Part 3 (1/2)

”You are little better, silly woman,” thought the doctor, but his innate sense of propriety induced him only to say, with a smile, ”Well, there is at least this much resemblance between you and a bottle of flat ginger-beer, namely, that both require to be made to effervesce a little. It will never do to let your spirits down as you have been doing. We must brighten up, my dear madam--not Brighton up, by the way, we've had enough of Brighton and Bath, and such places. We must get away to the Continent this summer--to the Pyrenees, or Switzerland, where we can breathe the fresh mountain air, and ramble on glaciers, and have a thorough change.”

Mrs Stoutley looked gently, almost pitifully at the doctor while he spoke, as if she thought him a well-meaning and impulsive, but rather stupid maniac.

”Impossible, my dear doctor,” she said; ”you know I could not stand the fatigues of such a journey.”

”Well, then,” replied the doctor, abruptly, ”you must stop at home and die.”

”Oh! what a shocking naughty man you are to talk so.”

Mrs Stoutley said this, however, with an easy good-natured air, which showed plainly that she did not believe her illness likely to have such a serious termination.

”I will be still more naughty and shocking,” continued the doctor, resolutely, but with a twinkle in his eyes, ”for I shall prescribe not only a dose of mountain air, but a dose of mountain exercise, to be taken--and the patient to be well shaken while taken--every morning throughout the summer and autumn. Moreover, after you return to England, you must continue the exercise during the winter; and, in addition to that, must have an object at the end of your walks and drives--not shopping, observe, that is not a sufficiently out-of-door object; nor visiting your friends, which is open to the same objection.”

Mrs Stoutley smiled again at this, and said that really, if visiting and shopping were forbidden, there seemed to be nothing left but museums and picture-galleries.

To this the doctor retorted that although she might do worse than visit museums and picture-galleries, he would prefer that she should visit the diamond and gold fields of the city.

”Did you ever hear of the diamond and gold fields of London, Miss Gray?”

he said, turning to a plain yet pretty girl, who had been listening in silence to the foregoing conversation.

”Never,” answered Miss Gray, with a look of surprise.

Now, Miss Gray's look of surprise induces us to state in pa.s.sing that this young lady--niece, also poor relation and companion, to Mrs Stoutley--possessed three distinct aspects. When grave, she was plain,--not ugly, observe; a girl of nineteen, with a clear healthy complexion and nut-brown hair, cannot in any circ.u.mstances be ugly; no, she was merely plain when grave. When she smiled she was decidedly pretty, and when she laughed she was captivating--absolutely irresistible! She seldom laughed, occasionally smiled, and was generally grave. There was something quite incomprehensible about her, for she was not an unusually good girl, and by no means a das.h.i.+ng girl, neither was she an intensely modest girl--and yet, plain Emma Gray had perhaps driven more young men into a condition of drivelling imbecility than any acknowledged beauty of the metropolis.

Observe, we say ”perhaps,” because we lay claim to no superhuman knowledge in regard to such matters.

”They are rather extensive fields,” continued the doctor, ”scattered here and there about the metropolis, but lying chiefly in the city and on the banks of the Thames. They comprise many picture-galleries, too, and museums; the latter containing wonderful specimens of old bones and fossil remains, filth, and miscellaneous abominations, in which the gold and diamonds are imbedded--sometimes buried,--and the former being hung with subjects--chiefly interiors--incomparably superior, in respect of graphic power, to the works of Hogarth.”

”Oh! I know what you mean,” said Miss Gray, with a little smile.

”Your wits are sharper than mine, Emma,” said Mrs Stoutley, with a sigh and a placid look. ”What _do_ you refer to, Doctor Tough?”

”I refer to those districts, madam, chiefly inhabited by the poor, where there are innumerable diamonds and gold nuggets, some of which are being polished, and a good many are glittering brightly, though not yet fixed in their proper setting, while by far the greater number of them are down in the earth, and useless in the meantime, and apt to be lost for want of adventurous diggers. They are splendid fields those of London, and digging is healthful occupation--though it might not seem so at first sight. Did you ever visit the poor, Mrs Stoutley?”

With a slight elevation of her eyebrows, and the application of a scent-bottle to her delicate nose, as if the question had suggested bad smells, the lady said that--Well, yes, she had once visited a poor old gardener who had been a faithful creature in the family of a former friend, but that her recollection of that visit did not tend to induce a wish for its repet.i.tion.

”H'm!” coughed the doctor, ”well, the taste of physic is usually bad at first, but one soon gets used to it, and the after effects, as you know, are exceedingly beneficial. I hope that when you visit the London diggings you may find the truth of this; but it will be time enough to speak of that subject when you return from rambling on the glaciers of Switzerland, where, by the way, the dirt, rubbish, and wrack, called moraines, which lie at the foot of the glaciers, will serve to remind you of the gold-fields to which I have referred, for much of what composes those moraines was once solid rock in a fixed position on the heights, or glittering ice which reflected the sun's dazzling rays on surrounding high life, though it lies low in the earth now. To a lady of your intelligence, madam, I need not expound my parable. There are many avalanches, great and small, in English society as well as among the Swiss mountains; and, whether by gradual subsidence or a tremendous rush, we must all find our places in the moraine at last.”

”Really, doctor,” said Mrs Stoutley, with a light laugh, ”you seem to have already wandered much among these moral moraines, and to have acquired some of their ruggedness. How _can_ you talk of such dismal things to a patient? But are you really in earnest about my going abroad?”

”Indeed I am,” replied the doctor, firmly, ”and I advise you to begin your preparations at once, for you must set out on your travels in less than a month. I lay the responsibility of seeing my orders carried into effect on your shoulders, Miss Gray.”

So saying, the doctor rose and took his leave. Mrs Stoutley and her niece immediately began to discuss the subject of Switzerland--the one languidly, the other with animation. It was plain enough that, although the invalid protested to the doctor her inability to travel, she really had no objection, perhaps felt some desire, to go abroad, for when Miss Gray mentioned the fact that there was a difficulty in the shape of insufficient funds, she replied with more warmth than usual--

”Now, Emma, what is the use of always bringing up that ridiculous idea?”

”No doubt, auntie,” the maiden replied, ”it is a little ridiculous to run short of ready money, considering the style in which we live; but it would be still more ridiculous, you know, to go to Switzerland without the means of paying our expenses while there.”

”What's that you say about expenses, cousin?” exclaimed a tall handsome stripling who entered at the moment, and seated himself on the sofa at his mother's feet.

”Oh, bother the expense!” he exclaimed, when the difficulty had been explained to him, ”it can't cost so much to spend a few months in Switzerland,--besides, we can do it cheap, you know. Didn't Mr What's-his-name, our man of business, say that there was a considerable balance at the banker's, and that if the What-d'ee-call-'em mines paid a reasonable dividend, we should easily get over our difficulties?”