Part 5 (1/2)

”Someone has to do it.” Elle leaned back and closed her eyes. ”And I'm really good at it.” Her head pounded and her chest felt broken into pieces. She could feel the presence of her sisters as they joined with her to hold Libby close. She had taken on the grave injuries of another and all they could do was shoulder part of the pain to give Libby's body a chance to try to heal.

”What is it between you and Jackson?” Jonas asked curiously.

”Absolutely nothing.” Elle frowned. ”Jonas? Who was the man that was treated just before Irene went crazy? Do you know how severe his injuries were?”

”Tyson Derrick. He pulled Drew off the cliff. They were being lifted up to the top of the cliffs when something went wrong with his safety harness; he fell about thirty feet into the rocks. Dr. Shayner said he was in bad shape, head trauma, internal injuries.” He paused and glanced at her in the rearview mirror. ”If he was that bad, how the h.e.l.l was he watching everything through the gla.s.s? d.a.m.n it, she healed him, didn't she? Sometimes you girls set my teeth on edge.”

”Why would Libby take such a chance? She's normally very careful. I mean she might have tried to take the edge off, but to take on the injuries, that's too risky, not just to her, but to all of us and she knows better.”

”I don't understand any of you, so don't be asking me.”

”You love us,” Elle said with complete confidence.

He ignored that. It might be true but he wasn't admitting anything out loud. ”How did you know Irene was going to attack Libby?” Before Elle could answer, he held up one hand. ”Forget I asked. I don't want to know.” He parked his car as close to the Drake home as possible.

The Drake house sat at the top of the cliffs, the rising tower and captain's walk giving a breathtaking view of the ocean below. Jonas carried Libby up the stairs and over the covered porch to the living room where her other sisters were waiting.

”Take her to her room, Jonas,” Sarah, the eldest, advised. ”We can make her more comfortable there. Hannah says this might take some time.”

Jonas watched as Libby's sisters surrounded the bed. He could feel the surge of power as they joined hands. He had known them all of their lives and they still never failed to astound him with their combined power. Libby was the healer, the compa.s.sionate Drake. He couldn't imagine a world without Libby in it and right now he could barely detect her breathing. He stifled the urge to feel for her pulse and stepped out of the way.

He had watched over the Drake sisters for as long as he could remember. It wasn't always easy and more often than not, they were aggravated with him, accusing him of being a bully. But they always took risks in dangerous situations. He scowled down at Libby. Like now. He had the urge to shake her, shake all of them, for putting themselves continually in harm's way.

Sarah sighed. ”Jonas. Go downstairs and make tea.”

”Why? If you want tea, all Hannah has to do is wave her arms around and a cup will come floating.” He sounded more sarcastic than he intended, but the feminine power in the house always threw him.

”We're trying to work here,” she said, ”and you're broadcasting your disapproval loud and clear.”

”I don't broadcast. I'm the normal one,” he insisted. ”Is she going to be all right?”

Six pairs of eyes bored into him. He held up his hands in surrender. ”I'm going to make tea. What kind? You have a tea shop down there. I wouldn't want to make the one with crushed lizard tongue in it.”

”The canister is on the sink waiting for you,” Sarah said. ”And of course Libby will be all right. We wouldn't allow anything else.”

Chapter Four.

LIBBY laid her head against the back of the chair and stared at the s.h.i.+mmering blue of the sea. There was something incredibly soothing about the ebb and flow of waves and the white foam capping the crests far out in the ocean. The continual cry of gulls and the fresh smell of the coast always lightened the sadness she couldn't quite shake. The weather was cool but there was little wind and it felt good to sit in the sun and listen to the surf.

She pulled the thin wrap around her legs and kept her eyes on the sparkling water. She had been so careless of her life, and worse, of her sisters' lives. Healing Tyson Derrick's head injuries had been criminally stupid. She couldn't remember the events leading up to touching him. She couldn't remember most of what happened afterward. For nearly two weeks she'd lain dangerously ill. Without the help of her sisters, she probably would have died, or worse, been left in a vegetative state. As it was, her head still throbbed if she moved around too much and she was often sick to her stomach.

Sarah had tried to talk to her about why she had risked her life, but Libby honestly didn't know. It was frightening. She'd lost ten days of her life. Gone. No memories. She'd never experienced such a blackout before. Elle had simply told her sisters and Libby that the compulsion to heal Tyson had been beyond Libby's ability to resist.

A shadow fell across her and she looked up. Her heart began to race and her mouth went dry. The book she'd been holding slipped from her fingers to the sand. ”Ty.” His name came out a croak. He was the last person she expected to see.

Libby was grateful for her dark and instantly switched her gaze to the ocean. Where were her sisters? Why had she told them she wanted to be left alone for a while? She didn't feel up to facing him, she felt fragile and near tears and guilty as sin.

Tyson stared down at her for a long time. He had no idea why she affected him the way she did, but just the sight of her always changed something lonely inside of him and made him feel strangely alive. He had tried to see her numerous times over the last week and a half. No one had ever captured his interest the way Libby Drake had managed to do. Everything about her intrigued him.

