Part 20 (1/2)
Principles of Ancient Magic: A Court Wizard's Critical Overview, read the first, and Fables and Fairy Tales Revisited Fables and Fairy Tales Revisited, read the second.
Books of magic! They were stealing books of magic! That was what Crabbit and Pinch had been talking about when they had argued over hauling something back and forth!
She turned back to the opening in the rock wall to study with fresh eyes the scene unfolding below. Who was doing the stealing? Why bother when all you needed to do was to go into Libiris and read them?
She decided she needed to take a closer look at what lay below her. She eased her way across the open shelf, praying that no one could see her, gained the stairs on the far side, and started down. She crept forward around a bend until she could see that the stairs continued on down past the room below in a long winding spiral that eventually disappeared entirely into a mix of mist and blackness.
Her mind spun. What could be down there? What sort of creatures could live underground in such conditions? What could be down there? What sort of creatures could live underground in such conditions?
It came to her all at once-not just the answer to that question, but the answers to all of the others, the whole convoluted truth, everything she had come to find out and everything that Edgewood Dirk had wanted her to realize.
She turned away and climbed back up the stairs as fast as she could manage. She needed to find Dirk and let him know. And then she needed to find Thom and figure out how to stop it!
Mistaya made her way back up the stairs to the opening in the library wall, twice encountering Throg Monkeys on their way down with more books. Each time she pressed herself against the rough stone of the pa.s.sage wall, terrified of discovery, and each time they pa.s.sed by without slowing. She kept thinking that sooner or later someone had to see her, as clearly visible as she appeared to herself. But Edgewood Dirk's fairy magic was protecting her, and she remained undiscovered.
She found the Prism Cat sitting pretty much right where she had left him, not too far inside the Stacks. He was was.h.i.+ng himself as she came up to him, and when she tried to tell him what she had discovered he quickly held up one paw to silence her while he finished his bath.
”Now then,” he said, once he was satisfied that he was clean. ”What have you learned?”
She knelt down next to him, keeping her voice at a whisper, just in case. ”Well, this is what I think think is happening. The Throg Monkeys are stealing books of magic out of Libiris and taking them down through a tunnel to a cavern chamber. The chamber is a part of Abaddon, and the thieves are Abaddon's demons. Some of the demons are counting and cataloging the stolen books, and some are reading from them and chanting, working some sort of spell to keep the wall leading into Libiris open. There are flying things and wolves keeping watch while the demons work so that no one interferes. I don't know what their arrangement is with His Eminence and Pinch, but it has something to do with letting the demons out of the underground. I heard Craswell and Pinch talking about it earlier, although I didn't know then what it meant.” is happening. The Throg Monkeys are stealing books of magic out of Libiris and taking them down through a tunnel to a cavern chamber. The chamber is a part of Abaddon, and the thieves are Abaddon's demons. Some of the demons are counting and cataloging the stolen books, and some are reading from them and chanting, working some sort of spell to keep the wall leading into Libiris open. There are flying things and wolves keeping watch while the demons work so that no one interferes. I don't know what their arrangement is with His Eminence and Pinch, but it has something to do with letting the demons out of the underground. I heard Craswell and Pinch talking about it earlier, although I didn't know then what it meant.”
She took a deep breath. ”I understand now what you were saying earlier. Taking those books from Libiris is just like leaving Sterling Silver without a King. Like you said-stealing her heart. She can't function when the thing she has been given to do is taken away. She's supposed to care for her books, but now many of them are being stolen and she can't stop it, so she's in pain and calling for help. Isn't that right?”
Edgewood Dirk c.o.c.ked an ear. ”Be sensible. I'm a cat; what would I know?”
She frowned, ignoring him. ”But why are they doing all this? Not the demons, but His Eminence and Pinch. What do they want?”
The cat yawned, bored. ”Reason it through.”
”All right.” She glared at him. ”Father locked the demons away years ago when he first came to Landover. The demons had united under the leaders.h.i.+p of the Iron Mark and broken out of Abaddon. They were able to escape because the restraints that imprisoned them had weakened. Landover had been too long without a King for the wards to hold, and so the demons got out and were challenging Father for the throne.”
