Part 16 (1/2)
Johnny went through his pockets one by one. At last he came up with a crumpled dollar bill.
Joe took it. ”Letsh get a cab,” he said. ”I know a saloon where we can get shome credit.”
Johnny's head lay on the table. The cool marble top felt good against his face. Someone was trying to pull him up, but he didn't want to get up. He pushed the hands away. ”Ish my fault, Peter, ish my fault.”
Joe looked down at him, then turned to the man standing with him. ”He'sh drunk, Al.”
Al Santos spoke tersely. ”You'ra the fin-a one to talk.”
”He'sh drunker than I am,” Joe insisted.
”That'sa only because he hasn't the experience with drinking that you have,” Al replied. ”He'sa not as old as you are. He's still a kid.”
”He'sh twenty-two.”
”I wouldn't care if he was fifty,” Al shot back. ”He'd still be a kid to me.” He turned back to Johnny and shook him. ”Come on, Johnny boy, get up. It's Al, I been looking for you all night.”
Johnny just turned his head and mumbled: ”I'm sorry, Peter. 'Sall my fault.”
Al turned to Joe. ”What's this he always keeps saying he's sorry for?”
Joe was beginning to sober up, his eyes were beginning to clear. ”Poor kid,” he said. ”He wanted to make a picture that busted up the works. We all lost our dough and Johnny keeps saying it's his fault.”
”Is it?” Al asked.
Joe looked at him. ”No, it isn't. True enough, it was his idea, but it was a good one and n.o.body made us go into it. We were old enough to know what we were doing.”
”Come over here and tell me about it,” Al said, leading the way to another table. The waiter came up and he ordered a bottle of wine.
He listened silently to Joe's story. Every now and then he would look over at the table where Johnny was sleeping and smile to himself fondly.
Johnny Edge. He remembered the first time he had heard the name. A wagon had pulled into the carnival he had been running, late one night in 1898. That was thirteen years ago. A long time, but now it didn't seem so long ago. The years had flown by.
That was the year he and his brother, Luigi, had bought that farm in California. Luigi wanted to see things grow, raise grapes for wine, and see oranges hanging from the trees like in the old country, and he wanted to have some place to go when he retired. And here he was, fifty-four years old and retired, and going out to the farm in California.
It had been early morning and he had come out of his wagon. The purple gray mists of the dawn still hung closely to the ground as he walked around to the back of his wagon and relieved himself. He had felt someone watching him and he turned around.
It was a small boy, about nine years old. Al looked at him closely; there weren't any boys that age around the carnival. ”Who are you?” he had asked.
”Johnny Edge,” the boy had answered, looking at him levelly out of candid blue eyes.
Al's face looked blank and the boy hastened to explain. ”I'm with my mother and father. They just joined your show last night.”
”Oh,” Al said as he understood suddenly. ”You're with Doc Psalter?”
”That's my father,” Johnny had answered gravely, ”but that's not his real name. He's really Walter Edge and my mother is Jane Edge.” He turned and pointed. ”That's their wagon over there.”
”Well then,” Al had said, ”let's go over and say h.e.l.lo.”
The boy turned and looked up at him gravely. ”You're Al Santos, aren't you?”
Al nodded his head and started for the Edge wagon. Suddenly he stopped and looked down. The small boy had taken his hand as they walked toward the wagon together.
He remembered the night Johnny's parents had been killed in the fire that burned down the big tent. Jane had been caught by the tent just as the center pole came down, and Johnny's father had gone in after her. When they got to him, he was burned badly. The hair was gone from his head and face, pieces of raw flesh shone redly through the cracked skin.
They took him out and stretched him on the ground. Al knelt on one side of him, Johnny on the other.
Johnny's father looked up at them. ”Jane?” he asked. His voice was so faint they could hardly hear him.
Al shook his head and looked pityingly over at Johnny. Johnny was only ten years old then and his face was dull with shock. He could not understand what had happened so quickly.
Walter Edge reached up and took his son's hand. With his other hand he brought Al's hand over to the boy's. ”Look after him for me, Al,” he whispered. ”He's just a tyke an' he's got a long way to go.” He gasped for breath and then turned an agonized face to Al. ”If the time comes that he ever wants to get out of this business, Al, help him. Don't let what happened to me ever happen to him.”
That was why Al didn't try to stop Johnny when he left the carny. He remembered the way Johnny had followed him around the carny until he learned to do everything that Al could do.
Al never had time to get married and raise a family like his brother, Luigi, and after a while it seemed to him just as if Johnny had become his own son. When Johnny decided to go back to Peter, Al said nothing. If that was what the kid wanted, that was what Al wanted for him.
Now that he had retired, he wanted to see Johnny before he went out west. He had gone up to the studio, but found no one there. He called Peter on the phone, but Peter didn't know where Johnny had gone. He then called Johnny's home, but there was no answer.
And now, only through accident, he had found him. It was in the saloon on Fourteenth Street where all the carny men hung out that he had come looking for Joe. He hadn't expected to find Johnny there, but he figured that Joe would know where he was.
Joe finished his story. Al was silent for a second, then he took out a thin black stogie and lit it.
”What's this-a combine you're talking about?” he asked.
”They control all the picture patents among them. Without their say-so you can't make motion pictures.” Joe looked at him curiously. He wondered what Al was getting at.
”You gotta the stuff to make-a this pitch' with?”
”It's all layin' there, up in the studio,” Joe nodded.
Al turned the stogie reflectively in his hand for a moment. ”Wake Johnny up,” he said, ”I wanna talk to him.”
Joe got up and walked over to the bar. Tiny p.r.i.c.kles were jumping around in his skin as they always did when he was excited. ”Gimme a pitcher of ice water,” he said to the bartender.
Silently the bartender filled a pitcher under the counter and handed it to him.
Joe walked back to Johnny and held the pitcher over his head and emptied it.
The water splashed over the back of Johnny's head and dripped down on his clothes. Johnny only stirred.