Chapter 83 (2/2)
Knights began to gather from behind the princess. Lia's group managed to take out their weapons as well. But.
The princess let go of the bat in her hand for a split second after being hit on her wrist. I didn't let go of this chance, and pushed in for another strike.
”…Kuh! Lia! I'll kill you if he escapes!”
I could feel a sword coming in behind me as I saw the princess move back, giving up the wooden bat. But.
I blocked the sword strike with the steel bat, and hit the hips with the wooden bat. The shadow knights guarded their pressure points for the most part, which made them easier to fight.
”W-what the?!”
Three knights were incapacitated in an instant. All these people had resistance to torture due to intense training, but all such efforts were useless in front of the bat. Lia came at me with a confused look, but I simply kept running.
”Lia! Go turn off that energy restricting device now! Why the h.e.l.l did you install such a thing?!”
”We-we'll have to go the the kuh? Dungeon entrance for thaaaa?!”
Lia's leg almost crumpled as she tried to talk with the princess.
”T-this much is?!”
”Then one more it is.”
She resisted the wooden bat somehow, but the blow from the steel bat finally destroyed her. I could hear the princess shout something behind me, but right now, I had to run like h.e.l.l. The knights behind were slowly advancing in their armor. These people were resistant to the bat. I couldn't really fight them.
I neutralized all enemies in front of me, and returned to Yugrasia. And once I did so…
”We were waiting.”
…Hot d.a.m.n. My former disciples were waiting for me.
46 was bowing towards me, and the other two were staring at me with surprised faces.
”Yes, it's been a while.”
I erased my smile. 17 finally seemed to understand what was going on somewhat, and talked to me with a trembling voice.
”So it was all… an act?”
”I wouldn't have survived in the capital otherwise. In any case, 46… no, is it Mirua? You became a lot more like a human.”
”If just acting a bit politely makes me more like a human, well… I'll just say I learned how to be courteous.”
I shook my head.
”No, if you learned under the princess, you will do well to remember that this isn't just learning normal 'courteousness'. The woman is quite the thing.”
A look that rivaled that of the elves. Stubbornness of the dwarves. Evil that rivaled the demons. Pride of the dragon. Pureness of an elemental, and an obsession like that of a G.o.d. If one tried to learn courteousness from someone like that, the society would kill the person immediately.
”But in any case… to think you'd go to Marcis. What a shame.”
Ria stepped back a little as she stared at the two bats in my hand. Good. They still haven't forgotten. Well, it's a bit obvious that they wouldn't have forgotten.
The bats played too big of a part in their life for anything otherwise.
”Mm… instructor, how about taking those hideous things somewhere else for a moment?”
Mirua said this as he looked at the two bats.
-H-hideous! You call these smooth curves of mine hideous?!
”I feel that my life is at danger here, so I will have to decline.”
”The princess will not kill you.”
”Sometimes, death is better than life.”
”…The princess will reward you accordingly.”
Well, that is true. The reason why the princess has so many geniuses under her is because she pays well.
Because the imperial palace is a place that treats blood as importantly as some d.a.m.n eyes in a certain ninja village, n.o.bles there tended to treat those under them like the expendables.
But the princess got rid of all that. The number of n.o.bles that got retribution from her for treating a former peasant in her ranks rudely already numbered in the thousands. The n.o.bles that tried to argue with the emperor about it was about to enter the thousands as well, if I remembered correctly. Well, it's been awhile since I left, so the number probably went well past a thousand at this point.
In any case, it wasn't that bad to work under the princess… would be what you'd think, but the princess does suck up as much as she gives. Plus, she has extremely high expectations for me, so it's not known just how much she'll suck from me. And there's also the fact that I've almost been several times already.
I've already given up on working inside an Evil Organization. No way I'd go to a place filled with infighting! No! I won't do it! Ever!