Chapter 2.2 (1/2)

Chapter 2. Uhh… Mm… What’s that? Scary…

2.25 Their Story

[1] Raina Rel Swin: What the h.e.l.l, that hurts!

Today, too, I was served porridge.

And that day, I thought of the pain of being unable to eat the delicious food in front of me. I thought of the humiliation that I had to take by eating porridge.

While I ate porridge with an annoyed face, the instructor spoke.

“Come to the drill hall by 10 once you finish eating.”

The only thing that I did the past month was to learn survival techniques, and do basic strength training.

A drill hall… I thought that we would finally learn something useful. Seriously, why would a survival technique be useful to me? I’d have little to no chance of running away if something happened here, as I would be a prioritized target.

I cautiously moved to the drill hall with my beloved sword in hand.

There are no allies here. This is a place full of demons.

Putting trust and faith into your teammates? Don’t joke with me. My last hope, 17, realized that she couldn’t beat 46, and began to attack me as well. She interferes with me from the start to the end, and creates all kinds of traps to put me in danger.

Nowadays… I’m afraid of women. They’re seriously scary. At first, my heart thumped a little when I saw beautiful women, but now, it’s beating faster than ever. It’s not a dokun dokun, it’s a boom boom boom boom. It’s probably because I get into life-death situations near them.

And soon, I arrived at the drill hall. Its walls were arranged in a circular manner through the use of stone walls, and there were various weapons on one side of the wall.

“What the, so there was a legit drill hall here?”

What the h.e.l.l, I thought he was just going to do something ridiculous because there was no drill hall.

As I thought that, the instructor began to talk looking straight at me.

“102, come out with your weapon.”

As he said this, he took out a small club from his waist. It’s size was… about as big as my leg? It was a little too big to call it small, but it was a little too small for a staff. It seemed a little bigger than a normal sword.

But what? He’s using a club instead of a wooden sword? Are you kidding me?

When I took out my sword with such a complaint, the instructor spoke words that were like the devil’s temptation.

“If you manage to subdue me… morning practice is canceled.”


Was this what the berserker spell was like? I ran forward without thinking anything.



“Wh, what the?!”

I, I can’t see! No, before that, my eye hurts!

And as I tried to say something.



The thing that seemed to be the club hit me. It was a shout that seemed to be a mix between a scream and a moan! I shouted as I felt an unspeakably large amount of pain.

“U, unfa-! Puha! W, wai… Uaaa!”

A cold voice responded to me when I said that.

“Unfairness… then do you think there is a fight that is ever fair?”

“F, fight fairly!”

“Fight fairly… they’re just fancy words.”



The instructor responds, but the club does not stop. The pain penetrated through the bones! It felt like I was. .h.i.t in the waist, but the pain spreads to the rest of the body.

W, what the h.e.l.l?! Hurts! Hurts a lot!

The instructor kept on denying what I said about fairness as he gave me more pain.

“Fairness. It sounds good. Yes, it truly sounds ideal. But there is no fairness in the world.”

“L, lia… kuha!”

“For example, there is the general known as Harten in the Empire. In the battle of Harken, he pushed away a large amount of soldiers to discourage the enemies from attacking the Empire.”

H, how’s that related!

“S, stop hitting! Pukaa! W, while speaki- Uaaa!”

“He was known to be fair and just. But… fair? Are you kidding me? Anyone can push away an enemy with five times the amount of soldiers they have. If you want something that’s really fair, you should fight on equal grounds.”

“T, this and that are differeeeeennnnnntttttt!”

No, in the first place, fairness doesn’t even matter! Just stop this pain!


I was about to faint from the strange rhythmic strikes. But why is that I was still able to hear the instructor’s words clearly?

“What is the fairness you talk of? Justice? Don’t make me laugh. Justice all changes depending on the context. The heroes all gang up on the Demon King, and call that fairness? And they always talk about unfairness when they’re the ones to get ganged up on. Hostages are unfair? The very first thing the Imperial Palace does when dealing with criminals is to take the criminal’s family as hostage. Now, back to the main talking. Spraying sand into your eyes is unfair? You must be kidding me. If that were the case, all knights who use the life sword are unfair.”

“Wh, why is thaaat! Un, unfaaaaaaaair!”

I keep trying to tell him to stop, but my mouth is saying something different. What the h.e.l.l?! Why am I like this?! Am I going mad from pain?