Part 42 (1/2)
O'Brien answered frankly, that Lord Privilege, by whose interest he had obtained his former command, was displeased with him; and that as he saw him go up to the First Lord after his own audience, he had no doubt but that his lords.h.i.+p had said something to his disadvantage, as he was a very vindictive man.
”Well,” said the admiral, ”it's lucky that you have taken the command, as they cannot well displace you, or send her into dock without a survey, and upon your representation.”
And so it proved; the First Lord, when he found that O'Brien had joined, took no further steps, but allowed the frigate to proceed to her intended destination. But all chance of my sailing with him was done away, and now, for the first time, I had to part with O'Brien. I remained with him the whole time that I could be spared from my duties.
O'Brien was very much annoyed, but there was no help. ”Never mind, Peter,” said he, ”I've been thinking that perhaps it's all for the best.
You will see more of the world, and be no longer in leading-strings.
You are now a fine man grown up, big enough, and ugly enough, as they say, to take care of yourself. We shall meet again; and if we don't, why then G.o.d bless you, my boy, and don't forget O'Brien.”
Three days afterwards, O'Brien's orders came down. I accompanied him on board; and it was not until the s.h.i.+p was under weigh, and running towards the Needles with a fair wind, that I shook hands with him, and shoved off. Parting with O'Brien was a heavy blow to me; but I little knew how much I was to suffer before I saw him again.
The day after O'Brien had sailed for the East Indies, the dock-yard men came on board to survey the brig, and she was found so defective, as to be ordered into dock. I had received letters from my sister, who was overjoyed at the intelligence of my safe return, and the antic.i.p.ation of seeing me. The accounts of my father were, however, very unsatisfactory. My sister wrote, that disappointment and anxiety had had such an effect upon him that he was deranged in his intellect. Our new captain came down to join us. He was a very young man, and had never before commanded a s.h.i.+p. His character as lieutenant was well known, and not very satisfactory, being that of a harsh, unpleasant officer; but, as he had never been first lieutenant, it was impossible to say what he might prove when in command of a s.h.i.+p. Still we were a little anxious about it, and severely regretted the loss of O'Brien.
He came on board the hulk to which the s.h.i.+p's company had been turned over, and read his commission. He proved to be all affability, condescension, and good-nature. To me he was particularly polite, stating that he should not interfere with me in carrying on the duty, as I must be so well acquainted with the s.h.i.+p's company. We thought that those who gave us the information must have been prejudiced or mistaken in his character. During the half-hour that he remained on board, I stated that now that the brig was in dock, I should like very much to have an opportunity of seeing my friends, if he would sanction my asking for leave.
To this he cheerfully consented, adding, that he would extend it upon his own responsibility. My letter to the Admiralty was therefore forwarded through him, and was answered in the affirmative. The day afterwards, I set off by the coach, and once more embraced my dear sister.
After the first congratulations were over, I inquired about my father; she replied, that he was so wild that n.o.body could manage him. That he was melancholy and irritable at the same time, and was certainly deranged, fancying himself to be made of various substances, or to be in a certain trade or capacity. That he generally remained in this way four or five days, when he went to bed, and slept for twenty-four hours, or more, and awoke with some new strange imagination in his head. His language was violent, but that, in other respects, he seemed to be more afraid of other people than inclined to be mischievous; and that every day he was getting more strange and ridiculous. He had now just risen from one of his long naps, and was in his study; that before he had fallen asleep he had fancied himself to be a carpenter, and had sawed and chopped up several articles of furniture in the house.
I quitted my sister to see my father, whom I found in his easy-chair. I was much shocked at his appearance. He was thin and haggard his eyes were wild, and he remained with his mouth constantly open. A sick nurse, who had been hired by my sister, was standing by him.
”Pish, pish, pish, pis.h.!.+” cried my father; ”what can you, a stupid old woman, know about my inside? I tell you the gas is generating fast, and even now I can hardly keep on my chair. I'm lifting--lifting now; and if you don't tie me down with cords, I shall go up like a balloon.”
”Indeed, sir,” replied the woman, ”it's only the wind in your stomach.
You'll break it off directly.”
”It's inflammable gas, you old hecate!--I know it is. Tell me will you get a cord, or will you not? Hah! who's that--Peter? Why you've dropped from the clouds, just in time to see me mount up to them.”
”I hope you feel yourself better, sir,” said I.
”I fell myself a great deal lighter every minute. Get a cord, Peter, and tie me to the leg of the table.”
I tried to persuade him that he was under a mistake; but it was useless.
He became excessively violent, and said I wished him in heaven. As I had heard that it was better to humour people afflicted with hypochondriacism, which was evidently the disease under which my father laboured, I tried that method. ”It appears to me, sir,” said I, ”that if we could remove the gas every ten minutes, it would be a very good plan.”
”Yes--but how?” replied he, shaking his head mournfully.
”Why, with a syringe, sir,” said I; ”which will, if empty, of course draw out the gas, when inserted into your mouth.”
”My dear Peter, you have saved my life,” replied my father; ”be quick though, or I shall go up, right through the ceiling.” Fortunately, there was an instrument of that description in the house. I applied it to his mouth, drew up the piston, and then ejected the air, and re-applied it. In two minutes he p.r.o.nounced himself better, and I left the old nurse hard at work, and my father very considerably pacified. I returned to my sister, to whom I recounted what had pa.s.sed; but it was no source of mirth to us, although had it happened to an indifferent person, I might have been amused. The idea of leaving her, as I must soon do--having only a fortnight's leave--to be worried by my father's unfortunate malady, was very distressing. But we entered into a long conversation, in which I recounted the adventures that had taken place since I had left her, and for the time forgot our source of annoyance and regret. For three days my father insisted upon the old woman pumping the gas out of his body; after that he again fell into one of his sound sleeps, which lasted nearly thirty hours.
When he arose, I went again to see him. It was eight o'clock in the evening, and I entered with a candle. ”Take it away--quick, take it away; put it out carefully.”
”Why, what's the matter, sir?”