Volume III Part 67 (1/2)
Sweet, Sylva.n.u.s H., nominated for state eng., 1865, iii. 129; defeated, 135; renominated, 1873, 309; elected, 309.
Sylvester, Francis, nominated for state comp., 1877, iii. 377; defeated, 387.
Talcott, Samuel A., atty.-gen., i. 289; career and appearance of, 289-94; genius of, 290; compared to Hamilton, 290; Chief Justice Marshall on, 290; opposed Webster in Snug Harbour case, 290; close relations with Butler, 291; original member of Albany Regency, 293-4; death of, 294.
Tallmadge, Fred A., elected to state senate, ii. 16; nominated for clerk to Court of Appeals, 1862, iii. 41, note; elected, 51.
Tallmadge, James, opposition to Missouri Compromise, i. 274; applicant for atty.-gen., 274; hostility to DeWitt Clinton, 274; work in const.i.tutional con., 1821, 299-310; applicant for state comp., 321; beaten by Marcy, 321; supported Adams, 1824, 324; voted for Clinton's removal as ca.n.a.l com., 328-9; great mistake, 329; nominated for lt.-gov., 331; in const.i.tutional con., 1846, ii. 103.
Tallmadge, Nathaniel P., opponent of Regency, i. 358; sent to a.s.sembly, 358; in U.S. Senate, ii. 1; att.i.tude toward slavery, 11; endorsed Seward for gov., 24-5; nominated for U.S. Senate, 38; elected, 39; becomes gov. of Wisconsin, 92.
Tammany Society, early history of, i. 181-5; hostility to DeWitt Clinton, 181-5; opposes Erie ca.n.a.l, 251; opposed Clinton for gov., 1817, 251; defeated, 252; Clinton dismisses its office-holders, 255; Van Buren silences its opposition to ca.n.a.l, 261-2; influence in securing the const.i.tutional con., 1821, 296; favours Jackson for President, 357; trains with the Softs, ii. 249; defeats Wood, 257.
Tammany Hall, defeated, 1861, iii. 29; Tweed begins his career, 176; boss of, 176; his lieutenants, 177; forces Hoffman's nomination, 1866, 159; fraudulent naturalisations, 175; its new building, 178; again nominates Hoffman, 1868, 205; renominates Hoffman, 1870, 231; startling disclosures of Tweed ring, 246-9; controls state con., 1871, 269-73; dismayed by result of election, 275; Kelly succeeds Tweed as its leader, 288; reorganises it, 289; divided into two factions, 325; Morrissey faction rejected, 325; Kelly's ticket defeated, 1875, 331; Morrissey and Kelly factions unite, 1876, 346; ticket elected, 350; factions divide, 1877, 378; Kelly wins, 383; but Morrissey elected to Senate, 388; it controls Dem. state con., 1878, 392; defeated in election, 397; bolts Dem. state con., 1879, 423; holds con. of its own, 424; nominates Kelly for gov., 424; crushed by defeat, 427; refused admission to Dem. state con., 1880, 451; holds con. of its own, 451; platform stigmatises Tilden, 452; refused admission to Dem. nat. con., 1880, 457; spectacular reconciliation, 458; forces a Dem. state con., 460; has its own way, 460; fools Irving Hall on mayoralty, 460; opponents organise County Democracy, 483; dels. excluded from Dem. state con., 1881, 484; local ticket defeated, 483; forces way into Dem. state con., 1882, 488; divides its vote for gov., 490; finally supports Cleveland, 491; joins County Democracy on local ticket, 498; elect state and city officials, 498.
”Tammany-Republicans,” history of t.i.tle, iii. 250, 254, 255.
Tappan, Abraham B., candidate prison insp., 1861, iii. 23, note; elected, 29.
Tappan, Arthur, early Abolitionist, ii. 6; requisition for, 6.
Tappan, Lewis, early Abolitionist, ii. 6; home mobbed, 6; nominated for state comp., 216.
Taylor, John, career and character of, i. 177-8; speech against Platt, 178; opposes Bank of America, 196; appearance of, 196; nominated for lt.-gov., 213; attacked by Clinton, 213; elected, 215; renominated for lt.-gov. with Clinton, 279.
Taylor, John J., nominated for lt.-gov., ii. 249-50; career of, 250.
Taylor, John W., congressman from Saratoga, i. 312; brilliant leader, 312; twice speaker of national House of Representatives, 312, ii. 204; refuses nomination for lt.-gov., i. 331; defeated for speaker in Twentieth Congress, 359.
Champion opponent of Missouri Compromise, 1820, ii. 204; lived to see principles adopted, 204; longer continuous service than any successor, 204; character of speeches, 204; death of, 204.
Taylor, Moses, urges Lincoln's renomination, iii. 88; attends Saratoga con., 1866, 144; approves books of Tweed's city comp., 245.
Taylor, William B., candidate for state eng., 1861, iii. 23, note; elected, 29; renominated, 1863, 76; elected, 83; renominated, 1869, 226; defeated, 227; renominated, 1871, 264; elected, 275; renominated, 1873, 308; defeated, 309.
Temperance vote, 1870, iii. 244, note.
Thayer, Adin, nominated for ca.n.a.l com., 1874, iii. 314; elected, 319.
Thayer, Francis S., nominated for sec. of state, 1873, iii. 308; defeated, 309.
Third term, talk of it, 1874, iii. 317; Grant's letter ends it, 1875, 329; Rep. state con., 1875, declares against it, 325; Grant becomes an active candidate, 1880, 428; efforts of Stalwarts to nominate him, 429-42; opposition to, 429-42; defeated, 442.
Thomas, David, career and character of, i. 191-2; charged with bribery, 193; indicted and acquitted, 194.
Thomas, Thomas, member of Council of Appointment, 1807, i. 156.
Thompson, Herbert O., appointed clerk of N.Y. county, 1879, iii. 418; an organiser of the County Democracy, 483.