Part 3 (1/2)

[_Coming to her._] Even now as my hand touches you, you are trembling.

Is it the cat that crept upon us Whose shape still affrights you?

O TOYO. Thou hast said it--My soul is as thou sayest.

My dreams are sweet and again bitter.

Once came a dream horrible above all dreams.

KAs.h.i.+KU. What dream, my lady?

O TOYO. The night when you found me there on the floor.

Do you remember?

KAs.h.i.+KU. Well. You were all distraught and the bosom of your gown Was torn open and you clutched your throat As if you were wounded there. But there was no mark.

And you let wild words fall from your lips And none knew their meaning.

O TOYO. The Prince and I walked in the garden And there at the shoji I left him.

As I entered There entered With me a spirit And its breath fell upon me-- Dumb my tongue in my mouth And frozen my marrow.

Suddenly it leapt upon me And as I fell downward Flashed the spirit into mine eyes-- A cat, two-tailed and hairy-- And it's teeth sank in my throat here-- Can you see a mark? [_Exposes her throat to_ KAs.h.i.+KU.]

KAs.h.i.+KU. The skin is as smooth as satin and perfect.

O TOYO. Then came darkness upon me--and so you found me.

So strong is the dream within me I wonder if it be a dream or no.

KAs.h.i.+KU. You had walked that evening in the garden.

O TOYO. I had rather dreamed I walked--say I dreamed it.

KAs.h.i.+KU. The Prince was with--

O TOYO. Yet it was a dream, question it not.

I would go to rest peacefully.

He, too, shall rest peacefully-- I shall not kiss my lord tonight. [_Crosses L._]

KAs.h.i.+KU. Not kiss him?

O TOYO. I think not I shall kiss him.

I would not pain his slumbers-- He has paled so and his face is so thin.

In the night he lies like a strong flower And a strange flower, bled of its life-- Like a strong flower weakened.

And at its sight my dreams are bitter.

But as I gaze a change comes over all things And I hold in my hands a beautiful flower Which I kiss with my lips Holding my lips long to it, Draining its sweetness.

And a cloud over And on my lips are clots of blood!

KAs.h.i.+KU. Such dreamings are not good.