Part 40 (1/2)
'Aribert!' The faint call came from the bed. Aribert went to the bedside, while Nella remained near the window.
'What is it, Eugen?' he said. 'You are better now.'
'You think so?' murmured the other. 'I want you to forgive me for all this, Aribert. I must have caused you an intolerable trouble. I did it so clumsily; that is what annoys me. Laudanum was a feeble expedient; but I could think of nothing else, and I daren't ask anyone for advice.
I was obliged to go out and buy the stuff for myself. It was all very awkward.
But, thank goodness, it has not been ineffectual.'
'What do you mean, Eugen? You are better. In a day or so you will be perfectly recovered.'
'I am dying,' said Eugen quietly. 'Do not be deceived. I die because I wish to die. It is bound to be so. I know by the feel of my heart. In a few hours it will be over. The throne of Posen will be yours, Aribert.
You will fill it more worthily than I have done. Don't let them know over there that I poisoned myself. Swear Hans to secrecy; swear the doctors to secrecy; and breathe no word yourself. I have been a fool, but I do not wish it to be known that I was also a coward. Perhaps it is not cowardice; perhaps it is courage, after all--courage to cut the knot. I could not have survived the disgrace of any revelations, Aribert, and revelations would have been sure to come. I have made a fool of myself, but I am ready to pay for it. We of Posen--we always pay--everything except our debts. Ah! those debts! Had it not been for those I could have faced her who was to have been my wife, to have shared my throne. I could have hidden my past, and begun again. With her help I really could have begun again. But Fate has been against me-- always! always! By the way, what was that plot against me, Aribert? I forget, I forget.'
His eyes closed. There was a sudden noise. Old Hans had slipped from his chair to the floor. He picked himself up, dazed, and crept shamefacedly out of the room.
Aribert took his nephew's hand.
'Nonsense, Eugen! You are dreaming. You will be all right soon. Pull yourself together.'
'All because of a million,' the sick man moaned. 'One miserable million English pounds. The national debt of Posen is fifty millions, and I, the Prince of Posen, couldn't borrow one. If I could have got it, I might have held my head up again. Good-bye, Aribert.... Who is that girl?'
Aribert looked up. Nella was standing silent at the foot of the bed, her eyes moist. She came round to the bedside, and put her hand on the patient's heart. Scarcely could she feel its pulsation, and to Aribert her eyes expressed a sudden despair.
At that moment Hans re-entered the room and beckoned to her.
'I have heard that Herr Racksole has returned to the hotel,' he whispered, 'and that he has captured that man Jules, who they say is such a villain.'
Several times during the night Nella inquired for her father, but could gain no knowledge of his whereabouts. Now, at half-past six in the morning, a rumour had mysteriously spread among the servants of the hotel about the happenings of the night before. How it had originated no one could have determined, but it had originated.
'Where is my father?' Nella asked of Hans.
He shrugged his shoulders, and pointed upwards. 'Somewhere at the top, they say.'
Nella almost ran out of the room. Her interruption of the interview between Jules and Theodore Racksole has already been described. As she came downstairs with her father she said again, 'Prince Eugen is dying-- but I think you can save him.'
'I?' exclaimed Theodore.
'Yes,' she repeated positively. 'I will tell you what I want you to do, and you must do it.'
AS Nella pa.s.sed downstairs from the top storey with her father--the lifts had not yet begun to work--she drew him into her own room, and closed the door.
'What's this all about?' he asked, somewhat mystified, and even alarmed by the extreme seriousness of her face.
'Dad,' the girl began, 'you are very rich, aren't you? very, very rich?'
She smiled anxiously, timidly. He did not remember to have seen that expression on her face before. He wanted to make a facetious reply, but checked himself.