Part 10 (1/2)
”Oh...yes.” She lied. ”They don't know. We just have to hang around.”
Cynthia had only taken her first taste of the hospital's bitter brew when a nurse and doctor hurried into the victim's room. She set the coffee on a nearby table, stood and peered through the door. The doctor bent over the woman's bed, his ear to her lips.
Cynthia turned to her partner. ”Looks like she might be awake.”
Mike stood and joined her in the doorway. They continued to watch, but weren't able to overhear anything. Within a few seconds, the doctor pa.s.sed by on his way out. Cynthia tugged on his sleeve. ”Will we be able to ask her a few questions?”
His face void of expression, the white coat-clad physician shook his head. ”Not right now. Let's make sure she's stable before we cause her anymore turmoil. I know it's important to talk to her, but I don't want to jeopardize her condition.”
Cynthia nodded. ”I understand, doctor. Just let us know when we can talk to her.”
Cynthia rubbed the nape of her neck. ”This hospital chair is like a rock. It's killing me.”
Mike stood and shook one leg then the other. ”My a.s.s is asleep. Think I'll go for a walk and call home. Mich.e.l.le will wonder what happened to me. Of course she'll love the overtime...means more shopping.”
He sauntered down the hall, leaving Cynthia to enjoy the way his uniform fit his muscular b.u.t.tocks. Recalling her predicament, she glanced from side to side. The last thing she needed was someone noticing her l.u.s.tful looks at another man. She chuckled. How would Alex explain his sudden interest in Mike's b.u.t.t to all his buddies? She needed levity at the moment and welcomed a cheery thought for a change.
The nurse must have summoned the doctor back. His long, hurrying strides into the room indicated a sense of urgency. Cynthia stood and peered inside, fearing the young woman had taken a turn for the worse. She released a breath at seeing the staff's concerned looks blossom into smiles. The victim was awake, and the nurse elevated the head of her bed. The doctor completed a perfunctory exam, then turned and saw Cynthia. He motioned her in. Her stomach lurched.
Where was Mike? Cynthia's heart leapt at the thought of dealing with this on her own.
On shaky legs, she walked to the victim's bedside. The young woman's blonde hair formed a matted ma.s.s on her pillow, and the deep blue of her eyes almost matched the bruises on the side of her neck.
Cynthia took a deep, calming breath. ”h.e.l.lo, my name is name is Officer Carlyle. I'll try not to tire you, but I need to ask you a few questions. Do you feel up to it?”
The victim's throat, marked with the angry red rings of an attempted strangulation, wobbled with a swallow. She nodded.
Cynthia pulled a notepad from her breast pocket and put pen tip to paper. ”Did you recognize the person who did this to you, Miss Austin?”
Cynthia gazed on Alex's shaking hand and took another breath.
”No.” The victim answered in a barely audible whisper. Tears pooled in her eyes.
Cynthia patted her hand. ”Just a couple more questions, then I'll let you rest. I'm a.s.suming your abductor was a man?”
”Yes,” she croaked.
”Did he have any distinguis.h.i.+ng marks or features that might help us identify him? What race?”
The woman's eyes widened. ”White, I believe.” She placed one hand on each side of her throat and grimaced.
”Don't talk if it hurts.” Alex never would have made the suggestion, but Cynthia pitied the woman.
She smiled at Cynthia. ”And, he had a tattoo,” she muttered. ”A large one on his arm.”
”Can you describe it?” Cynthia urged.
The victim shook her head. ”No, sorry... didn't see it clearly.” She gulped down an obviously painful swallow. ”I was fighting him as he ... he choked me. H-he covered my mouth.” The terror of remembrance showed in her eyes, but she blinked back tears and edged higher up on her pillow. ”When he clamped his hand over my mouth, I saw the tattoo on his upper arm ... left.” The task proved too much. She coughed, covered her face and fell silent.
Cynthia again patted the woman's hand. ”I'm sorry to make you relive the horrible nightmare. It must be very painful. You rest now, and don't worry. You're safe here.”
When Cynthia turned, Mike stood in the doorway. ”You heard?” she asked.
”Yes.” His brow furrowed. ”We have to catch the son of a b.i.t.c.h. He can't do this to anyone else. Did you ask her about the doll?”
”No, I didn't have a chance. We'll have to wait until she's up to it.”
Mike rested his hand on the b.u.t.t of his gun. ”If you don't mind, I'll go back to the station and add the information on the tattoo to the all-points bulletin. I*ll be back for you in a bit, that way you*ll be here if she*s able to talk again.”
Cynthia frowned. ”That's fine with me, I guess. I wish she could have described the tat for us this time, but at least we know it's big and on his left upper arm. Don*t be too long, I*m beat.”
Chapter Eleven.
After picking up all the debris from the floor, Alex lifted the overflowing garbage bag and headed for the dumpster. As he'd recently learned, he no longer hoisted the sack over the shoulder; he had to grasp it like a lady and clutch it to his bosom. All Cynthia's rules made him want to scream. He should be with Mike, working on the case, not taking out garbage and suffering inside a woman's body.
He pushed aside his frustrations and opened the door. Hopefully, Cynthia wouldn't mind that he wore her slippers out of the apartment. In comparison to her other shoes...well, there was no comparison.
As he started down the stairs, he spied Thomas Carpenter coming in the front door. Alex quickly backed up two steps and hid in the stairwell. The last thing he needed in the midst of all his other dilemmas was more of Carpenter's c.r.a.p.
A can fell out of the trash bag and clattered down the stairs. Alex took a deep breath. s.h.i.+t! With ears as big as Carpenter's he was bound to hear it. Much to Alex's chagrin, Thomas rounded the corner, holding the wayward tin in his hand.
As he ogled Alex from head to toe, appreciating Cynthia's ample curves far too much in Alex's opinion, a broad smile spanned his pock-marked face. ”Well, Ms. Freitas. How lucky of me to run into you. I don't suppose I'd be fortunate enough to find you've broken up with your boyfriend?” His wink made Alex want to gag.
Alex walked down to the landing and took the can from him. ”h.e.l.lo, Thomas.” His annoyance punctuated his greeting. ”Thanks for picking up my refuse, and no, I'm still with my boyfriend. Sorry.”
Thomas caressed Alex's arm. ”Well, that doesn't mean that we can't be friends.”
The hairs on the back of Alex's neck bristled and he yanked his arm away. His first inclination was the punch the b.a.s.t.a.r.d, but that didn't quite seem ladylike. Couldn't the a.s.shole get a clue? ”You'll have to excuse me.” Alex maintained decorum that would make Cynthia proud. ”I have to get this out to the dumpster. I have a...a...a cake in the oven.”
A look of disappointment crossed Thomas' face. ”Well, maybe another time, then.”
”Sure, sure.” When h.e.l.l freezes over. Alex brushed by him and out into the alley. The man gave new meaning to the word 'letch'.
Alex's was huffing when he walked back into Cynthia's apartment. One flight of stairs left him breathless. Who was out of shape? Him or her?
The phone rang.
”Alex, I just thought you would like to know we finally got to talk to the victim.” Cyn sounded excited.
He attempted to slow his breathing with a loud exhalation. ”What did she say? Any new leads?”
”Have you been running?”
”Yeah, yeah. I just jogged around the block in your slippers. So, tell me...”