24 Where Does Young Master Kidnap Her (1/2)
As I and Lily reach the Mind Chamber, I begin to activate the simulation pod and get myself ready mentally since this will be the first time, I experience using it.
”Vonix, how long does it take to import two languages to my brain?” I asked in wonder as I approach the simulation pod. Lily was following behind me as she gazes at the place curiously.
[”It might take two hours for the import which means take one hour for the respective language. The reason it takes so long was as to not damage the brain from over inserting it with knowledge.”] Vonix replied in a robotic man voice.
”Good, then let's begin the procedure!” As there was more than one simulation pod in here, I decided to make Lily use it at the same time.
Then, I remember something and start whispering something to Vonix.
”When importing Common Language to Lily, scan her memory and if possible, discover all of her past memory but don't change any of it!”
Just as I finished whispering in a low voice and was about to enter the simulation pod, Lily grab my arm in a worried expression with a pure and innocent look on her face that makes me guilty not telling her.
”Don't worry, it will be fine. Be a good girl and I will reward you later.” Seeing her cute innocent look, I couldn't hold myself again and start rubbing her head. Of course, the 'Assistance Drone Robot' that had been following for quite a while translate that for me.
She closes her eyes as she seems to enjoy being rub on her head and nods before also entering the other simulation pod at the side of the room.
'Now then, times to test this thing.' I enter the pod and lying my body inside in a sleep posture before the pod closed with me losing consciousness and awareness inside.
What might be hours might passed in the outside world, I start to regain awareness and sense of my body. The pod that had been covering me opens up as the ceiling of the chamber was presented to me.
”So, this is what it feels to get a foreign thing got inserted to someone's brain!?” My eyes were unfocused for a brief moment as an unfamiliar information flashed inside my head.
There was something different from this world, although not by much. Describing what I felt is just as hard as explaining the concept of music to someone that couldn't hear.
I think the reason there weren't too many differences I felt must have been because I only import two languages. If I were to import someone else's memory instead, I might become someone different as the total amount of information they had will merge with mine and possibly dwarfing me if he or she were older.
That's one of the reasons I didn't put the gloomy Magus Apprentice's memory into my head. A normal human brain could only withstand around 300 years of memory. Unless they become a Magus or higher ranked Knight that could extend their memory capacity.
As I was in deep contemplation, I gaze at the other pod in the Chamber with a bit of guilty. Inside of it, I could see a beautiful pure and innocent white-haired girl lying unconscious through the glass.
”Vonix, report to me what memory she had in her!” I start flexing up my body before trying to stand up outside the pod.
[”Affirmative, unfortunately, there wasn't any memory in her like it was completely blank and never had been one in the first place!”] A man robotic voice suddenly reported.
”Huh? What does that mean? Did even technology incapable of merely uncover someone's memory that only got suspended animation for around a millennium?” I was a little bit shocked by the statement, then my mouth smirk in contempt.
[”Ignorant Master! If the host were to upgrade the Fortified Base further and unlock higher technology, any kind of memory could be accessed! There seems to be some kind of a seal in her brain that prevents older memory to be shown.”] Vonix replied in man's voice with a trace of mocking.
”Is that so? The one to imprint a seal into her memory must be the same that seal hear inside a block of ice. He must definitely the master of the Ancient Magus Tower, a referred existence that was probably greater than a Great Magus because only he might have the way to do that!” My face turned grim as I imagined in dread if I ever come across an existence like that.
As I cast my gaze again to Lily, I decided to wake her up, as she was supposed to only take one hour.
”Vonix, wake her up!” I ordered as I approach her pod.
Just then, her pod opens up and she begins to wake up. Her beautiful heterochronic eyes were shown as she opens her eyes wide.
”You woke up?” I said in her language as a test.
”Uhuh” She nods her head innocently.
As language was quite simple to learn and don't need a lot of body practice except a little bit of accent and dialect practice. I could still speak her language although not as fluent as her.
”So, where is my reward?” She said in Common Language with a little bit of stuttering here and there while an asking smile plastered over her face.
”Of course, I didn't forget your reward.” Then, I take out some kind of box from my pocket.
As I open the box, from inside could be seen as an ellipsoid shape candy with a pink colored on it. The candy was made from the sugar I got from the Sanchez territory. As it was the special product there, I decided to make a strawberry candy as an experiment a few days ago before the expedition.
”What is this?” Lily asked as she takes the candy from the box while tilting her head.
”It's candy, some kind of sweets, just try it and you will know,” I said while taking another candy for myself from the box.
Just then, as she put the candy into her mouth, she closed her eyes with a sign redness on her cheek as a sudden unfamiliar taste seems to burst through her mouth. Seeing her reaction, I also put the candy into my mouth.
As the candy was starting to melt in my mouth, I taste a sweet and slightly sour candy that taste quite good. Although not quite as good as modern candy that usually sold on the store since even the sugar was a low-quality one and there was still a lot ingredient lacking to make it.