Part 10 (1/2)

”Okay.” Alaina stood and picked up the empty bottle. ”I'll meet y'all there.”

Emma led the way to the game room. She stepped into the room just in time to see Griff bend over to make his shot. His faded jeans tightened over that perfect a.s.s. A surge of desire shot through her body, directly to her c.l.i.t.

If they were alone, she'd be naked in ten seconds and bent over the table with her legs spread.

Since that wasn't possible, she walked up beside him as Kelcey slipped into one of the leather chairs. His ball sailed in a straight line to the corner pocket. She congratulated him by giving one b.u.t.t cheek a quick squeeze. ”Nice shot.”

He looked at her over his shoulder. ”Thanks.”

”Who's winning?”

”You have to ask?”

”Shut up, Griff,” Dax said, frowning.

Emma laughed. ”Can I play the winner?”

Griff straightened and slipped his arm around her waist. ”You feel like losing again?”

”Don't be so, Coleman. It's impossible for someone to win every time.”

”Yeah.” Dax motioned with his stick. ”I still see three of your b.a.l.l.s on the table.”

”If I win,” Griff whispered in her ear, ”I want something special when we get to my house.”

”How special?” she whispered back.

”Surprise me.”

She could do that. She knew exactly what kind of surprise to give him.

”I think I'm drunk,” Emma said, leaning her head on Griff's shoulder.

Chuckling, Griff tightened his arm around her waist. She may not be drunk, but was definitely past tipsy. ”Not feeling any pain?”

”Nope. Not a smidgen.” She looked into his face and smiled. ”I'm glad you suggested we walk to your house. It's so nice out. The moon is gorgeous.”

Griff looked up at the bright disc of the full moon. It turned everything in their path silver. ”I thought walking was a good idea since neither of us need to drive right now.”

”True. I don't normally drink so much, but it was fun. I had a good time tonight.”

”I'm glad.” He pressed a soft kiss to her temple. ”Tired?”

”A little.” Her hand dipped down to caress his a.s.s. ”Not too tired to give you your surprise.”

He liked the sound of that. ”Do I get a hint?”

”It won't be a surprise if I give you a hint.”

”Will I like it?”

Her grin was so wicked and s.e.xy, his c.o.c.k immediately responded. ”I think you'll love it.”

”Do you still want to try the hot tub?”

”That's a good place to start.”

Intrigued by what she had planned, Griff quickened their pace. They arrived at his house moments later. Holding Emma's hand, he led her through the laundry room and into the small bathroom that opened into the hot tub area. The area was enclosed, but with a flip of a switch, two walls rolled back to expose the woods behind his house. The gla.s.s panels in the ceiling let the stars and moonlight s.h.i.+ne on the sparkling water.

”This is wonderful.” She looked up at the gla.s.s panels. ”I love that you can see the stars while you're in the tub.”

”It's relaxing.” Griff flipped the switch to move the walls. He smiled when Emma's eyes widened.

”Oh wow. What an incredible view. The moonlight makes the ground look like it's covered in snow.”

”I sat in the tub last New Year's Eve and watched the snow falling. It was breathtaking.”

She faced him, a tender expression on her face. ”You sat here alone?”

Griff nodded. ”I could've gone out with Rye and Dax, but I wasn't in a partying mood.”

”No, I guess you weren't.”

Enough of the trip down memory lane. He hadn't invited Emma to his home to harp on his past. He tugged off his T-s.h.i.+rt and dropped it on the floor. ”Time to get naked.”

Chapter Ten.

Emma stood still and watched Griff remove the rest of his clothes. She swallowed when his briefs fell to the floor. His c.o.c.k was already half hard. It wouldn't take much coaxing from her for it to be full and ready for her to ride it.

Her p.u.s.s.y clenched and wept, her c.l.i.t throbbed. She doubted if she'd ever tire of looking at his body, feeling that thick c.o.c.k slide into her channel.

He walked up to her, a teasing grin on his lips. ”You aren't naked.”

”I'm enjoying the view.”

”I want to enjoy the view too.”

He pulled off her tank and dropped it. By the time he'd unhooked and removed her bra, his shaft had hardened until it stood straight up and almost touched his stomach. Emma wrapped her hand around the base and smiled when he drew in a sharp breath.

His reaction proved he liked her touch, so it surprised her when he gently tugged her hand away from him.

”No touching until you're naked.”

She rose on her tiptoes and spoke against his lips. ”Then get me naked, because I want to touch.”

He obeyed her command, quickly stripping her of the rest of her clothing and shoes. Cradling both b.r.e.a.s.t.s in his hands, he gave a tender kiss to each nipple. ”Ready for the tub?”