with those wide, innocent eyes the color of an autumn sky, hiding all that untapped fire. Those full lips and that hair. What incredible hair.
Heather blinked.Are those fangs? She bit her lip them smiled ruefully.Oh, wait, this is a Goth club. Duh. Just about everybody wears fangs, and half the people here really want to be vampires.
Mesmerized, Heather watched his graceful hand reach out to grasp a thick lock of her blonde mane, letting the silvery strands slide slowly through his fingers. His eyes followed the path of his hand; he was fascinated by her hair. His fingers were tipped in long, curved nails, almost like claws. His touch and obvious admiration started an intimate warmth that curled down into her belly.
My G.o.d, he's beautiful!Heather caught herself thinking.I can't stop looking at him. His green-gold eyes were locked onto hers, and she felt the fine hairs on the back of her neck rise. She felt as though his eyes were reaching into her to take hold of her soul.
Thinking to kiss her, he leaned forward slowly, stopping as she s.h.i.+ed away slightly. Changing tactics, he took her small, delicate hand and raised it to his lips. Watching her closely, he softly brushed his lips across her knuckles, then brushed them fleetingly with the tip of his tongue. She s.h.i.+vered visibly, but didn't pull away.
Yes, that's it, Princess,he thought, pleased as he detected the slight scent of her arousal.A shame I don't have the time to really work on her, she has definite potential, he thought with real regret. d.a.m.n, I hate being in a hurry, but I have to get her outside soon. Taking a calculated risk, he slid his hands into her hair and very gently cupped her head to hold her quiet, prepared to use his strength if necessary.
In a sudden move, he turned and pressed her tightly back against the wooden palisade wall. He watched her eyes widen and she let out a small cry in surprise as he drew closer and closer still. He felt her hands clench in the lapels of his leather vest. Leaning forward, he touched his nose to her ear. Slowly he inhaled, and exhaled with a soft growl. He felt her body tremble with long rippling s.h.i.+vers.
Lightly, he touched his tongue to the sh.e.l.l of her ear tracing the curve, then dipped delicately but moistly into the sensitive center. He exhaled softly, creating a cool breeze against the damp flesh. Locked in his embrace, he felt her tremble again, uncontrollably, and draw a ragged breath with a tiny moan. Unconsciously, she pulled him closer. He trailed his open mouth, nibbling lightly, along her jaw, and touched his lips to hers. She opened her mouth beneath him as he swept in to stroke her tongue with his.
Oh, G.o.d, what is this guy doing to me?Heather thought to herself in panic and delicious excitement.He feels so good, he smells so good... She closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she shuddered under the onslaught of his touch. His body was an inferno as he pressed his length onto her.
Holy s.h.i.+t!rocketed through Heather's cloudy mind.This gorgeous man is kissing me and oh, Jeezuz f.u.c.k, can he kiss! She could feel the firmness of the hand cradling her head and the power of his body pressing against her pa.s.sionately. The aroma of leather and his potent male s.e.xuality curled around her as she took a deep breath. She could feel his erection in the cradle of her hips, hot through the leather and heavy with intent. Mesmerized by the fierce pleasure coursing through her body, she heard herself moan into his mouth.
Good, there's alcohol in her,the werewolf thought as he tasted the Long Island Iced Tea she'd been drinking.This should make it easier for me to take her before she's realized what's happened.
She answered his kiss with a ferocity that surprised him.She probably doesn't realize how strongly she's responding, he thought to himself, elated. And shewas responding, he could almost feel her natural pa.s.sion blazing through her, out of control.Perfect. He deepened his kiss, slanting his mouth over hers for deeper penetration. Using care not to nip her with his sharp fangs, he took her mouth, tasting her and inhaling deeply to steal her breath as she exhaled. His body kept her captive against the wooden fence, his legs wide. With a moan, he rolled his hips and pressed his entrapped c.o.c.k against her softness as he continued to kiss her.
Slowly, so as not to frighten her, he slid his hand from her silky hair down her shoulder and arm to press against her narrow waist. Carefully he skimmed his hand up her ribs. His hand closed over her breast through the blouse and he squeezed lightly, then again, more firmly. With his long nails he tugged her hardened nipple beneath her lace bra. Pressed close against her, he felt the shudder that racked her body and answered it with an involuntary one of his own. He captured her soft moan in his mouth as they kissed.
If I don't get her outside soon, I may c.u.m in my own pants,he thought, feverishly.
Want and need coursed urgently through Heather as she pulled her hands from his lapels to dive under his vest, wanting to touch him. She needed to touch him. As though in a dream, she swept her hands over the silk s.h.i.+rt he wore, and found that he was a solid wall of whipcord muscle. She swept her hands down his back, scoring him lightly with her nails, then dug in to pull him closer. She was rewarded with a growl of pleasure from him that vibrated through them both. She wanted to touch his skin, but his s.h.i.+rt was tucked in. She couldn't just tug his s.h.i.+rt out; that would be rude.d.a.m.n it!
His thumb rolled her tender nipple, straining against her blouse. Without realizing what she was doing, Heather's hips rose to meet his, pus.h.i.+ng strongly against the heat of his erection. He almost purred in pleasure and lifted his head to look at her with heated, hungry eyes blazing more gold than green. Licking his lips, his fingers unfastened the straining b.u.t.tons to her blouse. Barely aware of what he was doing, she let him. A warm hand slid inside her bra and his hand closed on her bare flesh. With a deep sigh, her spine arched eagerly, pus.h.i.+ng into his hand. He smiled at her response.
