Chapter 42: Gong Qinyin! (2/2)
This young master didn't do it on purpose! At the very most, this young master will take full responsibility for having seen your body! Xiang Shaoyun thought to himself. Unable to hold his breath underwater indefinitely, he swam as fast as he could to sh.o.r.e. As long as he got to dry land, he would have a chance at escaping.
Little White, who had fallen off the cliff with Xiang Shaoyun, was not very injured either. Grabbing tightly onto him, Xiang Shaoyun swam towards the nearest sh.o.r.e he could find. Completely focused on escaping, he swam as fast as he possibly could. Immediately after drawing close to a relatively far away sh.o.r.e, he leapt out of the water.
Gong Qinyin monitored the lake like a hawk. The moment she saw Xiang Shaoyun rus.h.i.+ng out from the lake, she charged at him without a second thought, nocking yet another arrow on her bow. Given that her nickname was the ”Divine Arrow Maiden”, her bow technique was naturally nothing to scoff at.
With a single arrow, astral energy rushed at Xiang Shaoyun like a sea of shooting stars, quickly and viciously. Although he did not have water to conceal himself in, he had the Overlord's Nine Nether Steps. As nimble as a nether spirit, it would be hard for people at the same cultivation to even notice him. Gong Qinyin's surefire shot actually ended up missing him completely.
”So fast!” Gong Qinyin lightly gasped to herself. A while later, she nocked yet another arrow as she muttered, ”But he can't possibly be faster than my arrows!”
The second arrow flew forward.
This time, she simultaneously shot two arrows. The two arrows were launched in different directions, cutting off either path for Xiang Shaoyun. Hearing the sound of rus.h.i.+ng wind swiftly closing in on him, Xiang Shaoyun immediately ducked. The very moment he lowered himself, a swift arrow sliced across his hair and crashed heavily into the ground in front of him.
Xiang Shaoyun broke out in cold sweat. Drawing the Golden Wolf Sword, he turned around and bellowed, ”Little girl, I've had enough of you!”
Before he had even finished speaking, an arrow flew straight straight for his face. Without a second thought, Xiang Shaoyun slashed to block the arrow.
Xiang Shaoyun managed to deflect the arrow, but the raw power behind it left his hand trembling after forcefully countering it. If not for the fact that he had already broken through to the Astral Realm, this arrow would have been enough to knock the Golden Wolf Sword directly out of his hand.
Swis.h.!.+ Swis.h.!.+
Arrow after arrow came flying straight at Xiang Shaoyun, each arrow stronger than the previous. In the face of such danger, Xiang Shaoyun did not dare hold back. Invigorating his astral energy, the Golden Wolf Sword glowed with astral energy, cutting down arrow after arrow. Even so, he still sustained two arrow wounds.
”I must get closer to her position!” Xiang Shaoyun decided. With the Overlord's Nine Nether Steps, he rushed towards Gong Qinyin while dodging the incoming arrows.
”You've finally grown some b.a.l.l.s, you pervert! If I don't kill you today, I'm not worthy of being called Gong Qinyin!” Releasing her bow, she immediately drew the sword on her back and sent a flurry of slashes straight at Xiang Shaoyun.
Not only was Gong Qinyin adept at the bow, her swordsmans.h.i.+p was equally outstanding. Xiang Shaoyun met her head on, resulting in a violent clash of swords. Sparks flew as Astral Energy violently spread throughout the area. Xiang Shaoyun was obviously at a disadvantage, being continuously forced back by Gong Qinyin.
Gong Qinyin was obviously stronger than Xiang Shaoyun, even in terms of physical prowess. Although Xiang Shaoyun had unlimited potential lying within him, he could not hold a candle in terms of combat power and experience to Gong Qinyin. If this continued, he would most certainly end up defeated.
”Pervert, go to h.e.l.l!” Gong Qinyin suppressed Xiang Shaoyun to that point that he was completely frazzled. Taking advantage of Xiang Shaoyun's confusion, she thrust her sword toward his heart. This little girl really wanted to take his life!