Part 9 (2/2)


”Follow!” it cried. I rose and follow'd fast; And, in my dream, I felt the dream was true, And that, full soon, t.i.tania, with her crew Of imps and fays, would meet me on the blast.

But this was hindered; and I quickly pa.s.sed Into the valley where the cedars grew.


And what a scene, O G.o.d! and what repose, And what sad splendour in the burning west: A languid sun low-dropping to his rest, And incense rising, as of old it rose, To do him honour at the daylight's close,-- The birds entranced, and all the winds repress'd.


I followed thee. I came to where a shrine Stood in the trees, and where an oaken gate Swung in the air, so turbulent of late.

I touch'd thy hand; it quiver'd into mine; And then I look'd into thy face benign, And saw the smile for which the angels wait.


And lo! the moon had sailed into the main Of that blue sky, as if therein did poise A silver boat; and then a tuneful noise Broke from the copse where late a breeze was slain; And nightingales, in ecstasy of pain, Did break their hearts with singing the old joys.


”Is this the spot?” I cried, ”is this the spot Where I must tell thee all my heart's desire?

Is this the time when I must drink the fire, And eat the snow, and find it fever-hot?

I freeze with heat, and yet I fear it not; And all my pulses thrill me like a lyre.”


A wondrous light was thrown upon thy face; It was the light within; it was the ray Of thine own soul. And then a voice did say, ”Glory to G.o.d the King, and Jesu's grace Here and hereafter!” and about the place A radiance shone surpa.s.sing that of day.


It was thy voice. It was the voice I prize More than the sound of April in the dales, More than the songs of larks and nightingales, And more than the teachings of the worldly-wise.

”Glory to G.o.d,” it said, ”for in the skies, And here on earth, 'tis He alone prevails.”



And then I asked thee: ”Shall I tell thee now All that I think of, when, by land and sea, The days and nights illume the world for me?
