Part 11 (1/2)
There is a peculiar charm and mystery to a house like this, which endears itself even to a stranger who steps over its threshold for the first time. It is a revelation of colonial furnis.h.i.+ng which is most interesting. The st.u.r.dy old house is both simple and dignified. It typifies in the best manner the construction of the early days; the staunchness of its build is evinced in its frame and walls, which are as sound as when first laid. To-day none of the rooms are unused. The part.i.tion in the secret chamber has been torn down, so that it now connects with the other rooms.
An unusual feature of the house is its many windows, which give it abundant light and suns.h.i.+ne. Cheeriness lies in its open fireplaces, one of which is found in every room of the house. There is no elaboration in wood-carving, this being perfectly plain, though varying in shape and design.
The chambers are also furnished with ancestral furniture, and in a room facing the south is a fine example of an old sleigh-bed, finished in mahogany veneer. The chairs are of Sheraton make, while the little low table was designed about the middle of the seventeenth century. In every chamber in the house four-posters are still seen, some of which are Field beds, while others have testers. Each room is kept as near as possible as it was when first occupied by the Parker family.
In the attic under the eaves is a veritable treasure house. Innumerable hair trunks, studded with bra.s.s-headed nails, are filled with beautiful silken damask gowns, camel's-hair shawls, and rare laces, which were once worn by the brides. In one of them lies Lady Catherine, a most wonderful doll, dressed in the fas.h.i.+on of colonial days. Her gown of fine white mull is yellowed by age, and, as you take her out, she holds in her hand a letter which tells her name and age. It is over a century ago since she came into existence, but she has been so carefully preserved that she is in perfect condition.
The exact date of the erection of this house is not definitely known. It ante-dated the Revolutionary war, and at the time of its purchase by Mr.
Parker, in 1777, it was considered by the residents of the town as an old mansion. In build, it resembles the seventeenth century houses, while in design it is unique and, save for its colonial porches and fences, might have belonged to an earlier period. It stands to-day a landmark of the old town, and the touch of time has not marred it with the air of age.
There is no more fascinating study, both for historian and architect, than that of colonial houses: homes that represent an epoch-making period in our country's history. They are the dividing line between the early days and the period when we ceased to be colonists, the time when we secured a firm footing in the land we have made our country.
[Ill.u.s.tration: PLATE LXII.--The Stark Mansion, Dunbarton, N. H.]
One of these old houses stands not many miles from Concord, New Hamps.h.i.+re. This is the Stark mansion at Dunbarton, a colonial house which is of especial interest for the reason that under its roof are gathered the relics of five famous families: the Starks, McNeils, Wentworths, Morrises, and Pierces. This house is one of the few old landmarks which still remain in the possession of the descendants original patentees. More than almost any other house which has historic connections, this one has been made famous in American history through two of its owners,--General John Stark and his son, Major Caleb Stark.
One leaves the little railroad station at East Weir, New Hamps.h.i.+re and drives along country roads to visit the historic place, which is situated about a mile from the heart of the country village. The grant itself comprises over one hundred acres, in the midst of a fertile country, and includes woodland and meadow, orchards and gardens, the latter in the immediate vicinity of the house. The home lot is in the very center of the estate, and here the old-time details have been most carefully preserved.
The grounds are entered through a wide road, lined on either side by stately trees, whose branches, meeting overhead, form a shaded driveway.
Just before the boundary line is reached, one sees at the right-hand side of the road a small wooden structure. This is the little old schoolhouse, where in the days long gone by the neighbors received their early education. As a memento of those early days, it is still kept carefully preserved, but unoccupied.
[Ill.u.s.tration: PLATE LXIII.--Old Mill, Stark Homestead.]
The fine country drive stretches on ahead, winding in and out under the leafy archway. At a sharp turn of the road, is seen at the left, ensconced among the trees, a picturesque old mill. This was erected in 1760 for the grinding of grain, being the fulfillment of one condition of the grant. Here the farmers from far and near brought their loads of corn to be ground, and it ran uninterruptedly until 1889, when its voice was stilled. The stream which once ran merrily over the rocks, turning the great wheel, is now silent, while the mill is fast falling into decay. Nature has done much to make this one of the most picturesque parts of the estate.
Keeping to the left, a sweep of the road takes us to the old cemetery, laid out, as was the custom of the early days, on every large estate. It is surrounded by an iron fence and is fringed with trees, among which is a staunch willow which was brought as a slip from the grave of Napoleon I. It was fittingly planted here, and taking kindly to its new home, lends additional interest to the historic estate.
Inside the cemetery all of the Stark family lie buried, with the exception of the emigrant ancestor, Archibald Stark. Pa.s.sing through the gates and up a flight of stone steps, a second enclosure is reached.
Here lies Caleb Stark, so famous in American history, and over his grave a monument is erected to his memory.
Leaving the cemetery and following the wide stretch of road which winds in and out, with stone walls on either side, we drive through the heart of a woodland in the direction of the house. The road was bounded by monarchs of the forest,--tall, lofty trees, many of which bear the mark of the broad arrow and were known as ”King's Trees,” being marked in this manner in the early days, when they were set apart for use in the royal s.h.i.+pyard. Fortunately the king was cut down by One greater than an earthly forester, and they still stand to-day in all their glory,--monuments of the past and ornaments of the present.
In and out winds the wide avenue, between the drooping branches of these fine old trees, until it reaches the colonial mansion, which is a full half mile from the wooded entrance. The house is hidden from view, until the home plot is reached, by the dense foliage. It stands in the center of a large, open s.p.a.ce showing fine lawns and old-fas.h.i.+oned gardens, bordered by more venerable trees, some of which are worth more than pa.s.sing notice. For instance, a certain black walnut, which Major Stark transplanted from Ohio to its new home, took root here and is now grown to be one of the finest trees on the estate. Another, a beautiful elm, was set out by Miss Charlotte Stark, the last owner of the grant.
Ancient b.u.t.ton woods, veterans scarred and faithful, still stand as sentinels to guard the house, while mulberry trees shade the opposite side of the road. At the rear of the house is the garden, bright with old-fas.h.i.+oned flowers and fragrant with the odor of the blossoms our grandmothers loved.
Across the street are the barns. Here is stored many an interesting relic, including a saddle with silver mountings that was used by President Franklin Pierce during his term of service in the Mexican War.
In the corner is the queer, old-fas.h.i.+oned, two-wheeled chaise used by Madam Stark for their annual drive to Portsmouth. In the house is still preserved the old-fas.h.i.+oned green calash which was worn by Miss Harriet Stark on this all-important trip.
The house was erected in 1785 by Major Caleb Stark and is known as the Mansion House. It was modelled after the manor houses of England, combining stately grandeur and picturesque repose. It is built of wood, two stories and a half in height, showing dormer windows, a gambrel roof, and a large, two-storied ell.
Everywhere an old-time atmosphere prevails--from the time one enters the grounds until the front door is reached. This entrance door is a curious one, being three inches thick and bearing a handsome bra.s.s lock and knocker which were brought over from England by Major Stark. Over the door is a row of old bull's-eyes, specimens of early American gla.s.s, green in coloring and rough inside where they were taken from the molding bar.