16 Fortuna Chamber of Commerce (2/2)
It began around a week ago, as Sebastian was told to make the Chamber of Commerce. First, he comes to the branch of the Merchant guild to be registered.
In this world, there were all kinds of guild, Merchant guild which use by merchants to exchange information, Mercenary guild which use by lord and king to recruit mercenaries, Alchemist guild that sells all kinds of potion and herb, and much more. But surprisingly, there is no such thing such as Adventures guild that used to appear in typical fantasy for some reason.
Then after he finished registering at the Merchant guild, he starts recruiting people from the mass that was literate and could do basic arithmetic and also some official in the fief as a manager. He also buys an official building in the middle of the town to be used as the headquarter.
A few days after that, I gave him tons of common goods to sell to the people. Surprisingly, the most item that sells the most was soap. The female in the territory instantly fall in love with the soap, it was also popular for males though not as much.
As the Chamber of Commerce grow in popularity, for some reason people start questioning the fortune that the Chamber of Commerce had. Not only it had a glass mirror which was a marvel to the people that were seeing it. It also had all kinds of equipment that defies common logic by them like the Archimedes Pump.
If it wasn't for them mistaking it for magic, they would probably freak out by the logic and idea of the items, there might even be people that will have an ill intention to get the goods for themselves. Well, it's true that all of this item and equipment are ahead of their time. That was one of the reasons the people start calling it the Fortuna Chamber of Commerce.
As the goods were accepted by the people, it drives the economy as new job was being created and started to appear. Such as the assembling of Archimedes Pump, it requires personnel to teach and assemble it. There was also an increase in peddlers to be the middle man to transport goods.
”Good, the goods are well accepted by the people, even though some of them still not quite as popular. Sebas, make the unpopular goods a sample and let some volunteers use it before showing it to the people.” I directed as I thought of how to advertise the goods.
”Yes, as you commanded!” Sebastian replied while repositioning his one glasses.
”Oh, also make the branch of the office building at Oxford City!” I appended.
”About that Young Master, what the Kingdom would say about our occupation of the County?” Sebastian asked with concern.
”No need to worry, I had something planned in mind,” I reassured him, as I already thought of a plan and start gulping a mouthful of tea.
”It's must have been something to do with the Young Master's Master, Then I don't need to worry.” Sebastian misleadingly interprets.
Hearing that, I spurt the tea in my mouth to the side, ”Uhuck… of course, it is.” Then, I dismissed Sebastian a little embarrassingly.
After finishing lunch, I gathered the remaining robots that didn't defend the town and village. As the soldiers that I liberate still needed some time in training to be loyal to me, I still place around 50 robots to defend the County.
Then, I ordered the rest of 150 robots to start exploring the north so that I could find the ruin of the Ancient Magi. Although before that, I charge the battery of the robots first. As for the ones that were in the County, I already send charger at the transport helicopter though not too much.
The robot could have a battery capacity for around a week since they used a very advanced and efficient battery technology. It seems that it could be upgraded further and might even last more than a month or even a year.
As 200 robots seems to be not enough force right now, I decided to come to the Assemble Chamber first to make more robots and possibly increase the variety.
After I reach the Assemble Chamber, I began scrolling the list of robots that could be possibly make right now. There were all kinds of interesting robots that I could make, such as Miner Robot, Bomber Robot, Animal Robot, Battle Robot, and Assistance Drone Robot.
'Miner Robot' is just like the name suggested, it is used for mining. They are much faster and better at mining than the 'All Purpose Robot' and as the robots will get bust exploring and protecting the fief, I decided to make them.
The 'Bomber Robot' is a robot that was used for bombing obviously, it sacrifices itself to explode amid the enemies and damage them greatly. Depending on kinds of explosives, if it were to be filled with nuclear, it will even be capable to kill hundreds of real Magi with ease. Unfortunately, to make nuclear, Uranium or Thorium will be needed as the material. Although they are small, they were quite easy to be spot and intercept.
As for the 'Animal Robot' is a kind robot that were capable to be make into any kind of animal, either a spider that had eight leg and were very mobile, or any kind of animal with their trait in the robot, making it quite strong and better than the 'All Purpose Robot' in almost all aspect.
What's interesting about the 'Battle Robot' is that it was made solely for the purpose of fighting. It's battle capability could even stand toe to toe with a 3rd Rank Knight Apprentice unarmed. It was the perfect soldier in the battlefield.
As for the last robot that was interesting, the 'Assistance Drone Robot' is a robot drone that floats 1 meter in the air and was capable to scout and even helping someone attacking, by shooting from the distance. It's a great assistance robot to use.
I pondered for a bit before decided to make 20 'Miner Robot', 10 'Battle Robot', 5 'Animal Robots' that take spider form, 10 'Bomber Robot' filled with TNT, and 3 'Drone Assistance Robot'. Later, I will make more of them but as the material I had was limited, this was the limit.
After finishing that, I go back to the mansion to continue my Breathing Technique, as I wait for the completion of the robots and the report of the exploration.