12 Room Mate last par (1/1)
You ask why Yang Chen doesn't live in his own home and chose to live in dormitory! Well the reason is quite simple because he doesn't want others to know that he is the young master of Yang family.
He likes this calm and peaceful life. Though he is bullied at times but that too is a part of life to him.
Here was Yang Chen standing in front of the door. He was holding a paper in his hand and checking the room no. alloted to him.
”Alright, seems like this is the one! ” Confirming that the room no was correct, Yang Chen pushed open the door. Dragging his luggage with one hand, he checked the room.
The room was well furnished with two windows in the front. It was 12x10 sq. feet room. On the left side were Two beds one over the other with an attached foothold to reach the upper bed.
On to the right were 2 cupboards and 2 desks with 2 chairs. All was Dustless. By the way there was an attached bathroom to the room!
But Yang Chen was not in the mood to enjoy this because from the corner of his eyes, he caught hold of a bag. If it was all then there was no need to panic. But from the slightly unzipped bag a piece of pink cloth was sticking out.
”It is a bra right! It has to be it! I can't be wrong. ” Yang Chen mumbled. ”It can't be I have got a pervert as my room mate! ”
”For now let me just put it back into the bag! Then we can talk with each other avoiding the awkward situation. ” Yang Chen thought as he put out his hand to put the half out bra back in the bag.
Had Yang Chen noticed that he was not alone in the room! Had he just listened carefully the sound of shower coming from the bathroom! Had he just minded his own work! Yang Chen then would have not been in the situation which he found himself to be in a few seconds from now!
Just as Yang Chen touched the bra.
Clip! Bathroom door was opened. Yang Chen froze as he heard the sound. To avoid any awkward situation, he quickly turned back and decided to explain!
Boom! Yang Chen saw the incomprehensible thing.
There was a naked girl in bathroom staring at him no particularly staring at yang Chen's left hand which was holding her bra. Following her sight, he saw what he was holding! He must have grabbed it unconsciously in panic.
”Please let me expla.....” Before Yang Chen could complete his words, he saw the girl's figure blur and felt a heavy impact on his neck. This was the last thing he recalled before he fainted!
An hour later Yang Chen slowly woke up! he opened his drowsy eyes as he muttered ” That was some horrible dream I had! ”
”You seem calm despite your situation!” A cold and seductive voice resounded in Yang Chen's ear!
This abruptly sobered him up. Only then did Yang Chen found his current situation! His hands and feet were tied to the chair unable to move!
He recalled a similar situation he had been in which made his hair stand up in horror! He then looked up to the source of voice. But he was no where near calm because what he saw was a he! No it should be 'She' disguised as 'He'.