Chapter 6.3 (1/2)
Chapter 6. h.e.l.l does not end. (3)
“I trusted that you’d succeed. And you did.”
The student council experienced what one would call killing intent as they watched Naruan smile like a benevolent teacher in front of them.
‘Just who the h.e.l.l is talking here…’
‘Just once. I want to hit him once. Just take his d.a.m.n b.a.l.l.s and crack!’
‘You trusted that we’d succeed? Don’t just trust us, let us go!’
But even this desire for murder melted away in an instant.
“Ehe, you have something to say?”
Once they took a look at the silver demon.
“So, why’d you call us?”
When Nerkia said this in a calm, composed manner, even Naruan became surprised.
‘So the Council President isn’t completely crazy after all.’
Naruan looked over the group as he thought this, and made a serious face.
“The school will partic.i.p.ate in several events in the near future, starting from the empire’s festival, to the sports compet.i.tion and the cultural compet.i.tion.”
“We know.”
“And a while ago, the schools decided that we would hold all of these events in one day.”
“So that’s what ended up happening.”
Naruan nodded as if he had expected this. Normally, the sports compet.i.tion began a few weeks after the festival, and the cultural compet.i.tion would start a few months after the sports compet.i.tion.
Since these were events hosted by the four biggest schools in the empire, many people attended, but due to the dates in which these events happen, there were lots of complaints about how spread apart these dates were. Using this, Naruan managed to persuade the other schools to host the compet.i.tions all in one day.
‘Honestly though, it’s because of the money…’
As mentioned before, the budget of the school was running low. Especially last time, when professor Maroon decided to go berserk on the first floor, the school actually came close to becoming bankrupt.
“And so, this brings us to one thing. I want to establish a deal with you.”
“What is it?”
Nerkia frowned. But this face instantly changed into that of glee when he heard Naruan’s next words.
“I’ll cut the time you have to stay after school by one hour per compet.i.tion.”
“Does that mean you’ll get rid of the after school study time if we win everything?”
“Yeah, pretty much.”
At this time, Naruan saw something. He saw a battlefield littered with corpses and swords. He saw twenty monsters who stood on top of a tower of corpses, shouting the cry of victory over everyone!
‘…Nn? Isn’t that exaggerating things a bit?’
Naruan, who managed to see this illusion due to the energy these students were giving off in front of him, realized that perhaps a miracle would happen.
“We shall take their heads.”
‘Perhaps a miracle actually will happen.’
It was an impossible to win all three compet.i.tions.
There were schools that were traditionally strong in certain compet.i.tions. Mercaria was overbearing in the cultural compet.i.tion, Marcis overtook everyone in the festival, and Arucia dominated in the sports compet.i.tion.