Part 29 (1/2)
”Call what grub?” Ted asked.
”Stuff the miners eat. We'll send Jan back for the grub after we start the gold mine. You're going to be the cook,” Hal informed Ted's sister.
”I am not!” she cried, dropping her shovel. ”I'm going to be a gold miner just like you two. If I can't be that I won't play, and I'll take my shovel right back! So there now!”
”Oh, you can be a gold miner too,” Hal made haste to say. ”But we've got to have a cook--they always do in a gold camp.”
”Well, I'll be a cook when I'm not digging gold,” agreed Jan. ”But I want to get enough for my doll's bracelets.”
”That's all right,” agreed Hal. It would not do to have Jan leave them right at the start.
If Mrs. Martin or grandpa saw the children starting out with hoe and shovels they probably thought the Curlytops were only going to dig fish worms, as they often did. Grandpa Martin was very fond of fis.h.i.+ng, but he did not like to dig the bait. But Trouble was fretful that day, and his mother had to take care of him, so she did not pay much attention to Jan or Ted, feeling sure they would come to no harm.
So on the three children hurried toward the hole into which Ted had fallen just before they found the queer cave.
”This is just the place for a gold mine!” cried Hal when he looked at the ground around the big hole. ”I guess some one must have started a mine here once before.”
”It does look so,” agreed Ted.
”Let's go into the cave,” proposed the visitor.
”No, grandpa told us we must never go in without him,” objected Jan.
”It's all right to stay outside here and dig, but we mustn't go inside.
The tramps might be in there.”
”That's right,” chimed in Ted. ”Well stay outside.”
Hal was not very anxious, himself, to go into the dark hole, so they looked at the place where Ted had fallen through the loose leaves and talked about whether it would be better to start to make that hole larger or begin a new one. The children decided the last would be the best thing to do.
”We'll start a new mine of our own,” said Hal. ”I guess maybe somebody dug there and couldn't find any gold. So we'll start a new mine.”
This suited the Curlytops and they soon began making the dirt fly with shovels and hoe, digging a hole that was large enough for all three of them to stand in. Hal said they didn't want to start by making too small a mine.
”If we've got to divide it into three parts we want each one's part big enough to see,” he said, and Ted and Jan agreed to this.
The ground was of sand and very easy to dig. There were no big rocks, only a few small stones, and of course this was just what the children liked. So that in about half an hour they had really dug quite a deep hole. It was almost as easy digging as it is in the sand at the seash.o.r.e, and if any of you have been there you know how soon, even if you use only a big clam sh.e.l.l for a shovel, you can make a hole deep enough for you and your playmates to stand up in.
”Do you see any gold yet?” asked Jan of the two boys, when they had dug down so that only the top parts of their bodies were out of the big hole.
”No, not yet. But we'll come to it pretty soon,” Hal said.
”Say, how're we going to get up when the hole gets too deep?” asked Ted.
”We ought to have a ladder or something.”
”There's a ladder in camp,” answered Jan. ”Grandpa had it when he put up our real rope swing. Don't you remember, Ted?”
”Yes, that's right. We'd better get it if we're going any deeper, Hal,”
he added.