Chapter 16 (1/2)

Captain-sama loves a.s.s (1)

「Hii, Hiu. T-trainee soldiers…practice loyalty to the royal family. This loyalty teaching continues」

*Potari*, something drips on the royal family crest. Risty’s interior is shaken, it’s reflected in her eyes.

Inside the room is Risty’s pledge, then the obscene wet sound reverberating trough the room.

「Hinn, Nuu. …Trainee soldiers, that sword. Ooooooo, will be pulled out for the royal family and for the nation」

*Zuriyuriyu*, while making an audible sound, Risty’s a.n.u.s is being turned over.

『This, do you know what this is?』

When did he take it out? In Yuuto’s hand is a flesh colored grotesque d.i.l.d.o.

Risty saw it for the first time, she can easily imagine what kind of use it has.

「How about it? It has an easy to use sucker attached to it. Does it feel good?」

「Shu-Silence. Ah, o, ooooo」

*Bupori*, Risty’s a.n.u.s makes a sound. Risty’s cheeks blushed as she acc.u.mulates shame but the d.i.l.d.o applies lotion since a while ago, it brings terrible pleasure to Risty.

She can’t do any further than this, Risty was able to make a big pulse.

Risty looks at Yuuto for an instant. She doesn’t know what he’s thinking, Risty herself became desperate and tried to feign calmness so she won’t be seen through.

(I’m feeling numb. The hole in my a.s.s, hot, it’s feverish. …Uuu, this. I’m being seen)

*Piku Piku*, Risty’s thighs twitch, Yuuto sends her a cold gaze. Of course, Risty doesn’t notice the inner part.

「Iyaa. It’s a nice view. The appearance of the princess’ guard captain playing with her a.s.s」

「Uu, Uuuu. Dammit」

Risty’s face is burning with frustration. However, every time her body moves, every time she rubs, Risty’s limbs baffle to the increasing heat in herself.

Whenever the mucous membrane of her is rolled up, Risty raises a panting voice. For the explanation, it’s a treasure tool d.i.l.d.o Yuuto made, it doesn’t have the aphrodisiac ability but the user would feel the best.

Even if you put it in and out violently, the mucous membrane will never be injured. The lotion is endlessly supplied, then the size is slightly thicker than the one she used so far.

Risty’s body s.h.i.+ver in pleasure.

「N, Nuoooooo. Ooo, The Knight’s body is. Ah, aaah. Must be, oooo, a-an example for the soldiers…Oooooo」

Finally, Risty’s movement of her waist stopped. She can’t move herself any further, Risty was able to endure the advance of the pleasure.

Yuuto looks at Risty’s desperate expression, he grinned.

「As expected. Your loyalty is oozing out of your crotch」

「T-That’s not iioooooooo!?」

Before Risty’s glare reached him, Yuuto snapped his fingers.

That moment, the d.i.l.d.o inside Risty’s a.n.u.s began to rotate.

「Ooh!? S-sto-. What’s this? Ah, Aaah. Noooo. Sto-Stop it. I-I’m being turned over」

Yuuto ignores Risty’s voice then snaps his fingers again. The d.i.l.d.o’s rotation speed increased, Risty’s coquettish voice echoes unintentionally.

「Aaaaaaa. Don’t, Sto-, Aah. Aaaaaaaaa」

Risty noticed it too. What a shameful voice she leaks. However, Risty can’t do anything to the pleasure as it turns over her a.n.u.s again and again.

That feeling was antic.i.p.ated. When she comforts her body, she feels even more pleasure.

The strength of the pleasure easily her imagination. Risty finally shed tears to the stimulus at last.

「Nooooooo. My a.s.s. My a.s.s. I-It’s being turned over, ooo」

Risty threw herself to the pleasure, Yuuto keep watching with his heart throbbing.

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「How was it? You seem to feel good that you’re panting」