Part 7 (1/2)
Holden b.u.mped his head against Garret's again. We wouldn't. I'd make you lick it up for scaring me with those d.a.m.ned spikes, he teased.
Garret thumped away from Holden. You and what army? He snorted and flames shot from his nostrils.
Holden's neck arched and he went into a fighting stance. Garret did the same. When Holden rushed him, Garret let his bulkier mate bounce off the armor plated scales of his chest. He swept his tail beneath Holden's feet trying to make him stumble. Holden's wings snapped out and lifted him off the ground away from Garret's spiked tail. They spent a few minutes mock fighting across the glade, tussling with each other and laughing.
Finally, Holden stretched out his wings and began to s.h.i.+ft. The golden confetti s.h.i.+mmers filled the air around him until every molecule of his dragon form dissolved into the human form Garret knew best. Holden grinned up at him, hands on hips, his erection boldly arcing toward his belly b.u.t.ton.
”Better hurry. I'm headed to the hot springs now,” he said with a laugh as he gathered up his clothes and backpack.
Garret s.h.i.+fted, happy in the knowledge that even in dragon form, he and Holden seemed compatible. Grabbing up his things, he strode after his mate. His arousal hadn't lessened one bit and he hoped like h.e.l.l that Holden had thought to bring the lube.
Someone had made the hot springs more a.s.sessable to people by placing flat stones all around the edge of the triangular shaped pool. Handholds and benches were bolted to the rock sides in the pool. Garret figured that the uneven bottom made the handholds a necessity.
Holden knelt at the side of the hot springs, his hand in the bubbling water. He glanced up as Garret dropped his clothes on the flagstones. ”It's a little smelly but I bet it feels awesome,” he remarked. ”Too hot for humans,” Garret observed, his gaze taking in the clouds of steam that rose from the surface of the water.
Holden stood up. ”I would think so. It's nearly boiling temperature which makes it perfect for us.”
Garret looked at Holden. The pupils of his eyes were still elongated. They gazed at each other in silence for a moment, not even sharing a thought. The s.e.xual tension stretched between them, drawn so tight Garret could barely breathe. It snapped with a flurry of movement as their bodies came together with an audible slap of hard muscled flesh grinding against each other. Garret kissed Holden with every ounce of expertise he had while letting go of the leash he'd had on his emotions and thoughts.
Hands cupped around the back of Holden's head, fingers in the short, soft inky strands of his mate's hair, Garret felt as if he was free-falling. The rush of adrenaline and loss of control that occurred when falling through the sky wasn't any different from how Holden's touch made him feel. His body pushed roughly against Holden's as their tongues danced together with heated urgency. Mindless with l.u.s.t, Garret ground his hips against Holden's, the stiff thrust of his mate's c.o.c.k rubbed against his with euphoric abandonment.
Somehow, and Garret was never quite sure afterward how exactly it happened because he could swear they never broke that kiss, they ended up on the flagstones beside the hot spring.
Garret had Holden beneath him, kissing him deeply as their c.o.c.ks pressed together with exquisite friction. Holden held him tightly, one hand gripping Garret's a.s.s cheek while the other stroked his dragon clan mark. Their moans and pants grew louder than the bubble and splash of the hot spring as their pre-c.u.m kicked up the friction of their c.o.c.ks to a volcanic level.
Holden nipped Garret's tongue, causing Garret to finally break the kiss. He stared down at his mate seeing the smoke trailing from his nostrils and the pa.s.sion that darkened his eyes.
”What?” he rasped, feeling Holden's fingers tracing the lines of his clan mark. He s.h.i.+vered as l.u.s.t streaked through him, going straight to the throbbing c.o.c.k he had pressed against Holden's.
With a flas.h.i.+ng grin, Holden rolled Garret to his back, rising above him, their c.o.c.ks still grinding together. ”I never knew that grindage could be so f.u.c.king good,” he murmured on a soft laugh. ”Last night and now today.”
”It's partly the connection,” Garret panted as he peppered Holden's shoulders with hot open mouthed kisses and caresses. ”Everything feels better when you can feel what your lover feels.”
s.h.i.+fting over onto his hip, Holden reached down and wrapped his fist around Garret's c.o.c.k.
Bolts of l.u.s.t threaded through Garret and he groaned. The sounds of his pleasure seemed to please Holden because his amber eyes began to glow. Garret's heart thundered as he watched Holden. His mate stared fixedly at his hand stroking Garret's c.o.c.k. He seemed almost mesmerized by the movement. Either that or he was studying the c.o.c.k itself. Garret wasn't sure which and certainly wasn't in any mental condition to ponder the possibilities.