She hesitated. ”So they're trying to do the same thing now. Only this time they're using the books of magic they're stealing out of Libiris. The books are providing them with spells they can use to break free, and the chanters are calling up some of those spells so that ...”
She stopped herself. ”But why would His Eminence and Pinch help them? I don't see what they have to gain by letting the demons get loose.”
The cat blinked. ”I'm sure I don't, either. But you can be certain there is something in it for them and it's not anything Ben Holiday would be happy about. In any case, that isn't your problem to solve. Your problem is staring you in the face. What are you going to do about the theft of the books?”
”What am I I going to do? What about you? You're the one who brought me here and showed me all this. You have to help!” going to do? What about you? You're the one who brought me here and showed me all this. You have to help!”
”I have been helping, in case you haven't noticed.” Dirk's reply bordered on insolence. ”What else have I been doing but helping. Given the fact that fairy creatures like myself are not able to go down into Abaddon, I have done a great deal. I brought you here, and I showed you the problem. I s.h.i.+elded you from discovery. Now that you know the situation, it is up to you to correct it.”
She stared in dismay. ”How am I supposed to do that?”
”You might start by asking yourself what needs doing.”
”All right. That's easy. The books need need to be taken back so that the spells can't be chanted and the damage to the library walls can be healed and the demons shut away again. Libiris is organic, like Sterling Silver. She can heal herself if her purpose is restored. You said so.” to be taken back so that the spells can't be chanted and the damage to the library walls can be healed and the demons shut away again. Libiris is organic, like Sterling Silver. She can heal herself if her purpose is restored. You said so.”
”Then you had better get busy and return those books, hadn't you?” The cat regarded her with luminous eyes. ”How are you going to do that, by the way?”
It was a good question. She couldn't very well carry all those books back again, even if she could find a way to do so without being discovered. It would take days, maybe weeks. She could ask Thom to help, but even the two of them wouldn't be enough.
”I can use magic,” she announced after a moment.
”Can you?” asked the cat.
She ignored him. ”Maybe I can shrink the books to the size of pebbles, put them in a sack, and carry them out all at once. Then I can enlarge them when they're back in the Stacks and put them back where they belong.”
”An excellent idea,” Dirk announced. ”Except for one small problem. You can't use magic on those books because they are protected by magic of their own and will resist your efforts if you try to change them in any way.”
She gave him a look. ”How do you know this?”
He didn't exactly shrug, but almost. ”Cats know these things because cats pay attention. Also, fairy creatures know that certain rules apply in all situations. That books of magic are unalterable is one of those rules. You'll have to find another way.”
Of course, I will, she thought irritably. She thought about it some more. Maybe she needed to talk this over with Thom. But if she did that, she would have to tell him how she'd found all this out, and that would require telling him who and what she was. She couldn't explain why, but this seemed like a bad idea. It would almost certainly change the nature of their relations.h.i.+p, and she didn't want that to happen. Besides, what could Thom do that would make a difference in things?
”If I brought Thom down here to help me, could you ... ?”
”Haven't we had this discussion?” Dirk barely gave her a glance. ”s.h.i.+elding you is hard enough. I am not without my limits.”
She wasn't sure that she believed that, but she didn't care to challenge him on it. Anyway, the possibility of bringing Thom into the mix was gone. She would have to do this by herself. She thought about it anew. She couldn't use magic to change the books. Could she use it in some way to move them?
”What if I made the books lighter?” she asked Dirk. ”You know, took away all that weight so that I could ...”
”You are not paying attention,” he interrupted rather irritably, enunciating each word carefully. ”You cannot use magic. Not any kind of magic in any way. Not on these books. Am I being clear enough?”
She wanted to smack him. She forced herself to think of something else. Okay, she couldn't use magic on the books-she got it. She paused suddenly in her thinking. But even if she couldn't use magic on those those books, maybe she could use it on some of the others. books, maybe she could use it on some of the others.
And on the book thieves.
”Are the Throg Monkeys demons?” she asked Edgewood Dirk.
”They are not. They are a species of troll, brought down out of the Melchor Mountains. Why do you ask?”
She ignored him. ”His Eminence brought them here?”
”He did.”
”Are there a lot of them?”
”And they answer strictly to him?”