The reality of a man's hand on her naked breast shocked Heather suddenly awake.Oh, G.o.d, I must be drunker than I thought! Startled, confused and alarmed, she tried to pull away, only to discover how firmly he had her pinned; his for the taking. She watched his smile grow feral as he held her there and continued with the caress. He tugged sharply on her captured nipple, and more lightning bolts of liquid pleasure pulsed straight down, making her body pulse in time to his touch. She became aware of a slick wetness dampening her panties. Heather heard her own breath as she panted with the need that gripped her. She felt herself flutter open with the hunger and antic.i.p.ation of being entered by him.
Oh, G.o.d, I can't be doing this!Heather thought in distress, even as her body screamed:More! Don't stop! Biting her lip in s.e.xual frustration and humiliated by her body's submission, Heather shoved him hard and rolled out from beneath him. She fastened her blouse b.u.t.tons in a panic as she bolted for the ladies' room inside.
Oh, no, Princess, it's too late for running,the werewolf thought in amus.e.m.e.nt. He pushed away from the wall to give chase.
I can't believe I let that guy kiss me like that, I can't believe I was kissing him back! I hope to G.o.d n.o.body saw me kissing a total stranger like that!Fearing to look behind her, she threaded her way through the crowd. She dove into the hall and headed past the stairs, only to find a line in front of the bathrooms halting her escape.
”s.h.i.+t,” she said out loud. Heather felt a tug on her skirt and was turned around sharply.
”Going somewhere?” said the man she'd been kissing.
His eyes were narrowed and intent with the fever of open l.u.s.t, and his smile grim. He'd followed her and had caught her by the waistband of her skirt. Between one breath and the next, he imprisoned her arm in a powerful grip and she found herself being bodily shoved through a doorway and up a short staircase.
”Hey, uh, I don't know you and I, uh, normally don't go kissing people,” she tried to protest as he forced her into the dimly-lit narrow room upstairs. ”There's been a mistake, I didn't mean.”
”You didn't mean to kiss me?”
His hypnotic voice slid over her like potent whisky. His eyes were slits of gold fire as his glare locked and held her startled gaze in a punis.h.i.+ng grip. Heather could feel her self-control slipping away from her reach. He licked his lips, the sharp points of his teeth gleaming in his predatory smile.
”Not like...not like that,” she said, her voice dropping to barely a whisper. He slowly backed her into a dark corner of the empty room. The light from the solitary lamp etched his face with menacing shadows.
Oh, G.o.d,she thought to herself.Oh, G.o.d, I think I'm in trouble!
”I like the way you kiss,” his voice rumbled and he pulled her closer. Abruptly, he turned and sat in the room's only chair, facing her.
With him seated, their eyes were on the same level. Heather could feel him reaching out to take control of her will. Her traitorous body responded with a sudden and compulsive craving for his touch.
”I want you,” he said harshly and tugged her closer. ”I need you,” he growled. His voice vibrated with unleashed pa.s.sion. He released her arm to capture the back of her head, gently but firmly gripping her by the hair to hold her still.
Her mouth opened to protest, but his lips closed suddenly on hers in a possessive kiss. His tongue swept inside and her objections faded into a long moan as waves of hot and hungry desire washed over her. Her tongue parried his as she returned his kiss. She was lost in the firestorm of excitement sweeping through her blood with her flesh screaming in voracious desire.
He moaned into her mouth in recognition of her surrender.
Heather barely felt his arm close about her waist, a hand cupping her rounded a.s.s as she was tipped forward. Feeling herself falling, she put her hands on his shoulders and gripped the leather of his vest. His arm tightened without warning and he pulled her down and closer. Unexpectedly she lost her balance and found herself sitting astride his lap, straddling his muscular thighs and pressed against him full length. Her soft b.r.e.a.s.t.s were crushed against the wall of his chest.
His hand curled into her hair. Slowly and irresistibly he pulled her head back, breaking the kiss. With a moist tongue, he stroked her vulnerable neck, tasting her. She closed her eyes in moaning surrender and quivered as his panting breath and warm wet tongue caressed her. Her eyes fluttered closed in erotic bliss. She could feel his sharp teeth grazing her, then he nipped lightly on her exposed throat.
Clever fingers tugged on her b.u.t.tons as she was held immobile by his grip in her hair and the wet heat of his mouth on her throat. Heather felt the front of her bra open, releasing both her vulnerable b.r.e.a.s.t.s to his mercy. Her nipples hardened powerfully in the cool air. She became overwhelmed by the powerful need to have them touched. A small hungry sound escaped her lips.
Long nails lightly p.r.i.c.ked her flesh as his hand closed about one full breast and then the other, measuring their voluptuous weight. She could hear his sighs of pleasure mixing with hers as he swept his hand over her pliant skin. Nails bit lightly into her softness and a callused thumb slid over one sensitive nipple, and the other.
The furnace of his wet mouth slid from her throat down her collarbone and onto the flesh of the breast. His mouth feasted on the delicate skin, with his tongue making damp circles. He took possession of a nipple, sucking softly, and then more strongly. She gasped with the delicious pleasure. His tongue flicked the nipple against his teeth, insistently shocking her with bolt after bolt of intense delight. He suckled strongly on one nipple and then the other, pulling on them until both were painfully erect.