Holden bent and tentatively licked the tip of Garret's c.o.c.k. The touch of his lover's inexpert tongue on his heated flesh sent a huge wave of emotion through every cell in Garret's body. He went completely still, waiting to see what Holden would do next. One hand reached down and cupped Garret's b.a.l.l.s. They drew up tight in Holden's light grasp as Garret's arousal spiraled higher. Spreading his thighs wider and leaning back on his elbows, Garret gave Holden complete access to his c.o.c.k, b.a.l.l.s, and a.s.s. The tableau before Garret was like a painting. Filling the foreground was Holden's muscular, golden toned body, his cla.s.sic profile topped by inky hair with an unruly shock that fell over his brow. The background of lush green trees dappled with sunlight made the whole scene seem almost surreal. Their stillness in this moment of discovery as Holden took his first steps toward true s.e.xual reciprocity burned a snapshot of the interlude in Garret's mind forever. For the rest of his days, he would remember this moment and the awe that crept into his heart as the black dragon tried to show how he felt.
Holden glanced up and their eyes met. Garret could see the overwhelming l.u.s.t that fired Holden's gaze, and he could also see the uncertainty lurking there. He reached out a hand and brushed the unruly spill of black hair back from Holden's brow.
”It's okay. Take your time. I want you to do only what you're ready to do,” he murmured. ”My body loves your touch. My heart craves it. But I never want you to regret a single moment with me.”
Garret saw Holden's jaw clench at his words. His tongue came out and licked his lips, but his gaze didn't falter, holding Garret's steadily. ”I'm not sure what I'm doing. This is all completely instinctual. I-I want to be with you. I crave it as much as you do,” he said, his voice low and unsteady.
Holden's handsome face crinkled briefly in a self-mocking expression. ”I want to do this, Garret, but you're going to have to help me a little. All I know about sucking c.o.c.k is what I like. I don't know the logistics of it.” A rough chuckle escaped him. ”And afterward, I'm probably going to be on fire to f.u.c.k you.”
A sense of inevitability fell over Garret. Holden wanted him. Everything would be okay. ”Did you bring lube? I didn't think about it.”
Holden laughed again, the sound still self-deprecating. ”Yeah, I did. It seems my mind can't get over how good it was to f.u.c.k you last night. It keeps telling my c.o.c.k to do it again.”
Garret sucked in a breath. Fire licked at him from the writhing of his dragon inside. ”Then do it. I loved the feeling of your c.o.c.k inside me.”
The dark head of his lover shook in a negative. ”Not yet. I have to do this. I need to.” Holden drew a shuddering breath. ”By the G.o.ds, I want to, Garret.”
With that, Holden bent and ran his tongue the length of Garret's c.o.c.k. Pure bliss filled Garret's veins. He stroked his hand along the bulge of Holden's bicep as his lover used the flat of his tongue to tease Garret's c.o.c.k. Holden's tongue explored every inch of Garret's hard flesh from the slit that oozed pre-c.u.m to his achingly tight b.a.l.l.s. By the time Holden lifted his head again, Garret shook from trying to stay still, trying not to frighten his new lover with the depths of his l.u.s.t.
”Don't hold back, Garret. I'm not afraid of you. I'm afraid of what I feel and of not doing this right, not pleasing you,” Holden growled with a little shake of his head. ”I'm doing what I like to have done to me. Otherwise, I have no clue what the f.u.c.k I'm doing. I just know that I want this.”
With that, Holden's head dropped and the heat of his mouth enveloped the thick head of Garret's c.o.c.k. A loud moan escaped Garret and his eyes closed briefly on a wave of intense pleasure. Then he realized his mate struggled with something new and alien to him. Not just his emotional feelings for Garret but his s.e.xual ones as well. Holden didn't know how to suck a c.o.c.k, yet there he was, slurping away at Garret's. A sense of unadulterated admiration came over Garret. He opened his eyes as Holden's mouth slid further down, taking more of the thick erection. Letting his heart and mind open fully to his mate, Garret brushed his fingers over Holden's hair, encouraging him...loving him.
”Easy, love. Don't rush it,” he whispered. ”Get used to the taste and the texture. Think about how much pleasure you're giving me. Can you feel it? You're my mate, my lover, the person I'm meant to spend my life with. Your touch inflames me and brings me more pleasure than I've ever known.”
