Chapter 5 (1/2)

(c.r.a.p!? Is this it!?)

The moment that she heard the word ‘miss’, Fii’s heart skipped a beat. Her forehead was starting to run with a cold sweat.

As for why, it’s because Fii was presently dressed as a man.

Earlier, Fii had cut her hair short with scissors that had been given as part of Déman’s wedding gift to her. She was also wearing ragged gardeners clothes that she had found in one of the villa’s storage rooms.

Her plan had been to take the exam as a man.

Although there wasn’t any rules against the s.e.x of the applicants, she wanted to do everything she could to improve her chances.

And a boy would probably get in more easily than a woman. It was a simple reason, but a compelling one.

After all, this was something that would determine Fii’s fate.

(What do I do… Can I get out of this somehow…?)

Things would still be better if they only realised she was a woman.

But if they found her suspicious for loitering around here and decided to investigate, they might even realise that she was the parasite Second Queen and throw her back into the villa.

And she doubted that her new guards would be as lazy as the last ones.

(At any rate, I have to smooth this over.)

She needed information.

Just how sure was he that she was a woman? And was there anything else he suspected her of?

“U-, Umm, err, I’m-”

Turning around, she was met with a hazel-eyed blonde knight.

Tall and with a handsome face, he seemed like he would be popular amongst women.

And what’s more…

(He seems kinda frivolous somehow.)

This was the impression that he gave her.

And for some reason he was smiling in amus.e.m.e.nt as he watched her.