Part 6 (1/2)
'If my brother had personal friends among the magistrates,'
I said, 'I would be happy for them to get in touch with me here. If you wouldn't mind telling them.'
'I'll do that, certainly.' He hesitated. 'Mr Franklin sits on the licensing committee. Do you want me to inform the chairman?'
'Yes, please. Tell anyone you can.'
He said goodbye with all the cares of the world on his shoulders and I sighed to Annette that we had better begin telling everyone else as soon as possible, but the trade was to expect business as usual.
'What about the papers?' she asked. 'Shall we put it in The Dmes and so on?'
'Good idea. Can you do it?'
She said she could, but in fact showed me the paragraph she'd written before phoning the papers. 'Suddenly, as the result of an accident, Greville Saxony Franklin JP, son of . . .' She'd left a s.p.a.ce after 'son of'
which I filled in for her: 'the late Lt. Col. and Mrs Miles Franklin'. I changed 'brother of Derek' to 'brother of Susan, Miranda and Derek', and I added a few final words, 'Cremation, Ipswich, Friday'.
'Have you any idea,' I asked Annette, 'what he could have been doing in Ipswich?'
She shook her head. 'I've never heard him mention the place. But then he didn't ever tell me very much that wasn't business.' She paused. 'He wasn't exactly secretive, but he never chatted about his private life.'
She hesitated. 'He never talked about you.'
I thought of all the times he'd been good company and told me virtually nothing, and I understood very well what she meant.
'He used to say that the best security was a still tongue,' she said. 'He asked us not to talk too much about our jobs to total strangers, and we all know it's safer not to, even though we don't have precious stones here. All the people in the trade are security mad and the diamantaires can be paranoid.'
'What,' I said, 'are diamantaires?'
'Not what, who,' she said. 'They're dealers in rough diamonds. They get the stones cut and polished and sell them to manufacturing jewellers. Mr Franklin always said diamonds were a world of their own, quite separate from other gemstones. There was a ridiculous boom and a terrible crash in world diamond prices during the eighties and a lot of the diamantaires lost fortunes and went bankrupt and Mr Franklin was often saying that they must have been mad to over-extend the way they had.' She paused. 'You couldn't help but know what was happening all round us in this area, where every second business is in gemstones. No one in the pubs and restaurants talked of much else. So you see, I'm sure the bank manager must be wrong. Mr Franklin would never buy diamonds.'
If he hadn't bought diamonds, I thought, what the h.e.l.l had he done with one point five million dollars in cash?
Bought diamonds. He had to have done. Either that or the money was still lying around somewhere, undoubtedly carefully hidden. Either the money or diamonds to the value were lying around uninsured, and if my semi-secretive ultra-security-conscious brother had left a treasure-island map with X marking the precious spot, I hadn't yet found it. Much more likely, I feared, that the knowledge had died under the scaffolding. If it had, the firm would be forfeited to the bank, the last thing Greville would have wanted.
If it had, a major part of the inheritance he'd left me had vanished like morning mist.
He should have stuck to his old beliefs, I thought gloomily, and let diamonds strictly alone.
The telephone on the desk rang again and this time Annette answered it, as she was beside it.
'Saxony Franklin, can I help you?' she said, and listened. '
No, I'm very sorry, you won't be able to talk to Mr Franklin personally... Could I have your name, please?' She listened. 'Well, Mrs Williams, we must most unhappily inform you that Mr Franklin died as a result of an accident over the weekend. We are however continuing in business. Can I help you at all?'
She listened for a moment or two in increasing puzzlement, then said, 'Are you there? Mrs Williams, can you hear me?' But it seemed as though there was no reply, and in a while she put the receiver down, frowning. '
Whoever it was hung up.'
'Do I gather you don't know Mrs Williams?'
'No, I don't.' She hesitated. 'But I think she rang yesterday, too. I think I told her yesterday that Mr Franklin wasn't expected in the office all day, like I told everyone. I didn't ask for her name yesterday. But she has a voice you don't forget.'
'Why not?'
'Cut gla.s.s,' she said succinctly. 'Like Mr Franklin, but more so. Like you too, a bit.'
