Part 17 (1/2)
”Carla's invited me into her fantasy tonight,” Nora told him. ”You can come too. According to the concierge, appropriate costumes are in the closet.” She grinned. The sadness was now gone from her face. ”Shall we look?” She got off of the bed and, walking across the room, opened the closet door.
The two costumes had been set on the rod, directly in the center of the closet. For Nora there was a short, ragged-edged black skirt, a red sash, and a low-cut, short-sleeved white blouse. A drawstring bag hung from the hanger with the blouse. Nora pulled the costume out, laid it on the bed, and undoing the bag, dumped its contents in the center of the bed. There were several bangle bracelets, and a pair of large gold hoop earrings. She smiled. Right out of an old Errol Flynn swashbuckler movie. She drew the other costume out, and almost laughed. It consisted of a loincloth, a beautiful gold dog collar studded with pearls and colored gemstones and lined with lamb's wool, and finally a red leather leash.
”Oh, my,” Nora said, and she giggled.
”Your friend lacks subtlety,” Kyle said, but he was grinning.
”Quick shower,” Nora said, ”and then off to Pirate World, Mr. Gorgeous.”
”You go first,” he said.
She c.o.c.ked her head to one side questioningly.
”If I get in that shower with you, Nora, you know what's going to happen,” Kyle said. ”I can never get enough of you, Red.”
She nodded. ”Haven't you had enough this evening?”
”Nope,” he told her with a grin.
Nora didn't question him any further. She pinned her long red hair up, and showered alone. When she had finished she came back into the bedroom to dress while he saw to his ablutions. No bra, she thought. Pirate wenches didn't have bras. She pulled the white peasant-style blouse on over her head. The scooped neck was very low-cut, and her t.i.ts were practically spilling out of the garment. She took the ragged black skirt and drew it on. It was barely thigh high, but it did cover the places it should cover. Just. A thong was the only kind of underpants she could wear, and she hated thongs. So, no underpants. She picked up the red silk sash and wrapped it about her waist several times, leaving enough of the cloth hanging to give her a das.h.i.+ng look. She slipped the bangles on both of her arms, and affixed the gold hoops into her ears. She was surprised there were no shoes, but The Channel did everything right, so she wasn't concerned.
”Well, that's certainly a come-and-f.u.c.k-me-outfit,” Kyle growled, coming from the bathroom. Then he grinned. ”I like it.” He slid his hand beneath her skirt, chuckling.
”Keep away,” she warned him, slapping at his big warm hand. Then she sat down at her dressing table and brushed out her hair.
”Put it in a single braid,” he said. ”It's apt to get rough in your friend's world. You don't need hair in your face obscuring your vision.”
”You do it,” Nora said. ”It'll be easier.” She sat quietly as he plaited her hair into a long thick braid, slipping a small elastic band on the end of the hair. ”You better hurry and dress, Mr. Gorgeous.”
He slipped the loincloth on. It was made of soft, almost leatherlike fabric. The front and back pieces were held together by a thin, delicate chain that lay against his narrow hips. He held out the gold collar to her. ”You do this,” he said low.
Nora stood up and, standing in front of him, put the collar about his neck. It clicked shut. ”Are you comfortable? It isn't too tight, is it?” She snapped the dog chain to the loop on the collar.
”It fits perfectly,” he told her, and pulled her against him. His mouth seared hers in a hot kiss, his tongue pus.h.i.+ng into her mouth to tease her tongue. When he let her go he said softly, ”Remember that I love you, Red, whatever you may think about it.”
They walked to the elevator, and when the doors opened up, they stepped in together. The chain from his collar hung loosely in her hand. They pressed the b.u.t.ton, and the elevator doors closed. When they opened a few seconds later and they stepped out, they found themselves in a large cave. But the cave's opening was directly ahead of them, and beyond it were a beach and the blue sea. They stepped out into a moonlit night. A long boat was just being pulled up onto the sand, and there were figures climbing out of it.
”Nora!” Carla's voice was calling to her, and a figure broke away from the group and ran toward her. She was dressed in tight black shorts, a white peasant's blouse, and a bright gold sash encircling a very tiny un-Carla-like waist. There was a red bandanna on her head, beneath which a tangle of black curls poured forth. There was a dagger at her waist, and gold hoops danced from her ears. She enveloped Nora in a bear hug. ”I've been scared you were lost forever,” she said, hugging her best friend. ”I mean, you look so fragile and frail in the nursing home, Nora.”
”I heard you earlier,” Nora said. ”When you told me not to wear my boys out.”
”You heard me?” Carla squealed.
”In my head. Softly,” Nora explained. ”Now tell me what's going on.”
”I will, but let's go to the Mermaid for a drink.” She turned. ”All of you go back to the s.h.i.+p. Except Caleb Snow. I've got business, and Morgan's vessel is in the harbor. The last time you met up with his crew, it cost me a fortune to get the governor to let you out after the fight between you. Good thing the governor is open to a bribe.”
”Aww, Captain,” one of the men began to whine.
Carla's hand went to her waist, and she pulled a small coiled whip off of her sash. Flicking it out, she smiled. ”Are you looking for a taste of my whip, Hawkins?”
”No, Captain,” the man said, moving back. ”We're going!”
”Swim for it,” Carla commanded her men. ”Caleb and I will need the boat to get back.” And she laughed as her men, grumbling, waded back into the sea. ”You can never be soft with them,” Carla said, turning back to Nora. ”Now, to the Mermaid!”
