Chapter 110 (2/2)
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Naturally, not many King Realm cultivators were actually interested in doing so . Thus, the gold serpent crocodiles had been allowed to inhabit the valley . This time, the Battle of Towns was going to be held there . This signified that a war would start between the young elites and the gold serpent crocodiles .
Wu Town was quite far from the Golden River Valley, but fortunately, they could travel through the Wu River to shorten their journey . They would be able to reach it in about 10 days . For this, the Martial Hall Palace had deployed the largest s.h.i.+p they had . A large banner with ”Martial Hall Palace” written on it was hung above the s.h.i.+p, and it fluttered wildly in the wind .
Rows of Martial Hall Palace disciples stood on the s.h.i.+p, all of them fully armed as if they were heading out to war . Because they were going to partic.i.p.ate in the Battle of Towns, they had to show off their prowess and display how elite and well-trained they were . They were not going to leave outsiders with the impression that they were a disorganized mob .
Numerous people stood along the two sides of the river, looking at the Martial Hall Palace disciples with encouraging gazes . These young disciples taking part in the compet.i.tion on behalf of the town were their hope . Everyone wished to see these youngsters win them honor and glory . The s.h.i.+p started to sail forth, and soon, it left Wu Town's territory .
At this moment, the vice palace master, Tan Guanghua, spoke, ”After leaving Wu Town, we will be pa.s.sing by Gateflag Town . There, Gateflag Academy disciples will also set off and head to the Battle of Towns with us . We've had conflicts with them in the past, but be sure to not do anything during this journey unless provoked . Our priority is to reach the Golden River Valley without any complications . ”
Wu Town and Gateflag Town were neighboring towns, and the Martial Hall Palace and the Gateflag Academy represented the strength of their respective towns . Thus, it was unavoidable that the two competed with each other . As time went on, their grievances for each other only grew .
”Vice palace master, what if they provoke us?” asked a disciple .
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”We won't bother them if they don't provoke us, but if they dare provoke us, hmph . We will come back at them with twice the rage,” said Tan Guanghua . He then added, ”But of course, we must not be the party starting the conflict . If any of you decide to cause trouble during our journey there, don't blame me for what I will do to you . ”
After about four hours, the Martial Hall Palace's s.h.i.+p arrived near Gateflag Town . There, a ma.s.sive s.h.i.+p was anch.o.r.ed . A banner with ”Gateflag Academy” written on it was hanging on the s.h.i.+p . A group of battle-ready youngsters could be seen on the s.h.i.+p as well . All of them were currently looking at the Martial Hall Palace disciples with taunting eyes .
”Brother Tan, Brother Jie, you sure are taking your own sweet time arriving here,” a voice rang out .
Tan Guanghua replied, ”My apologies to keep you waiting . I wonder if your party is ready to set out now?”
”Of course we are . How would we dare to let you wait?” the person replied before he said to his disciples, ”Set off now . ”
”Gateflag Academy! Victory! Gateflag Academy! Victory!”
As soon as the order was given to set off, the youngsters on the s.h.i.+p started chanting in an orderly fas.h.i.+on . Their spirits were high, their momentum was boundless, and their confidence was fully displayed for all to see .
Some of the Martial Hall Palace disciples grew nervous at the sight . It felt like a declaration of war from the Gateflag Academy, and in terms of spirits alone, they seemed to be the weaker party . The two s.h.i.+ps started sailing alongside each other .
”Brother Tan, Brother Jie, I have a suggestion . Since both our parties are partic.i.p.ating in the Battle of Towns, why don’t we both work together to enter the top 10?” proposed the vice of Gateflag Academy, Luo Lin .
Luo Lin would be leading the Gateflag Academy's group in their trip to the Battle of Towns . He appeared to be a middle-aged man with a pair of sharp eyes that made clear the impressive strength he had .
”That's a decent idea, but none of us can be sure if the disciples can actually work together . Furthermore, there's also the question of the leaders.h.i.+p of the alliance,” Tan Guanghua said .
”Haha, that's not a problem at all . The stronger party will naturally be the leader . In any case, it would be hard for any of us to get into the top 10 independently . We might as well work together . That way, we will have a higher chance of succeeding,” said Luo Lin with a confident smile .
Just as Tan Guanghua was about to give a reply, Jie s.h.i.+ opened his mouth, ”Don't fall for it . They probably came prepared . ”
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