Part 22 (2/2)
BUSBEY. Women's Trade Union Movement in Great Britain. U.S. Department of Labor. Bul. No. 83.
BUTLER, ELIZABETH B. Saleswomen in Mercantile Stores. New York, 1913.
---- Women in the Trades. New York, 1909.
CANADA. Department of Labor. Report of Royal Commission on Strike of Telephone Operators. Ottawa, 1907.
CLARK, SUE AINSLIE, and WYATT, EDITH. Making Both Ends Meet. New York, 1911.
CLARK, VICTOR S. The Labor Movement in Australia. New York, 1907.
COMMONS, JOHN R. Races and Immigrants in America. New York, 1907.
---- ANDREWS, JOHN B., SUMNER, HELEN L., and OTHERS. Doc.u.mentary History of American Industrial Society. Cleveland, 1910.
---- and OTHERS. Trade Unionism and Labor Problems. Boston, 1905.
COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA. Legislative Regulation of Wages. Year Book, No. 5, 1901-1911. pp. 1065-1069.
COOLEY, E.G. See publications of Commercial Club of Chicago on vocational education.
DEVINE, EDWARD T. Social Forces. New York.
DEWEY, JOHN. Schools of Tomorrow. New York, 1915.
---- The School and Society.
DORR, RHETA CHILDE. What Eight Million Women Want. Boston, 1910.
ELY, RICHARD T. The Labor Movement in America. New York, 1905.
GILMAN, CHARLOTTE P. Concerning Children. Boston, 1900.
---- Women and Economics. New York, 1905.
HAMILTON, CICELY. Marriage as a Trade.
HARD, WILLIAM. The Women of Tomorrow. New York, 1911.
HENDERSON, CHARLES RICHMOND. Citizens in Industry. New York, 1915.
HERRON, BELVA M. Progress of Labor Organization Among Women.
University of Illinois studies, Vol. 1, No. 10. Urbana, 1908.
HILLMAN, SIDNEY, and HOWARD, EARL DEAN. Hart, Schaffner and Marx Labor Agreements. Chicago, 1914.