Volume I Part 6 (1/2)
That Parker is a swindler. Langford owed our dear Parker twenty-five pounds, of which there was no account; but Langford desired his agents to pay Mr. Parker. Langford requested, that he would wait two or three months, as it would be more convenient to him. To which the other agreed--”Aye, as long as you please.” He got one pound eleven s.h.i.+llings and sixpence from Samuel, by casting his account wrong. The first thing he does, is to desire Langford's agents to pay thirty-four pounds for Langford, nine pounds more than the debt. He is worse than a public thief. His conduct to me was, absolutely, the worst species of thieving; for, it was under false pretences. He sent Dr. Baird on board, to me, to say that, in London, his pocket book was stole, in which was twenty pounds; and begged my a.s.sistance to get him home; and that he had not a farthing to buy mourning for his dear son. At this time, he had forty-seven pounds in his pocket, besides what he had sold of his son's. He has behaved so unlike a gentleman, but very like a blackguard, to both Captain Sutton, Bedford, and Hardy, I am now clear that he never lost one farthing, and that the whole is a swindling trick. So, you see, my dear friend, how good-nature is imposed upon. I am so vexed, that he should have belonged to our dear Parker!
I have now done with the wretch, for ever. I hope he has got nothing from you; and, if you have promised him any thing, _do not send it_.
Ten o'Clock.
Your kind letters are arrived. I rejoice that you have got into Merton. I hope to get the letter on sh.o.r.e; but, it is very uncertain.
Ministry, my dearest friend, think very differently of my services from you! But, never mind; I shall soon have done with them afloat.
Make my kindest regards to Sir William, and all our friends; and believe me, ever, your faithful and affectionate
I have just got a very kind letter from Captain Read. He says, he will come and see me, be where it will. He inquired after you and Sir William.
Amazon, Ten o'Clock, October 12, 1801.
This being a very fine morning, and smooth beach, at eight o'clock, I went with Sutton and Bedford, and landed at Walmer; but found Billy fast asleep: so, left my card; walked the same road that we came, when the carriage could not come with us that night; and all rushed into my mind, and brought tears into my eyes. Ah! how different to walking with such a friend as you, Sir William, and Mrs. Nelson.
Called at the barracks, on Lord George; but, he is gone to London.
From thence to the Admiral's, found him up; and, waiting half an hour to see Mrs. Lutwidge, who entreated me to stay dinner, came directly on board.
I did not even call to see poor Langford; who has been worse these few days past, and G.o.d knows when he will be well. I am afraid it will be a long time; for several pieces of bone are lately come away, and more to come.
But Troubridge has so completely prevented my ever mentioning any body's service, that I am become a cypher, and he has gained a victory over Nelson's spirit. I am kept here; for what, he may be able to tell, I cannot: but long it cannot, shall not, be.
Sutton and Bedford are gone a tour, till dinner time: but nothing shall make me, but almost force, go out of the s.h.i.+p again, till I have done; and the Admiralty, in charity, will be pleased to release me.
I am, in truth, not over well. I have a complaint in my stomach and bowels, but it will go off. If you was here, I should have some rhubarb; but, as you are not, I shall go without.
Sutton has sent into Yorks.h.i.+re, for a cow that, in the spring, will give fourteen pounds of b.u.t.ter a week; and, he has given Allen the finest goat I ever saw. The latter, I am afraid, will be troublesome.
Just as I was coming off, I received your packet; and thank you, from my heart, for all your kindness.
What can Reverend Sir want to be made a Doctor for? He will be laughed at, for his pains!
I thank you for the King's letters, I shall write a kind line to Castelcicala, and answer the King's, very soon: and, write to Acton; for he can make Bronte every thing to me, if he pleases. I dare say, I did wrong, never to write him; but, as he treated Sir William unkindly, I never could bring myself to it.
I am glad the Duke has been to see you; and taking plants from him, is nothing. Make my kindest remembrances to him.