Part 25 (1/2)
Verdelin I'm only repeating what you said yesterday--
Mercadet What I said?
Pierquin The fact of it is, Verdelin does not believe in the return of G.o.deau--
Minard Ah, sir!
Mercadet Is there any doubt about it?
Verdelin (ironically) Doubt about it! There is more than doubt about it. I at once concluded that this so-called return was the bold stroke that you spoke of yesterday.
Mercadet I--(Aside) Stupid of me!
Verdelin I concluded that, relying upon the presence of this fict.i.tious G.o.deau, you made purchases with the idea of paying on the rise, which would follow to-morrow, and that to-day you have actually not a single sou--
Mercadet You had imagined all that?
Verdelin (approaching the fireplace) Yes, but when I saw outside that triumphal post-chaise--that model of Indian manufacture, and I realized that it was impossible to find such a vehicle in the Champs-Elysees, all my doubts disappeared and-- But hand him over the bonds, M. Pierquin!
Pierquin The--bonds--it happens that--
Mercadet (aside) I must bluff, or I am lost! (Aloud) Certainly, produce the bonds.
Pierquin One moment--if what this gentleman has said is true--
Mercadet (haughtily) M. Pierquin!
Minard But, gentlemen--M. G.o.deau is here--I have seen him--I have talked with him.
Mercadet (to Pierquin) He has talked with him, sir.
Pierquin (to Verdelin) The fact of it is, I have seen him myself.
Verdelin I don't doubt it! By the bye, on what vessel did our friend G.o.deau say he arrived?
Mercadet By what vessel? It was by the--by the /Triton/--
Verdelin How careless the English newspapers are. They have published the arrival of no other English mail packet but the /Halcyon/.
Pierquin Really!
Mercadet Let us end this discussion. M. Pierquin--those bonds--
Pierquin Pardon me, but as you have offered no collateral, I would wish--I do wish to speak with G.o.deau.
Mercadet You shall not speak with him, sir. I cannot permit you to doubt my word.
Verdelin This is superb.