Part 13 (1/2)
”You make it sound so simple.” She rubbed her forehead. ”I'm so tired of pretending to be you.” Standing, she took off her jacket and hung it on the back of the kitchen chair. ”I'm not even sure what it was about you that attracted me in the first place.”
”What's that supposed to mean?”
”Well, you really find out what a guy is like when you hang around in his locker room...and in his body. Evidently, you're a womanizing jerk.”
”I am not!”
”Are too.”
”Am not. I should know.”
She leered at him. ”Then explain why....” She swallowed hard. ”Why get an erection every time a good looking woman by. It's totally embarra.s.sing. Evidently there's still a part of your brain that stayed behind.”
”Hey! Don't blame me. You tell me why you're getting them. Maybe you're attracted to other females because it didn't happen to me all that often. Maybe you're hornier than you think.”
”How dare”
Alex had never seen that look on his own face; someone about to cry. ”Oh, let's not fight. Come here.” He stood and held out his arms.
When Cynthia walked willingly into them, Alex felt strange. This was the first moment of any type of intimacy since the switch. In a normal instance, she would rest her head against his shoulder and he would comfort her, but in their present condition and his five-foot-three-inch stature, she towered over him.
With his arms around her waist, he looked up into his own face. ”This is so weird. I really would like to kiss you, but looking at myself kills the moment.”
She crinkled his nose. ”I know what you mean. I've never been attracted to short men, let alone short women. It actually seems unnatural to think about kissing you.”
They shared a laugh, and even with her manly chuckle, there was something about her mannerisms and body language that warmed Alex. ”What say we close our eyes and give it a try? The kiss, I mean.”
”You're kidding? You just said....”
He hesitated. ”Let's sit on the couch. Then the height difference doesn't come into play quite as much.”
Cynthia sat first, and Alex followed. ”Who should go first?” she asked, raising a brow.
”Ladies first, they always say.”
She closed her eyes and inched her face in his direction.
Alex gulped. ”This is so weird. Okay, I'm closing my eyes.”
Their lips met. He tried with all his might to pretend he was in his own body, but the sensation was too strange. Her kiss was nothing like he recalled, and the sickening idea that he was tasting his own tongue killed the moment. He pulled back.
She opened her eyes and licked her lips. ”Boy, that was bizarre.”
”I'll say. But, at least there was one good thing about it.”
”Yeah? What's that?”
”Now we each know how we kiss, and I guess I'm not so bad.” He laughed.
She shook her head. ”How can you make a joke out of everything? She stood and started pacing. ”I want things back like they were.”
”I know.” His gaze followed her back and forth. ”I'm sorry. I'm just trying to make the best out of an awkward moment.”
She sagged on the arm of the chair. ”And I'm sorry for being such a grump. If I could cry, I would. What if we have to stay like this forever?”
Alex shook his head. ”Please stop saying that!”
Chapter Fourteen.
Cynthia stood at Alex's locker and finished changing. She'd arrived early, hoping for a moment alone to run Peter Sorenson's name through the system. The room, strangely quiet and empty, created a spooky feeling. The eerie squeal of the closing locker door sent a s.h.i.+ver through her. She squared Alex's broad shoulders and manned-up. The graveyard s.h.i.+ft would be coming off duty shortly, so perhaps she'd have access to the computer without notice.
She crept out into the empty hallway, scanning both directions. Two officers at the other end of the corridor were engrossed in conversation and paid her no mind. She ducked into the computer room that she found empty as she'd hoped. Running names was a routine procedure, but she didn't want to explain to anyone why she was checking out Peter Sorenson.
Her nervous fingers poised on the keys, she started typing. Alex's hairy knuckles made her grimace. How she missed her soft, unblemished hands and pretty fingernails, among other things.
She pushed the thought aside and completed the data entry. After hitting the send key she waited. The few pa.s.sing minutes seemed an eternity. She stiffened in her chair, fearing being caught, but finally the information appeared on the screen. ”No priors. No wants, no warrants,” she mumbled. She copied down his address, and just for the heck of it, his license number and birth date. Perhaps Alex could use the information in some way. She leaned back and shook her head.
Now what? John Cratski was reported dead and she'd found nothing incriminating on Peter Sorenson.
”What are you doing in here?”
Wallowing in her disappointment, she jumped when Mike poked his head in the door. She cleared her throat. ”Nothing. Just killing time until roll call.” Her trembling fingers found the ”clear screen” b.u.t.ton and depressed it. She stood and ma.s.saged the small of her back. ”So, how's the wife?”
She joined him in the hallway and listened to him drone on about Mich.e.l.le, but heard only bits and pieces. Her ears perked at the mention of them trying for a baby.
Especially, when she wanted one of her own. A knot formed in her throat. She'd never discussed being a mother with anyone, but she longed to carry a child, experience the birth and raising of her own son or daughter.
What if she never found a way back to her own body? Motherhood would be out of the question for good. The desire to regain her womanhood fueled her determination to find a way to fix the problem. If she only knew where and how to start.
”Alex. Did you hear what I said?” Mike tapped her on the shoulder. ”Alex....”
”What?” Cynthia snapped back to reality.
”What's up with you? The past week you've been acting really strange. Your mind seems like it's somewhere else all the time. Are you okay?”
She wanted to blurt out the truth! No, I'm not okay. I'm really a woman stuck in your partner's body and I want out, is what she wanted to scream at the top of her lungs, but instead she carried on her lie. ”Nothing's wrong. This case has me baffled, that's all.
Mike slapped her on the shoulder. ”I hear ya! Let's get going. It's time for roll call.”
”I'm so sick of this.” Alex applied the last touches of makeup while he ranted at the mirror. ”If I ever get my body back, I'm gonna thank my lucky stars every day I was born a man.” He blotted his lipstick on a piece of tissue then threw it in the commode and flushed. The ancient pipes groaned, and he dipped a tense jaw toward the toilet.
”And I'm so sick of you and your noises. Some plumbing. No hot water, no pressure....” He kicked the porcelain.
”Yow,” he yelped. Grabbing his toe, he hopped around on one foot. ”That was stupid, Alex. Breaking Cynthia's toe is the last thing you need to do.” He hobbled into the bedroom.