Part 12 (2/2)

He turn'd about wi' surly look, And said, ”What's that to thee?

I'm ga'en to see a lovely maid, Mair fairer far than ye.”

”Now hae ye play'd me this, fause love, In simmer, 'mid the flowers?

I shall repay ye back again, In winter, 'mid the showers.”

”But again, dear love, and again, dear love, Will ye not turn again?

For as ye look to ither women, I shall do to other men.”

”Make your choice o' whom you please, For I my choice will have; I've chosen a maid more fair than thee, I never will deceive.”

But she's kilt up her claithing fine, And after him gaed she; But aye he said, ”Ye'll turn again, Nae farder gae wi' me.”

”But again, dear love, and again, dear love, Will ye never love me again?

Alas! for loving you sae well, And you na me again.”

The firstan' town that they came till, He bought her brooch and ring; But aye he bade her turn again, And gang nae farder wi' him.

”But again, dear love, and again, dear love,” etc.

The nextan' town that they came till, He bought her m.u.f.f and gloves; But aye he bade her turn again, And choose some other loves.

”But again, dear love, and again, dear love,” etc.

The nextan' town that they came till, His heart it grew mair fain; And he was deep in love wi' her.

As she was ower again.

The nextan' town that they came till, He bought her wedding gown; And made her lady o' ha's and bowers, In sweet Berwick town.

The Mermaid

To yon fause stream that, near the sea, Hides mony an elf and plum, And rives wi' fearful din the stanes, A witless knicht did come.

The day s.h.i.+nes clear--far in he's gane Whar are silver bright, Fishes war loupin' a' aroun', And sparklin' to the light.

Whan, as he laved, sounds cam sae sweet Frae ilka rock an' tree; The brief was out, 'twas him it doomed The mermaid's face to see.

Frae 'neath a rock, sune, sune she rose, And stately on she swam, Stopped i' the midst, and becked and sang To him to stretch his han'.

Gowden glist the yellow links That round her neck she'd twine; Her een war o' the skyie blue, Her lips did mock the wine;
