Volume III Part 58 (1/2)

Henry, John V., removed from comptrollers.h.i.+p, i. 117; resents methods of Council, 119; character of, 119.

Hepburn, A. Barton, nominated for congressman-at-large, 1882, iii. 494; declined to accept, 495.

Hewitt, Abram S., ch'm. Dem. nat. con., 1876, iii. 349; management of, 349; informs Tilden of Electoral Com., 354; relied upon Davis being fifth judge, 356; uses ”Morey letter,” 1880, with great force, 462; an organiser of the County Democracy, 484.

Higgins, Frank W., promoted from lt.-gov. to gov., i. 180.

Hildreth, Matthias B., appointed atty.-gen., i. 179; death of, 213.

Hill, David B., promoted from lt.-gov. to gov., i. 180; ch'm. state con., 1877, iii. 380; early career, 381; character and ability, 381; aids Tilden, 381; hesitates to rule against Kelly, 382; in con., 1879, 420; elected lt.-gov., 1882, 498.

Hill, Nicholas, ability of, ii. 390.

Hillhouse, Thomas, nominated for state comp., 1865, iii. 130; elected, 135; renominated, 1867, 187; defeated, 187; renominated, 1869, 225; withdraws from ticket, 225.

Hisc.o.c.k, Frank, attended Lib. Rep. state con., 1872, iii. 296; on com. to confer with Dems., 296; suggested for gov., 1879, 414; early career and character, 415.

Hitchman, William, elected speaker of a.s.sembly, 1869, iii. 224; controlled by Tweed, 224; re-elected, 1870, 228.

Hoadley, George, joins Lib. Rep. movement, iii. 283; opposes Greeley's nomination, 283.

Hobart, John Sloss, member first const.i.tutional con., i. 5; judge Supreme Court, 16; at Hartford con., 28; member Poughkeepsie con., 33; retired from Supreme Court, 68; elected to U.S. Senate, 70.

Hoffman, James O., recorder of N.Y., i. 179.

Hoffman, John T., life and character of, iii. 156, 157, 164; offices held, 157, 177; nominated for gov., 1866, 159; active in campaign, 164; makes good impression, 164; loyalty impeached, 164; defeated, 165; ch'm. Dem. state con., 1867, 179; favours U.S. bonds paid in gold, 180; receives complimentary votes for President, 1868, 198; nominated for gov., 1868, 205; Nast's cartoons, 210; proclamation as mayor, 1868, 214; elected, 215; evidence of fraud, 215-8; approves Tweed charter, 229; also Erie railroad legislation, 230; appoints Tweed judges to general term, 230; criticised severely, 230; renominated, 1870, 231; Nast's cartoon on repeaters, 242; attacks resented, 243; elected, 244; del.-at-large to Dem. nat. con., 1872, 287; declines to be candidate for gov., 1872, 297; con. approves his administration, 298; in retirement, 299; death, 299.

Hoffman, Josiah Ogden, leads Federalists, i. 61; removed as atty.-gen., 117.

Hoffman, Michael, leading Radical, ii. 52; career and character of, 52-3; defeated for speaker, 59; power in debate, 63; const.i.tutional con., 1846, 97-9; in const.i.tutional con., 103; state indebtedness, 107-9; Weed on, 108.

Hoffman, Ogden, son of Josiah Ogden Hoffman, i. 357; eloquence of, 357; sent to a.s.sembly, 358; criminal lawyer, 358; nominated for atty.-gen., ii. 187; gifts of, 188; Greeley on, 188.

Holley, Orville L., surveyor-general, ii. 18, 36.

Hopkins, Nelson K., nominated for state comp., 1871, iii. 264; elected, 275; renominated, 1873, 308; endorsed by Liberals, 309; elected, 309.

Hoskins, George G., nominated for lt.-gov., 1879, iii. 416; elected, 427.

Howe, Epenetus, nominated for gov., 1882, iii. 487; defeated, 498.

Howland, Joseph, nominated for state treas., 1865, iii. 130; elected, 135.

Hoyt, Stephen T., nominated for ca.n.a.l com., 1866, iii. 152; elected, 165; renominated, 1869, 226; defeated, 227.

Hubbard, Ruggles, member of Council, i. 231; attachment for Clinton, 234; character of, 235.

Hudson River Valley, attracts New Englanders, i. 81.