Holden paused, his golden eyes blinking unfocused at Garret for a moment. Garret didn't think he'd ever seen anything quite as erotic as the beautifully sculpted and incredibly handsome face and form of Holden Antaeus as he tasted c.o.c.k for the first time. Held in the grip of l.u.s.t, his mouth wrapped around Garret's thick erection, his thoughts bleeding out in a rush of pleasure, confusion, and unbearable pa.s.sion, Holden was everything Garret had ever dreamed of in a lover.
And he let Holden know that by not holding back a single thought or feeling.
The feverish glitter in Holden's eyes told Garret everything he needed to know. His lover wanted him fiercely, from his emotions and thoughts, to the stiff flesh Holden's mouth now caressed.
Tell me what you like, Garret. Help me suck your c.o.c.k.
Holden's thoughts nearly made Garret come. He'd never known what someone was thinking or feeling while sucking his c.o.c.k, but now he did in spades. The wonder and l.u.s.t in Holden's head nearly sent Garret into a pleasure-induced coma. Knowing how much Holden liked sucking him, regardless of the differences between them, totally turned Garret on. It wasn't the most expert of b.l.o.w. nor was it without the hesitancy one would expect of a newbie to the art. Holden sucked him with an innocent earthiness that fired Garret's pa.s.sion for the man.
He gagged a few times and Garret had to explain how to relax his throat muscles, but Holden understood and put into practice all the advice. In fact he did so well, twisting his tongue around the length of Garret's c.o.c.k while sucking, that Garret could hardly believe he'd never had a d.i.c.k in his mouth before. There were some awkward moments and a slight of teeth at one point, but Holden learned quickly and seemed to enjoy the act.
Some minutes after he'd first taken Garret's c.o.c.k in his mouth, Holden looked up. Garret saw the intense heat in his mate's gaze and felt how aroused Holden had become from sucking his c.o.c.k. He s.h.i.+vered as Holden's long fingered hands slid along his thighs caressingly. In that moment, staring into Holden's l.u.s.t filled face, his c.o.c.k sliding easily into his mate's mouth; Garret knew he was going to come.
He sucked in a harsh breath, his body tensing. ”Holden. I'm going to come,” he warned in a low breathless voice. ”If you don't want your mouth filled, you'd best remove it from my d.i.c.k now.”
Holden winked at him and Garret felt the tip of his mate's tongue flick over the crown of his c.o.c.k. Garret lost control. He sank his fingers tightly into Holden's silky black hair and thrust wildly into his lover's eager, untutored mouth. His c.o.c.k swelled and then exploded, releasing a torrent of hot seed into Holden's mouth and throat. To give the man his due, he tried to swallow it all. A trickle escaped the corner of his mouth.
Garret collapsed on the flagstones, chest heaving, watching as Holden licked his now deflating c.o.c.k. He couldn't remember ever having a b.l.o.w. .j.o.b that made him feel so weak, and yet, so triumphant. He could tell from Holden's thoughts that his mate was pleased with himself. And truth be told, Garret was pretty proud of Holden too. He'd overcome a lot to get to the point of reciprocity so quickly.
Holden's hot body covered Garret's urgently. Wrapping his arms around his mate, Garret kissed him hard, their tongues twisting in a pa.s.sionate dance of l.u.s.t. He couldn't believe how turned on he was, even though he'd just had a huge o.r.g.a.s.m.
Tearing his mouth away, Holden panted, ”I need to f.u.c.k you, Garret. Sucking your c.o.c.k just made me want you more. Seeing your dragon form, feeling you touch my c.o.c.k while we were s.h.i.+fted turned me inside out. I want to f.u.c.k you so badly.”
”Then do it,” Garret told him with a smile. ”I want whatever you want, Holden.”
With a growl, Holden got up and dug in his backpack. As Garret sat up, Holden returned with the lube and their towels. He grinned at Garret and gestured toward the hot spring. ”I think we'll try this with a little more than just lube.”
Garret rose to his feet. ”What did you have in mind?”
Holden dropped the towels and lube at the edge of the hot springs and stepped down into the steaming water. c.o.c.king a brow up at Garret, he sat on one of the benches and spread his arms out along the rim of the pool. ”I'm just gonna sit here. You're gonna sit on me, facing me.”
The picture flas.h.i.+ng through Garret's mind was hotter than the naturally heated spring. He stepped onto the ledge that Holden sat on. ”If you want to do this, you're gonna need to get the lube out now, before I sink down into the water onto that c.o.c.k of yours,” he told his mate.