Chapter 42 (1/2)

The strongest are burdened (2)

「Fuaa. …What’s going on this early in the morning?」

The cool wind drifts through weekday mornings, Yuuto called out to someone onthe corner of the garden while rubbing his drowsy eyes.

「Fuu! Fuu! Ah, Yuuto. Morning」

Asuka turned around to Yuuto while wiping her sweat. Her face was filled with freshness.

An imitation sword on her right hand. Indeed it was a sword that Asuka asked Yuuto to make for practice. It’s heavy but there’s no sharpness.

「…What are you doing?」

「You can’t tell from looking? I’m training」

Taking a breather, Asuka took the gla.s.s that’s put on the top of the table in the garden. Drinking the water, Asuka gripped her sword again.

「Why again? …Is there a meaning?」

‘Sorry to interrupt you getting fired up’, Yuuto asked Asuka curiously. Asuka’s physical strength is already amplified by Yuuto’s treasure tool. The sword training doesn’t seem to have meaning anymore.

「What are you talking about. Certainly, your treasure tools are amazing but I myself holds the sword. Even the scarlet sword won’t have a meaning if it didn’t hit」

Asuka continued to swing the heavy sword without extending the treasure tool. It’s different from kendo’s practice swinging but the movement is practical.

Guessing from Asuka’s mental state, Yuuto didn’t pry further.

Recently it was Risty. Asuka’s sword skill didn’t even graze Risty. Yuuto thought it can’t be helped as an opponent is an opponent, Asuka seems to be thinking something else. ‘With that said, during this past month, I feel that I’ve heard Asuka’s shout from the garden.’ Yuuto’s life is basically self-indulgence, but he gets up early from time to time.

「…Well, please don’t overstrain yourself」

「Unn. Call me when breakfast is ready」

Yuuto went to the dining area as Asuka directs a backward glance while training hard.

◆  ◆  ◆

「Ah, Yuuto-sama. Good morning」

「Un, Morning. Sasha is early too」

When Yuuto arrived at the kitchen, Sasha greeted him as she was surprised lightly. It’s because Yuuto doesn’t get up early. Yuuto sits on the chair and looks a the dining.

「…Does Asuka-sama do that thing every morning?」

Yuuto muttered while spreading the newspaper Sasha put on the table. Though Sasha is preparing breakfast, she replied without stopping her work.

「Yes, recently she does. …Yuuto-sama does not do those things?」

While expanding the bacon on the frying pan, Sasha divided the egg with one hand. The sound of oil bouncing was heard, Yuuto’s belly grumbled.

「I, don’t do that kind of physical training. I move my head without scratching the sweat in front of the desk. 」

‘Is it bacon and eggs this morning?’, Yuuto turned the page. Though Sasha’s bacon and egss are good, Yuuto is fond of it being a bit burned.

「Oh. There are various types of heroes too」

While combining the bacon and fried egg, Sasha measured the burn with her eyes. For Sasha, Yuuto and Asuka are cloudlike existence. She also doesn’t have doubts about Yuuto’s training method.

「Asuka-sama too, she doesn’t particularly need to do that …Really」

Yuuto scratched his head as he imagined Asuka sweating very hard. ‘Oh, I can only blame myself’, Yuuto gritted his molars.

Still, Asuka of the Scarlet Sky arnament is specially made. Though Yuuto is already accustomed in his own ability, he hadn’t made a treasure tool beyond that. The reason doesn’t come up to him, Yuuto listened to Asuka’s shout while making a difficult face.

「…Why does she work that hard?」

‘I feel like I don’t understand something’, Yuuto dropped the newspaper.

◆  ◆  ◆

「Waa, It’s Asukaー」


「Please shake hands with me!」

Yuuto watched Asuka being surrounded by the crowd.

「Thank you everyoneー」

Asuka wearing the armor, sprinkle her smile over the townspeople. Asuka showed a gentle smile on the children gathering.

Asuka is a popular figure in the town. Unlike other one-digit heroes, Yuuto thinks that there are a lot of popular actions.

The town daughter in the sweet shops of the castle town also lined up in the procession. She nursed Yuuto when he got drunk in the bar. The people’s eyes doesn’t mind the fas.h.i.+on of the theater and they just wail.

That’s right, she’s intimate with the townspeople which is unexpected of heroes. The other day she even helped the farmers in the neighborhood harvest.

Checking the big clock on the Trishulia’s castle, Yuuto looked back at Asuka. After this, they have to attend the regular meeting of the imperial guards today.

「Asuka-sama, we’ll be late」

「Sorrry. Everyone, see you laterー」

The children were clasping Asuka’s hand, and looked back apologetically at Yuuto. Yuuto walked ahead saying that there’s no need to apologize.