Chapter 3.6 (2/2)

Even while knowing that… My humanity still tells me to not use that.

“K… Kuaa!”

The fighting aura soon turns into a murderous one. It was strong enough to make even my body tremble.

At that point, my rationality told me this.

[Screw your humanity! Just use it!]

Ok! Although this is just my rationality telling me this, it’s still a part of me! I come first over anything else!

My right hand began to heat up. At the same time, an annoyed voice entered my head.

-You b.a.s.t.a.r.d, you keep me imprisoned all this while, and you just call me out now that you’re in danger?

[Help me out here, d.a.m.n it.]

-Hmph! As someone who got imprisoned in a dusty place like that, I have a lot of complaints?

[If I die, my disciples will melt you, you know?]

-…How persuasive.

[Have some fresh air, why don’t you.]


It seemed to be filled with complaints, but I still got permission. At this moment, my former disciple who was half-mad right now charged at me. That idiot. He’s using the same pattern to attack me over and over again.

But then again, the last time he attacked me like this, I held it in my hands, and right now, I’m just summoning it.

I suppose the guy doesn’t realize that I can use something akin to a high cla.s.s summoning magic, as I’m the person who is often seen as “the man cursed by the G.o.ds.”


I stretched out my right hand towards my disciple’s attack.

At the same time.


A silver light brightened the night spectacularly.