One time, on the university campus, he'd seen her rush to the side of a young woman who had been hit by a car. He had watched as the woman went from writhing in pain, to a few b.l.o.o.d.y scratches, while Libby had been hospitalized for two days. Everyone thought Libby had been the one hit by the car. The real victim had been s.h.i.+elded by the car, so he couldn't really tell if she'd been hurt bad, but Libby had believed it.

That was the day he had begun to suspect Libby Drake needed help. Her family had brainwashed her into thinking she could heal people. The memory of the victim had faded until he could only remember the agony on Libby's face. Someone had to save her, to convince her that magic didn't exist. She was smart and intriguing and yet so caught up in the legacy of her con artist family she actually took on the symptoms of a reputed victim much like a false pregnancy.

He drew up the wooden chair beside her. Close. Allowing the armrests to touch. ”Do you mind if I sit down and visit with you for a few minutes?”

Libby twisted her fingers in the thin wrap. ”How did you get down here? The beach is private.”

He didn't wait for her to give him permission, seating himself beside her so that his arm brushed hers. Libby s.h.i.+fted a little away from him in her chair and pulled up her legs to make herself smaller.

”I spotted you from up above. Did your sisters tell you I came by to see you a few days ago? They said you were ill.”

”It's nothing serious.” Could she sound any more stilted? Wasn't Elle supposed to have telepathy? And where was Sarah? Sarah knew things, didn't she? Didn't she know Libby was in trouble? What was the point of having sisters if they didn't rush to her aid? ”How are you?”

”I've got a few broken ribs and sternum. Ripped cartilage, torn muscle, that sort of thing, but my head is in one piece.”

”You got Drew off the rocks and saved his life,” Libby said. Her sisters had been forced to repeat the events leading up to her injury numerous times before she could retain the knowledge. She didn't remember the events firsthand and felt vulnerable discussing anything to do with that day at the hospital.

”Do you realize the tide isn't as low or as high as it normally is?”

A small frown appeared. Libby had absolutely no idea where he was going with the conversation. The jump between the accident and the tide sent a small pulse of frustration ricocheting through her. She was trying to appear normal even though her brain was still recovering from last week's trauma. ”It's a neap tide,” she replied.

”Exactly.” He sounded like a pleased professor. ”When the moon is in the first or last quarter, the sun's gravitational pull is in a perpendicular direction of that of the moon. The sun pulls water away from areas of high to areas of low tide, resulting in lower high tides and higher low tides. That's how we get neap tides.”

Up close he was even better-looking than at a distance-and up close he fl.u.s.tered her, but if he wanted to play science geek and start spouting little science facts, she could match him fact for fact. ”Absolutely fascinating. Did you know that when oceans tides are at their highest they're called spring tides?”

A slow smile softened the hard edges of his face. ”I do believe that was Libby Drake, her royal highness, putting me in my place.” He liked it, too. He liked that she could match him fact for fact. His mind just threw random things out and most people stared at him as if he'd grown two heads. Libby stuck her chin out and threw facts back in his face. She had the same data stored at her fingertips as he did. Somehow that made him feel less of a freak.

He held out his hand. ”Come on, let's go for a walk.”

Libby stared at his hand, horrified. ”I'm still a little weak.” He was continually throwing her off balance.

He caught her wrist and exerted enough pressure to bring her to her feet. ”I think I can manage to keep you upright.” He looked down at her from his superior height. ”You need to gain a little weight, Drake. You aren't anorexic, are you?”

She sucked in her breath, feeling her blood pressure rising alarmingly. She hated the fact that she was small. She would have loved to use the word pet.i.te, but she was just plain small. She was a stick, a miniature Hannah without the b.r.e.a.s.t.s. And all her life, never had that fact bothered her more than when she was around Ty, the quietly handsome-in-a-nerdy-genius-way boy she'd had a crush on since the first day he'd entered her seventh-grade cla.s.sroom. She hadn't even seen him in several years and here she was, self-conscious all over again.

”I'm virtually overwhelmed by your extraordinary compliments, Derrick,” Libby said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. She would not-would not-let him see how his casual dismissal of her feminine qualities still had the power to hurt her. ”A woman always loves to hear she looks starved and unhealthy, thank you.”

She made the mistake of looking up at him, her gaze locking with his.

He was watching her with a look she'd never seen in a man's eyes before, at least not when those eyes were directed at her. He looked hungry, like a predatory wolf. She swallowed hard and turned her face back toward the ocean. She just couldn't look at him and be rational. Everything he said annoyed her. He was the only person in the world who could get her riled, yet for some logic-defying m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic reason she craved him. She always had.

”I never said you looked bad, Drake. It was merely an observation and genuine concern over your health. I hadn't realized you were so sensitive.” He slid his fingers over her wrist to capture her hand, tugging until she came with him. ”I noticed the paint on your house. It's very unusual.”

She blinked up at him, more fl.u.s.tered than ever, trying desperately to follow the conversation. Her head was beginning to hurt. ”The paint? Oh. The paint. What is it with men and paint?”

”Pardon me?”