Part 27 (1/2)
”Well, Jonas,” she said, seating herself on the edge of the bed, ”I think you just prolonged your stay by several days, maybe weeks. Without Hannah, your recovery will be normal and with being shot four times, it won't be easy. And when you're actually out of here, you'll have physical therapy to do. So just so you know, you might want to eat a little crow and ask Hannah to come back.”
”You're supposed to be a doctor, Libby. Your bedside manner stinks.”
”Yes, well, your manners have always stunk so I guess that makes us even. I've got a bit of a problem and I thought I'd run it by you.”
”Thank G.o.d. Something besides did I pee today. You've got to get me the h.e.l.l out of here, Libby.”
”You already said that. Pay attention. Someone is trying to kill me. Or maybe Ty. Or both of us.” She related every incident, starting with Tyson's accident during the rescue, pointing out the harness was gone and ending with the explosion in the laboratory. She told him about Harry and ended by admitting she planned to talk to Edward Martinelli.
Jonas was silent for a few minutes. ”Libby, whoever this person is has been escalating their behavior. It would be too big of a coincidence to think that there are two killers working separately, one after Ty and one after you. I just can't buy it.”
”So you think the killer is after Ty.”
”Don't jump to conclusions,” Jonas cautioned. ”Take it step at a time. I haven't seen all the forensics yet, but it's very possible you're both in danger. Ty, you've been around those safety harnesses for years. How could one of them be sabotaged? If it wasn't an accident, and the first attack was on you, then we at least know where to start.”
Ty frowned and rubbed the bridge of his nose. ”If it was cut, I would have noticed before I ever put it on. The harnesses are examined over and over. Before and after each use. And believe me, I'm meticulous about that. Our lives depend on our equipment and all of us are careful.”
”So you didn't notice anything at all out of the ordinary.”
Ty shook his head slowly, still frowning. ”When I go up, I get an unbelievable adrenaline rush. Everything is very vivid. Colors. Smells.” He stopped abruptly.
”What is it?”
”I remember thinking I smelled chloroform.”
”Certainly chloroform wouldn't do anything to a safety harness,” Libby said.
”What other chemical smells like chloroform that would?” Jonas asked. ”The suit looked as if something had chewed through it. The threads were gone completely. I could tell Brannigan thought it looked suspicious.”
”Something that would dissolve material,” Tyson mused. ”Harry would have access to all kinds of chemicals and he'd certainly know what each one would do. For that matter, even Joe Fielding might. And Ed Martinelli. I don't think we're narrowing the field of suspects.”
”No, but we at least are aware that your harness could have been tampered with and how they might have done it,” Jonas pointed out. ”Do you remember smelling anything else?”
Tyson shrugged. ”The usual things I think. Cologne. Aftershave. I smelled garlic. Nothing else to identify a chemical.”
”Some chemicals give off a garlicky smell, Ty,” Libby reminded him.
”Who would have access to the harness?”
Tyson sighed and ran his hand through his hair, leaving him looking a bit rumpled. ”I suppose anyone really. No one is supposed to go to the heliport, but it isn't high security. We have a gate, but it's open most of the time. If we're busy working, I think someone might be able to slip in easy enough.”
”And the attacks began on both of you after you started seeing one another,” Jonas mused aloud. ”Let me think on this, Libby. You two concentrate on the chemical. If you think of something that would eat through the material that smells like chloroform, let me know. And be careful when you talk to Martinelli. I'm not going to tell you it's a bad idea, because you're going to do it anyway, but let him know up front that I know where you are.”
Libby leaned over to brush a kiss across his brow. ”Get better fast, Jonas.”
Tyson wrapped his arm around her waist, his touch a shade possessive. Libby shot him an amused look.
”If Hannah's still out there, send her back in,” Jonas instructed.
”No way. You're too abusive,” Libby protested. ”You deserve to lie here alone and think about what a jerk you are.”
”I know, but send her in anyway.” Jonas caught Libby's hand when she scowled at him and went to turn away. ”She said she was leaving, but she'd wait for you. Come on, Lib, give me a break. She looks so d.a.m.ned skinny and pale and worn out and it just makes me mad. She doesn't take care of herself.”
”So have her go home and we'll watch out for her.”
”No, you won't. She'll watch out for all of you. At least when she's with me she has to eat. If she doesn't, I don't.” He smirked at her. ”It works every time. She falls for the pathetic look.”
”She needs sleep.”
”I'll get her to lie down on the bed with me. I don't want to be alone.”
”You're such a baby. Fine, I'll ask her to come back, but you'd better treat her right and I'm going to tell her to leave the second you get nasty with her,” Libby warned him.
Jonas waved his hand at her. Libby glanced up at Tyson as she followed him out the door. ”He's never had patience for inactivity. I remember years ago when he came down with some virus and was running a high fever. All of us sat on him to keep him down. I can't imagine how poor Hannah puts up with his bad temper.” She glared at him. ”I wouldn't.”
He held up both hands in surrender. ”I wouldn't expect you to.”
Hannah stood up as they approached her. ”I waited to see if you were all right, Libby. I've had all these terrible fears for your safety and I keep calling home. Sarah told me about all the accidents. It's so scary.”
”We'll figure it out eventually,” Libby said. ”How's it going here? I can see Jonas is in rare form. He's as mean as a snake.”
Hannah rubbed her temples. ”It's hard on him to just lie there, especially with you in danger. He hates it. He's not very nice to the nurses or to anyone else. He calls Jackson three times a day for updates. I don't know what he's going to do when he starts feeling even a little better.”
”If he gets nasty with you, Hannah, leave. He's begging for you to come back now, but if you do and he starts getting abusive, leave him. He's out of danger unless he gets an infection, so he should be fine a day or two without one of us here. I know you're feeding him strength to heal him faster, but he has no right to upset you.”
Hannah gave her sister a faint smile. ”He's upset me for years. I doubt if he can suddenly change overnight.”
”Well, let him try. Seriously, Hannah, he's wearing you out.”
Hannah leaned over to kiss Libby on the cheek. ”I promise I'll leave the next time he yells at me.” She glanced at her watch. ”Probably in an hour.”
Libby laughed. ”That's so Jonas. I'll see you later.” She took Tyson's hand and with a small wave, walked out.
”She did look tired,” Tyson observed.
”She's not getting any sleep. Hannah's a homebody. She travels for her work, but as soon as possible she goes home. She sleeps better and is much more relaxed.”
”It's incredibly nice of her to stay with Jonas.”
”We try to keep one of us with him at all times. Hannah is very connected to him in spite of all their bickering. She's always loved him, but they just fight all the time.”
”Why? He's got that look when he's around her, the one warning other men off. If she loves him and he feels that way, what's the problem?” He opened the door to the pa.s.senger side of the car.
Libby snapped her seat belt in place. ”They're both stubborn and complicated and refuse to admit how they feel. They'll work it out eventually.”
Tyson slipped into the driver's seat. ”Are you going to come home with me? I've got a surprise for you. At least I hope I do.”
”What have you done?”
”It wouldn't be much of a surprise if I told you, now would it?”