Volume III Part 54 (1/2)
Curtis, William E., activity in reform, 1871, iii. 268; at Dem. state con., 1871, 272.
Cutting, Francis B., attends Saratoga con., 1866, iii. 144.
Cuyler, Theodore L., on Cornell's defeat for renomination, 1882, iii. 495.
Danforth, George F., nominated for atty.-gen., 1874, iii. 325; defeated, 331; nominated for judge Court of Appeals, 1876, 339; defeated, 350; renominated, 1878, 392; elected, 397.
Davenport, Ira, supports Rogers for U.S. Senate, 1881, iii. 466; nominated for state comp., 1881, 485; elected, 486.
Davis, David, Lincoln's manager at Chicago con., ii. 288; on Vallandigham's arrest, iii. 66; favoured for President, 1872, iii. 282; defeated, 286; elected U.S. senator, 1881, 356; fails to go upon Electoral Com., 356; blow to the Dems., 356.
Davis, Jefferson, sharp controversy with Douglas, ii. 279-80; reasons for secession, 375-6; conditions on which he would accept peace, 1864, iii. 102-3.
Davis, Matthew L., urged for appointment by Burr, i. 121; literary executor of Burr, 145; leader of the Burrites, 152; bitter opponent of DeWitt Clinton, 181.
Davis, Noah, cand. for U.S. Senate, 1867, iii. 166; character and ability, 166; Fenton not helpful, 171; defeated by Conkling, 171.
Dawson, George, Albany _Journal_, a leading Rep. editor, iii. 414.
Dayton, Jonathan, member Council of Appointment, i. 231.
Dayton, William L., nominated for Vice-President, ii. 229.
Dearborn, Henry, in command on Canadian border, i. 221; career and character of, 221; plan of campaign, 221; failure of, 222; offers to resign, 222; further failures, 223; retires, 223.
De Lamatyr, Gilbert, nominated for prison inspector, 1867, iii. 174; defeated, 188.
Delegate conventions, beginning of, i. 250; prototype of modern con., 327, 331.
Democratic national conventions, Chicago, 1864, iii. 107-9; New York City, 1868, 196-201; Baltimore, 1872, 287-90; St. Louis, 1876, 342; Cincinnati, 1880, 455-9.
Democratic party, organised by Van Buren, i. 349, 350, 365; its first national con., 391; opposes U.S. Bank, 393; triumph of, 396; sweeps state, 1834, 404.
Again in 1836, ii. 13-14; first defeat, 29; defeat, 1840, 45; recovers state, 1841, 47; divided into Radicals and Conservatives, 52, 126; leaders of, 53, 126; Radicals called Barnburners, 126; Conservatives called Hunkers, 126; Seymour unites two factions, 149; nominated Seymour for gov., 1850, 156; defeated, 158; united, 1852, 169-78; carried state, 178; again splits into Hunkers and Barnburners, 180-5; factions called Hards and Softs, 185; defeated by split, 189; split continued by repeal of Missouri Compromise, 195; united again, 232; Wood captures state con., 257; Hards yield to Softs, 258; indorses Buchanan and popular sovereignty, 258.
Democratic peace convention, ii. 354-8; met at Albany, 354; Greeley on, 354; utterances of Seymour, Parker, Clinton, and others, 355-8.
Democratic state conventions, 1861, Syracuse, iii. 16; 1862, Albany, 38; 1863, Albany, 79; 1864, Albany, 101, 117; 1865, Albany, 128; 1866, Albany, 155; 1867, Albany, 178; 1868, Albany, 205; 1869, Syracuse, 226; 1870, Rochester, 230; 1871, Rochester, 269; 1872, Syracuse, 296; 1873, Utica, 308; 1874, Syracuse, 313; 1875, Syracuse, 325-6; 1876, Saratoga, 345-6; 1877, Albany, 378-84; 1878, Syracuse, 392-3; 1879, Syracuse, 418-24; 1880, Syracuse, 449-50; also Saratoga, 460; 1881, Albany, 484-5; 1882, Syracuse, 487-91.
Denio, Hiram, nominated for Court of Appeals, ii. 184; character of, 184; elected, 189.
Dennison, Robert, report on ca.n.a.l, ii. 60-1.
Depew, Chauncey M., nominated for speaker of a.s.sembly, 1863, iii. 53; withdrawn, 54; nominated for sec. of state, 1863, 75; character of, 75; elected, 83; beaten for ch'm. of Rep. state con., 1864, 91; places Greeley in nomination for gov., 1868, 195; at Rep. state con., 1871, 258-9; president Lib. Rep. state con., 1872, 296; nominated for lt.-gov., 297; defeated, 302; cand. for U.S. Senate, 1881, 466; at Blaine's request, 466, note; choice of majority of Half-breeds, 466; throws his votes to Platt, 468; Platt's promise, 468 and note; sees President about Robertson's appointment, 1881, 473; cand. for U.S. Senate in Platt's place, 479, 480; withdraws, 480; president Rep. state con., 1881, 485.
DeWitt, Simeon, surveys route for ca.n.a.l, i. 242; estimated cost, 242; long career as surveyor-general, 321.
d.i.c.kinson, Andrew B., career of, ii. 399, note; appointed by Seward, 399; reasons for, 400; criticised by Greeley, 401; grat.i.tude to Seward, 401, note.