Part 16 (1/2)
”A bad morning, Bron Hoddan! A bad morning! Men from Walden came riding over the hills--”
”How many?”
”Two,” said Fani angrily. ”A fat man in a uniform, and a young man who looks like he wants to cry. They had an escort of retainers from one of my father's neighbors. They were stopped at the gate, of course, and they sent a written message in to my father, and he had them brought inside right away!”
Hoddan shook his head.
”They probably said that I'm a criminal and that I should be sent back to Walden. How'd they get down? The landing grid isn't working.”
Fani said viciously:
”They landed in something that used rockets. It came down close to a castle over that way--only six or seven miles from the s.p.a.ceport. They asked for you. They said you'd have landed from the last liner from Walden. And because you and Thal fought so splendidly--why, everybody's talking about you. So the chieftain over there accepted a present of money from them, and gave them horses as a return gift, and sent them here with a guard. Thal talked to the guards. The men from Walden have promised huge gifts of money if they help take you back to the thing that uses rockets.”
”I suspect,” said Hoddan, ”that it would be a s.p.a.ceboat--a lifeboat.
Hm-m-m.... Yes. With a built-in tool-steel cell to keep me from telling anybody how to make--” He stopped and grimaced. ”If they had time to build one in, that's certain! They'd take me to the s.p.a.ceport in a sound-proofed can and I'd be hauled back to Walden in it. Fine!”
”What are you going to do?” asked Fani anxiously.
Hoddan's ideas were not clear. But Darth was not a healthy place for him. It was extremely likely, for example, that Don Loris would feel that the very bad jolt he'd given that astute schemer's plans, by using stun-pistols at the s.p.a.ceport, had been neatly canceled out by his rescue of Fani. He would regard Hoddan with a mingled grat.i.tude and aversion that would amount to calm detachment. Don Loris could not be counted on as a really warm personal friend.
On the other hand, the social system of Darth was not favorable to a stranger with an already lurid reputation for fighting, but whose weapons would be useless unless frequently recharged--and who couldn't count on that as a steady thing.
As a practical matter, his best bet was probably to investigate the nine inexplicable s.h.i.+ps overhead. They hadn't co-operated with the Waldenians. It could be inferred that no confidential relations.h.i.+p existed up there. It was possible that the nine s.h.i.+ps and the Waldenians didn't even know of each other's presence. There is a lot of room in s.p.a.ce. If both called on s.h.i.+p-frequency and listened on ground-frequency, they would not have picked up each others' summons to the ground.
”You've got to do something!” insisted Fani. ”I saw Father talking to them! He looked happy, and he never looks happy unless he's planning some skulduggery!”
”I think,” said Hoddan, ”that I'll have some breakfast, if I may. As soon as I fasten up my s.h.i.+p bag.”
Thal said mournfully:
”If anything happens to you, something will happen to me too, because I helped you.”
”Breakfast first,” said Hoddan. ”That, as I understand it, should make it disgraceful for your father to have my throat cut. But beyond that--”
He said gloomily. ”Thal, get a couple of horses outside the wall. We may need to ride somewhere. I'm very much afraid we will. But first I'd like to have some breakfast.”
Fani said disappointedly:
”But aren't you going to face them? The men from Walden? You could shoot them!”
Hoddan shook his head.
”It wouldn't solve anything. Anyhow a practical man like your father won't sell me out before he's sure I can't pay off better. I'll bet on a conference with me before he makes a deal.”
Fani stamped her foot.
”Outrageous! Think what you saved me from!”
But she did not question the possibility. Hoddan observed: