Part 46 (1/2)
_A._ No, never. He wished when he went away that it might be kept a secret where he was gone to; he did not wish any body to know where he was going to; he seemed very much agitated, and I desired he would not tell me that I might not tell any body else, and I did not know then.
_Mr. Philip Foxall sworn._
_Examined by Mr. Bolland._
_Q._ You keep the Rose Inn at Dartford?
_A._ I do.
_Q._ Look at that letter, and tell me whether you received it at any time, and when, from the person whose name it bears?
_A._ I did.
_Q._ I see it purports to be from Mr. Sandom?
_A._ It was from Mr. Sandom.
_Q._ Did you know Mr. Sandom before that time?
_A._ I did, by his frequently having chaises ordered from my house?
_Q._ Did you execute that order?
_A._ Yes.
_Q._ And sent a chaise to bring the party to Dartford?
_A._ Yes; and I had horses ready, as the letter advised me.
_Q._ Had you sent chaises on a similar message before?
_A._ Yes I had, by messages, and by letter; and he also came down there in the chaise.
_Lord Ellenborough._ By a message in writing coming to you?
_A._ Yes sometimes; this came by a boy.
_Q._ You do not know his hand-writing?
_A._ No I do not.
_The Letter was read as follows_:
Please to send me over immediately a chaise and pair to bring back to Dartford, and have four good horses ready to go on to London with all expedition.
Yours, &c.