Part 26 (1/2)
'I heard you, I heard you,' she exclaimed. 'Get back; you mustn't come here.'
There was a desperate and dangerous look on her face, and her form shook with scarcely controlled pa.s.sionate energy.
'Now see here, Miss Spencer,' Racksole said calmly, 'I guess we've had enough of this fandango. You'd better get up and clear out, or we'll just have to drag you off.'
He went calmly up to her, the lantern in his hand. Without another word she struck the knife into his arm, and the lantern fell extinguished.
Racksole gave a cry, rather of angry surprise than of pain, and retreated a few steps. In the darkness they could still perceive the glint of her eyes.
'I told you you mustn't come here,' the woman said. 'Now get back.'
Racksole positively laughed. It was a queer laugh, but he laughed, and he could not help it. The idea of this woman, this bureau clerk, stopping his progress and that of Prince Aribert by means of a bread- knife aroused his sense of humour. He struck a match, relighted the candle, and faced Miss Spencer once more.
'I'll do it again,' she said, with a note of hard resolve.
'Oh, no, you won't, my girl,' said Racksole; and he pulled out his revolver, c.o.c.ked it, raised his hand.
'Put down that plaything of yours,' he said firmly.
'No,' she answered.
'I shall shoot.'
She pressed her lips together.
'I shall shoot,' he repeated. 'One--two--three.'
Bang, bang! He had fired twice, purposely missing her. Miss Spencer never blenched. Racksole was tremendously surprised--and he would have been a thousandfold more surprised could he have contrasted her behaviour now with her abject terror on the previous evening when Nella had threatened her.
'You've got a bit of pluck,' he said, 'but it won't help you. Why won't you let us pa.s.s?'
As a matter of fact, pluck was just what she had not, really; she had merely subordinated one terror to another. She was desperately afraid of Racksole's revolver, but she was much more afraid of something else.
'Why won't you let us pa.s.s?'
'I daren't,' she said, with a plaintive tremor; 'Tom put me in charge.'
That was all. The men could see tears running down her poor wrinkled face.
Theodore Racksole began to take off his light overcoat.
'I see I must take my coat off to you,' he said, and he almost smiled.
Then, with a quick movement, he threw the coat over Miss Spencer's head and flew at her, seizing both her arms, while Prince Aribert a.s.sisted.
Her struggles ceased--she was beaten.
'That's all right,' said Racksole: 'I could never have used that revolver--to mean business with it, of course.'
They carried her, unresisting, upstairs and on to the upper floor, where they locked her in a bedroom. She lay in the bed as if exhausted.
'Now for my poor Eugen,' said Prince Aribert.