Part 4 (1/2)

Fearful Symmetry Ann Wilson 49020K 2022-07-22

”We try. I only glad am, that you have honor shown. I would not have it pleasant found, an unworthy one to guide.”

The Ranger didn't know what to say to what sounded like praise, or at least like approval, from a Traiti. He settled for, ”Thanks again. I try, too.” Then he quickly changed the subject. ”Uh, Hovan, I don't want to be offensive, but I think it might be a good idea if you show me where the sanitary facilities are.”

”That next on the tour was,” Hovan said, smiling.

After taking care of immediate necessities, the Ranger decided he could use a bath. He left his gun and equipment belt in the locker, picked out clean underwear, and started toward the bathing room door in the left wall.

Hovan, turning from a nearby locker, stopped him. ”Why need you those?”

”To sleep in,” Tarlac said, surprised. The Traiti had forgotten one thing; they hadn't thought to salvage pajamas from the Terran supplies.

”You need them not. The air warm is, and you a blanket have.”

Uh-oh, Tarlac thought. That must mean the Traiti slept nude, which was definitely not a Terran custom. He was by no means certain he could adjust that far that quickly.

Hovan sensed the man's unease, remembering stories of human prisoners'

behavior. ”If you more comfortable that way are, those wear.” But he was disappointed. Until now, Steve had been doing quite well.

Tarlac hesitated, thinking, then returned the small bundle of clothing to his locker. ”I don't think so. Since it seems I'll be living with you people for quite a while, I might as well get used to it as soon as I can.”

He walked hurriedly through the bathing room door, feeling himself blush. This wouldn't be quite so easy. He'd never been nude in public; it was indecent. Then he hesitated, realizing that he wasn't being completely accurate: it was indecent only by current standards, and even at that, not everywhere. Although he'd never visited any, he knew the Empire held worlds where nudity was unremarkable. That was obviously the case here, and he didn't have any choice, so he'd have to make the best of it.

He located the cleaner and undressed, putting his uniform and underclothes in, and turned the unit on. Then he picked one of the translucent shower stalls, experimented with the unfamiliar controls, and began soaping himself.

By the time he was clean and, he hoped, no longer blus.h.i.+ng, there were Traiti in the stalls to either side of him, gray bodies seen dimly through the shower walls and an occasional bit of melodic speech sounding over the noise of running water. Bracing himself, he left the scanty concealment of the stall and picked up a towel off the stack he'd spotted earlier. Drying himself didn't take nearly long enough, but he forced himself to stop when he was done, and walked into the sleeproom.

To his relief, no one was there, though another dozen mats unrolled on the floor were evidence there soon would be. Hovan joined him seconds later, still damp, and gave Tarlac a quick, searching glance. ”Be easy, Steve,” he said. ”You will none offend, you so little body hair have. There nothing wrong with you seems.”

Tarlac stared at him in disbeief, then couldn't keep from grinning.

”None offend . . . Body hair!” Embarra.s.sment dissolved into helpless laughter, subsiding only when the Ranger had collapsed onto his sleeping mat. ”That did it, Hovan,” he finally managed to say.

”Nudity's okay, but not body hair--Whew!”

He stood, shaking his head and smiling, no longer disturbed by his own state of undress or by the equally bare Traiti now moving about the room. They seemed more impressive this way than when clothed, unlike most humans--himself, Tarlac admitted wryly, included. He felt pale in contrast with their rich, even coloring. And while he was in good shape, he was nowhere near as muscular as the beings around him. They made him feel out of place in a half-remembered way, almost like . . .

what? Yes, that was it. Like a kid.

Well, that didn't really matter. Rangers weren't picked for their bodies. The primary criteria were mental: among other things were intelligence, imagination, an adaptable but stable mind, a generalist's variety of knowledge, intense loyalty to the Empire . . . and no close personal ties.

Hovan returned the man's smile, pleased. From what he had heard of human prisoners, he'd guessed that sidetracking Steve's train of thought might help; it seemed to have worked. He waved a hand, indicating the others in the room. ”You have part of my team seen.

Now that you relaxed are, may I a favor ask?”

”Sure, go ahead.”

”My men have humans fought and killed, but have never any truly met.

If you willing are, they would like to you examine, and then questions ask. But you out-clan to all of us are; if you wish it not, none will offended be.”

”I don't see why I shouldn't do it, as long as it works both ways. I'd like to examine a live Traiti as much as they'd like to examine a live human.”

”That reasonable is. I willing am, to your subject be.” Hovan called his men over, conveying Steve's a.s.sent, then stood relaxed. ”I ready am.”