The inn was directly on the beach. They walked past the palm trees, reaching the Mermaid quickly. As they entered, Carla was greeted by many there. She grinned and waved, calling out to those men she knew. The landlord hurried up to her.
”Captain Raven, 'tis good to see you again! Let me show you to a table!” He began to push a path for them through the crowd. ”Here's a nice one by the hearth,” he said, glaring at the people who were already sitting there. Seeing Carla, they quickly vacated the s.p.a.ce. ”What will it be, Captain? Grog? Rum?”
”Rum, four of 'em,” Carla said, and the landlord scurried away. Carla turned and looked at Kyle. ”My, my, Nora, isn't he nice?” She stood in front of him, and slowly slid her hands up his oiled chest.
”This is Kyle,” Nora said dryly.
”I want him,” Carla said. ”Just for a few minutes.” She drew her dagger from her sash, and slipping the point carefully into one of the delicate gold links, she snapped the chain on one side of his loincloth. The loincloth dropped away. ”I didn't cut you, did I?” she asked sweetly as she began to fondle his p.e.n.i.s, cupping his b.a.l.l.s in her palm.
”No,” he replied. His eyes never left hers. ”Your companion doesn't look too pleased, however, Captain.”
Carla turned away for a moment. ”This is Caleb Snow, my first mate, Nora. You can play with him if you like while I play with your Kyle.” She turned back again to Kyle. ”I like it from behind,” she said wickedly. ”In my cunny, not my a.r.s.e.” She pressed herself against him, murmuring as he opened her shorts and pulled them down.
”Do you?” he drawled, his hand sliding between her legs, and grinned at the heat she was already generating there.
Caleb Snow sat down at the table, pulling Nora into his lap. His hand plunged down into her blouse. He fondled her roughly. ”You've got nice t.i.ts, la.s.s,” he said. He was a huge man. He had dwarfed them all, including Kyle, who she knew stood two inches over six feet. His bare chest was like a barrel, and his arms were muscled and brawny. He had auburn hair and a short auburn beard. His eyes were very blue. Pus.h.i.+ng her back, he pulled her blouse open, and began to suck on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s as he held her firmly. His other hand moved beneath her skirt to finger her c.l.i.t.
”You're a bold man,” Nora said. The mouth on her nipple was tugging hard. The finger beneath her skirt was beginning to send ripples of excited l.u.s.t through her body. Carla certainly had a fine fantasy lover. She could feel herself getting creamy.
”Faint heart never won fair maiden,” he growled at her, dumping her suddenly from his lap. ”On your knees, la.s.s. You know what I'll be wanting, and when I tells you to stop, you stop and we'll go for a little ride.”
Nora slipped on her knees beneath his spread legs. She took his c.o.c.k from his britches, and began to lick at it. When it began to show signs of life she took him into her mouth and sucked as hard on him as he had on her nipples. She heard him sigh, and after a few minutes, during which time he burgeoned to the point that her lips were spread so wide her cheeks began to hurt, he groaned at her to cease, pulling her up. She stared down at his p.e.n.i.s. It was huge. She had never seen one so big.
”Come on now, la.s.s, and ride a c.o.c.k horse,” he said with a wicked leer.
”You'll split me open with that d.i.c.k of yours,” Nora said, backing away.
”Nah, I won't,” he promised, reaching out to quickly grab her. He lifted the startled woman up over the long, thick hard flesh, and lowered her onto his peg. ”Open wide now, la.s.s. Legs about me waist.”
She was amazed that he didn't kill her, but the monstrous c.o.c.k slipped easily into her c.u.n.t. She felt him stretching the walls of her v.a.g.i.n.a, but it didn't hurt at all. And then the head of his p.e.n.i.s touched that most sensitive spot, and Nora screamed with her rising pleasure. His hands fit themselves neatly around her waist, and he began to jog her up and down on his length all the while singing the children's nursery rhyme: Ride a c.o.c.khorse to Banbury Cross, to see a fine lady upon her fine horse.
With rings on her fingers, and bells on her toes, She will make music wherever she goes.
And he laughed a thunderous rumbling laughter as he plunged his c.o.c.k up and down within her. ”You're making grand music, la.s.s!” he told her. ”Lean back, and I'll go deeper.”
Half conscious with her pleasure, Nora leaned back, his big hands bracing her. She felt him slide deeper and deeper within her. ”Oh, my G.o.d!” she moaned, and after a few moments she climaxed as a hot wave of delight swept over her.
”Isn't he good?” Carla's voice was penetrating Nora's brain. ”So is your Kyle. After I came, the naughty fellow ran right up my a.r.s.e hole, and gave me quite another thrill. Caleb is too big to a.s.s f.u.c.k me. I always have to get one of the other men to do it. How did your Kyle know that I wanted that?”
”He's very intuitive,” Nora said, coming to herself again as Caleb lifted her off his lap. ”You are a talented man,” she said, and kissed his rough cheek. ”Move over!” She sat down next to him and took a deep swig of the mug of rum in front of her. ”We must have given the innkeeper quite a show, but I didn't notice. Did you?” She fixed her blouse, pulling it back up again and tying the strings.
”I was bent over the table,” Carla said. ”I never saw a thing,” she laughed.
”Well,” Nora replied, ”now that we've all been properly introduced, let our lads recover, and you tell me what is happening in the other reality. How long have I been gone? How are the kids? Is Jeff beginning to cave?”