Part 22 (2/2)
”You celebrated your one-week anniversary. Same with your one-month anniversary. Then,” he lifted his eyes in thought, ”there was your two-month anniversary, so it stands to reason that you would celebrate this one as well.”
She folded her arms. ”Are you done mocking me?”
He smiled. ”I'm not mocking you. I think it's really sweet. I only hope my female is as lovely and half as caring.”
She gave him a light touch on the arm. ”I'm sure she will be. Is there something I can help you with?” She tried not to sound impatient. The last thing she wanted was to kick him out but Thunder would be arriving at any second.
Storm tapped her on the side of her arm with the rolled up newspaper in his hand. ”You can relax. He's finis.h.i.+ng up. Thunder will be at least another ten or so minutes. They're working on the new project. All the kings were on a conference call.”
”The new project, as in the whole silver thing?”
Storm nodded. ”You are a genius as well as being the nicest female I know. They're moving forward with the project and it's all your doing.”
She made a noise of embarra.s.sment and waved her hand. ”Hardly.”
Then Storm frowned, looking worried. ”The next step is deciding who gets to play guinea pig. Granite has put the Earth dragons forward.”
”Someone's got to do it. What's the big deal?”
He exhaled. ”What if it works?”
”That would be wonderful,” her voice was filled with excitement.
”The four kingdoms are united but it wasn't that long ago that we were at each other's throats. The kingdoms have little trust for one another. If the Earth dragons find a cure for our silver affliction, it puts the rest of us on the back foot. It puts Blaze one rung lower than them and the male will never stand for that. I foresee bloodshed before a decision is made. We all want to take on this project and yet to bring a team of human doctors into our lair would mean more risk. It is a tough one.”
”I hear you,” her voice was soft and filled concern. Mirroring the worry she felt inside. Storm was right, the dragons might be barbaric sometimes in the way they did things but they were a fair species, a just species. Humans could be cruel. No wonder Storm had been so cagey during that first meeting. If the humans ever found out about the dragons, about where they obtained their wealth, it would be over. They would be wiped out. She s.h.i.+vered. ”We need to find a cure. You need to work together. Stick together.”
”I know,” he gave a shake of the head. ”I am with you on that one. Enough doom and gloom. It's a celebration. Thunder will be here soon. There is something I wanted to show you.” He unrolled the paper. ”I know my brother won't want you to know about it but I think that you should.”
”Know about what?”
The paper crinkled in his hand drawing her attention.
”This,” he gave the front page of the Walton Springs Press a slap with the back of his hand.
There was a picture of her ex-boyfriend on the front cover. One of his eyes was swollen shut, his lower lip was cut and his arm was in a sling. He was barely recognizable but it was definitely him. ”What the h.e.l.l?” she muttered, taking the paper from Storm. ”Local business man, Christopher Collins, made a startling confession earlier today,” she read aloud, not quite believing what she was reading. ”In 2014, he accused one of his employees of breaking into his place of business, destroying his property and making off with an undisclosed amount of cash. Tamara Schiffer was arrested for the crime. Collins later dropped the charges under suspicious circ.u.mstances. Oh my G.o.d!” She clasped a hand over her mouth, skimming the rest of the article. There was a quote from her arresting officer saying that he never believed Tammy was guilty.
Her eyes felt wide in her head and she felt them stinging. ”Collins confessed to everything. He handed himself in to local police begging to be arrested for his crimes.” Her eyes ran over the rest of the page. A tiny article in the bottom corner caught her attention.
”Man sees dragons,” read the headline.
PETER THOMPSON was walking his dogs when two large dragons took flight from a nearby garden.
”They scared my little Harry half to death,” said Thomson, who described the mythical creatures as being at least as big as a delivery van, with scales, wings and gleaming golden chests.
”It was the two of you,” she looked up at Storm who c.o.c.ked his head.
”I thought you should know. It was Thunder's show. I went along for the ride.”
”Wow!” She gave a quick laugh and held the paper to her chest. ”I can't believe it. Thank you.”
Storm gave a shrug, as if it was nothing. ”I love it when they p.i.s.s themselves. Bullies always cry the loudest.”
”Chris peed himself?” Tammy knew it was wrong of her to take glee in another person's suffering but in this case she couldn't help it. Christopher deserved everything he got.
Storm nodded. ”He refused to listen to Thunder. Idiot had a lot to say, should've kept his smart mouth closed,” he clenched his jaw for a second. ”f.u.c.ker c.r.a.pped himself in the end.”
”He c.r.a.pped himself, as in ...?” She tried not to smile. It wasn't right. ”Surely not.”
Storm had no such qualms. He grinned and gave a slow nod. ”Yup. He deserved everything he got ... you can trust me on that one. The male is bad news.”
”Yeah, he is.” She didn't know what she'd seen in him.
”He also made a sizeable donation to the local orphanage to make up for what he stole from you.”
”Thank you.” She gave him another tight hug. ”You really are the best brother-in-law.”
Storm put a hand to her back but otherwise didn't reciprocate. ”You can thank Thunder. Like I said, it was his show.”
”By the way,” he took a step away from her, towards the door, ”you look really amazing. My brother is one lucky SOB. You also smell really ...” then he made a groaning noise. ”Your surprise,” he lifted his brows.
She nodded.
He held up both his hands. ”I'm out of here.”
She giggled and folded her hands over her chest. ”Thanks again.”
Storm was already on his way to the door. He glanced back at the last minute. ”Those earrings look really good on you.”
”Thanks.” She fingered one of the pieces.
”You should wear more of our family heirlooms. My mother would have really liked you.” Then he winked at her, reminding her of Thunder. ”Enjoy your anniversary.” She thought she heard him say 'My brother is one lucky f.u.c.k' but she couldn't be sure.
Within three minutes Thunder walked in. Tammy launched herself into his arms and wrapped her thighs around him.
”Now that's a welcome home.” He planted a kiss on her lips.
”You're the best and I love you.”
”I love you too,” his voice was a deep, rich baritone. He clutched her a.s.s and buried his face in her neck. She heard him inhale deeply a couple of times. Thunder lifted his head, his brows were raised but there were also two deep grooves on his forehead. ”I thought you were taking the Pill?” He didn't wait for her to reply. ”Your last heat nearly killed me.”
It was all true. They'd ridden it out together. The first day had been pure torture for both of them since Thunder's back was still healing and well, she was a little tender. After that, it had been one sweaty bout of s.e.x after another. Thankfully it was over in three days. They'd gone through a ton of condoms. She smiled just thinking about it.