I was amused. She herself spoke what I thought of as unaccented English, though I supposed any way of speaking sounded like an accent to someone else. I wondered briefly about the cut-gla.s.s Mrs Williams who had received the news of the accident in silence and hadn't asked where, or how, or when.
Annette went off to her own office to get through to the newspapers and I picked Greville's diary out of my trouser pocket and tried the numbers that had been unreachable the night before. The two at the back of the book turned out to be first his bookmaker and second his barber, both of whom sounded sorry to be losing his custom, though the bookmaker less so because of Greville'
s habit of winning.
My ankle heavily ached; the result, I dared say, of general depression as much as aggrieved bones and muscle. Depression because whatever decisions I'd made to that point had been merely common sense, but there would come a stage ahead when I could make awful mistakes through ignorance. I'd never before handled finances bigger than my own bank balance and the only business I knew anything about was the training of racehorses, and that only from observation, not from hands-on experience. I knew what I was doing around horses: I could tell the spinel from the ruby. In Greville's world, I could be taken for a ride and never know it. I could-lose badly before I'd learned even the elementary rules of the game.
Greville's great black desk stretched away to each side of me, the wide knee-hole flanked to right and left by twin stacks of drawers, four stacks in all. Most of them now contained what they had before the break-in, and I began desultorily to investigate the nearest on the left, looking vaguely for anything that would prompt me as to what I'd overlooked or hadn't known was necessary to be done.
I first found not tasks but the toys: the small black gadgets now tidied away into serried ranks. The Geiger counter was there, also the hand-held copier and a variety of calculators, and I picked out a small black contraption about the size of a paperback book and, turning it over curiously, couldn't think what it could be used for.
'That's an electric measurer,' June said, coming breezily into the office with her hands full of paper.
'Want to see how it works?'
I nodded and she put it flat on its back on the desk.
'It'll tell you how far it is from the desk to the ceiling,'
she said, pressing 'There you are, seven feet five and a half inches. In metres,' she pressed another k.n.o.b, 'two metres twenty-six centimetres.'
'I don't really need to know how far it is to the celling,' I said.
She laughed. 'If you hold it flat against a wall, it measures how far it is to the opposite wall. Does it in a flash, as you saw. You don't need to mess around with tape measures. Mr Franklin got it when he was redesigning the stock-rooms. And he worked out how much carpet we'd need, and how much paint for the walls.
This gadget tells you all that.'
'You like computers, don't you?' I said.
'Love them. All shapes, all sizes.' She peered into the open drawer. 'Mr Franklin was always buying the tiny ones.' She picked out a small grey leather slip-cover the size of a pack of cards and slid the contents onto her palm. 'This little dilly is a travel guide. It tells you things like phone numbers for taxis, airlines, tourist information, the weather, emba.s.sies, American Express.' She demonstrated, pus.h.i.+ng b.u.t.tons happily. 'It's an American gadget, it even tells you the TV channels and radio frequencies for about a hundred cities in the US, including lucson, Arizona, where they hold the biggest gem fair every February. It helps you with fifty other cities round the world, places like Tel Aviv and Hong Kong and Taipei where Mr Greville was always going.'
She put the travel guide down and picked up something else. 'This little round number is a sort of telescope, but it also tells you how far you are away from things. It's for golfers. It tells you how far you are away from the flag on the green, Mr Franklin said, so that you know which club to use.'
'How often did he play golf?' I said. Iooking through the less than four-inch-long telescope and seeing inside a scale marked GREEN on the lowest line with diminis.h.i.+ng numbers above, from 200 yards at the bottom to 40 yards at the top. 'He never talked about it much.'
'He sometimes played at weekends, I think,' June said doubtfully. 'You line up the word oREEN with the actual green, and then the flag stick is always eight feet high. I think, so wherever the top of the stick is on the scale, that's how far away you are. He said it was a good gadget for amateurs like him. He said never to be ashamed of landing in life's bunkers if you'd tried your best shot.' She blinked a bit. 'He always used to show these things to me when he bought them. He knew I liked them too.' She fished for a tissue and without apology wiped her eyes.
'Where did he get them all from?' I asked.
iMail order catalogues, mostly.'
I was faintly surprised. Mail order and Greville didn't seem to go together, somehow, but I was wrong about that, as I promptly found out.