Part 19 (1/2)
with the left middle finger completely scarred, the right middle finger being an ulnar loop with a ridge count of 13, would be searched first in the group for that cla.s.sification, then reference searches would be conducted in the following groups:
O 17 W OOO O 17 W O 19 W OOO ---------- ------- ---------- L 17 U OII L 17 Ur L 17 U OOI
O 17 W O 19 W OOO ------- ---------- L 17 Ua L 17 U OII
O 17 W O 19 W OOO ------- ---------- L 17 Ut L 17 U OMI
The referencing of partial scars is a problem in which many factors are present. A full explanation of the scars, their preferred cla.s.sifications and their references is made in the chapter, ”Cla.s.sification of Scarred Patterns--Amputations--Missing at Birth.”
When the age extension is utilized and a ”Reference” group and a ”Presumptive Dead” file are maintained, it is suggested that a general allowance of 5 years be considered to allow for a discrepancy in prints bearing the ages of 50 years or older.
In the files of the Federal Bureau of Investigation the various age groups are as follows:
1-54 ”Regular” file.
55-74 ”Reference” file.
75 and over ”Presumptive Dead” file.
Reference searches for the preceding groups are conducted in the following manner:
50-54 Referenced to ”Reference” file.
70-74 Referenced to ”Presumptive Dead” file and ”Regular” file.
75-79 Referenced to ”Reference” file and ”Regular” file.
80 and older Referenced to ”Regular” file only.
If no age is given, it should be searched first in the regular file and reference searches should be conducted in the ”Reference” group and the ”Presumptive Dead” file.
When separate male and female files are maintained, there may be doubt as to the s.e.x of a subject due to a discrepancy between the s.e.x indicated and the name and the description and picture. In such case try to determine the s.e.x from the description and the size of the prints, then reference the print to the other file. A Photostat copy can be made and placed in the other file until the true s.e.x can be determined.
_How To Take Inked Fingerprints_
The equipment required for taking fingerprints consists of an inking plate, a cardholder, printer's ink (heavy black paste), and a roller.
This equipment is simple and inexpensive.
In order to obtain clear, distinct fingerprints, it is necessary to spread the printer's ink in a thin even coating on a small inking plate. A roller similar to that used by printers in making galley proofs is best adapted for use as a spreader. Its size is a matter determined by individual needs and preferences; however, a roller approximately 6 inches long and 2 inches in diameter has been found to be very satisfactory. These rollers may be obtained from a fingerprint supply company or a printing supply house.
[Ill.u.s.tration: 360. Fingerprint stand.]
An inking plate may be made from a hard, rigid, scratch-resistant metal plate 6 inches wide by 14 inches long or by inlaying a block of wood with a piece of gla.s.s one-fourth of an inch thick, 6 inches wide, and 14 inches long. The gla.s.s plate by itself would be suitable, but it should be fixed to a base in order to prevent breakage. The inking surface should be elevated to a sufficient height to allow the subject's forearm to a.s.sume a horizontal position when the fingers are being inked. For example, the inking plate may be placed on the edge of a counter or a table of counter height. In such a position, the operator has greater a.s.surance of avoiding accidental strain or pressure on the fingers and should be able to procure more uniform impressions. The inking plate should also be placed so that the subject's fingers which are not being printed can be made to ”swing”
off the table to prevent their interfering with the inking process. A fingerprint stand such as that shown in figure 360 may be purchased from fingerprint supply companies. The stand is made of hardwood and measures approximately 2 feet in length, 1 foot in height and width.
This stand contains a cardholder and a chrome strip which is used as the inking plate. Two compartments used to store blank fingerprint cards and supplies complete the stand. This equipment should be supplemented by a cleansing fluid and necessary cloths so that the subject's fingers may be cleaned before rolling and the inking plate cleaned after using. Denatured alcohol and commercially available cleaning fluids are suitable for this purpose.
[Ill.u.s.tration: 361. Fingerprints properly taken.]