Part 15 (1/2)

She nodded, looking really afraid. ”I think it would be better if we went back. There would be safety in numbers.”

”I don't want to run or to hide. I need this to be over. Besides, I want to spend a bit more time with you before we have to face reality.”

”I'm sure they'll understand. Blaze is about to become a father. He's also in love ... I mean, he's in love.” Her smile looked like it was fixed on her face. All the color drained from her face.

Also. She'd said also.

Thunder wanted to hug her, kiss her, agree wholeheartedly with her but his female wasn't ready to admit her feelings yet. It didn't matter that she'd let it slip, that he knew deep down she felt the same way he did. She wasn't ready for such a major confession. There was still a part of her that was afraid. She'd only just agreed to date him. To giving them a chance. As much as he wanted to say something, he didn't. ”I don't think Blaze being in love and mated will help. He's a tough son of a b.i.t.c.h. He is strictly by the book. I've never known him to bend a single rule.”

Tammy started to say something but stopped herself. ”You might be pleasantly surprised.”

”I hope so.” He tucked some loose strands of hair behind her ear. ”I really f.u.c.king hope so. I'm not looking forward to going up against him, or punching him in the mouth, but I will if I have to.”

She visibly relaxed. ”I'm going to bathe in the river.”

”The river gets deep quickly and there are vicious undercurrents. Let me find a spot for you. I'll be back in a minute.” He dropped a kiss on her mouth before standing up. Thunder took a short walk up the bank until he found an alcove.

He made his way back, almost falling on his a.s.s when he spotted her. Her legs were long for a human. Her t-s.h.i.+rt stopped just below her a.s.s. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were outlined against the thin fabric. He was so far gone it was scary.

Her gaze immediately zoned in on his c.o.c.k. Tammy was the most responsive female he'd ever f.u.c.ked.

f.u.c.ked ... with her even f.u.c.king wasn't really f.u.c.king. He still felt it deep. His thoughts drifted to the night before. The first time had been f.u.c.king, the second was making love, the third was definitely f.u.c.king. Once Tammy got onto all fours, it was game over for him. If he hadn't strummed her c.l.i.t he would've come before her and that wasn't acceptable. The fourth was so slow and sweet, he'd wors.h.i.+pped her body. He'd drawn out her pleasure for a very long time. She was shaking when he finally let her fall apart.

He was afraid she might be feeling a bit tender this morning. He hoped to G.o.d he was wrong. By the greedy look in her eye, he was feeling more hopeful by the second.

”I'll wash your back,” he murmured, his d.i.c.k hardening up some more at the thought.

She gave a gentle shake of the head. ”You're incorrigible. I'm sure you will.”

”It's so you don't wash away in the current.”

”If you say so.”

”I mean it.” He took hold of her hand. ”I found a safer spot, just up this way,” he paused for a moment and then sniffed at the air. No sign of Cloud.

The trees were enormous. They thinned out closer to the river. The gra.s.s was about knee high. There were plants here and there between the gra.s.s, they had the most beautiful purple flowers. Every so often, a plant with a red flower peeked up above the undergrowth.

They stuck to the bank, which was strewn with pebbles. The actual river bed looked like it was made up of them. The water was clear as crystal. ”It's so beautiful out here. It's not as cold though. The weather is milder somehow.” She frowned.

”Yeah, you're right. We're in Water territory. The Air kingdom is higher up in the mountains. It's colder up there.” They continued to walk.

”I've always liked winter. There's something about the snow and the chill in the air. I love how your breath fogs, and sitting by the fire.”

”Don't forget toasting marshmallows and cuddling up to your lover.”

She knocked her shoulder against his. ”Sounds good to me.”

”The air might be warmer but the water is freezing cold.” He stopped walking and pointed to the alcove. ”We're here.”

”It doesn't look all that cold but I know it is.” She smiled. ”I may not have gotten all the way in but I washed in there yesterday, remember?”

He gave a nod.

”In and out.” She slapped her hands together. ”I can wash quickly.”

He made a sound of affirmation. ”We don't have any towels though but I'm sure we can make a plan.”

She liked the sound of that. ”I'm sure we can.” She'd never been with someone as skilled as Thunder. He knew exactly what he was doing. She realized that it probably meant that he had been with a ton of other women, but it wasn't something she wanted to dwell on.

”Oh, we'll make a plan alright ...” he didn't finish his sentence because she'd pulled the t-s.h.i.+rt over her head. His eyes zoned in on her He seemed to study them with such intensity. Don't cover up. He's seen you naked. He's been inside you. Stop being an idiot. Then he dropped his gaze down to her belly and to the overgrown landing strip between her legs before moving back to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. He growled, seeming to like what he saw. Maybe. She hoped. Oh G.o.d!

Tammy knew it was stupid but she used an arm to cover her anyway. She felt like an idiot but couldn't help herself. A guy like him had to be used to perfect women. ”They're not as perky as they were. My best a.s.set and they're ...”

”f.u.c.king amazing. I could stare at them all day.”

She shook her head, feeling more self-conscious than ever before. It wasn't like her. She normally didn't care about such trivial things ... But look at him. Just look. The guy was gorgeous. Beyond hot. ”I wish. You shouldn't be able to hold a pencil under your” She lifted one of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, dropping it again. Oh flip, her b.o.o.b actually wobbled like jelly.

”f.u.c.king amazing!” He seemed to really mean it but maybe he was just being nice.

”Stop saying that. I could probably smuggle an entire pencil case under these babies.”

”They're soft.” He cupped them. ”So d.a.m.ned soft,” his voice croaked. ”I love how they move when I'm inside of you. They'd look fantastic around my d.i.c.k.” She swallowed hard, feeling a zing between her legs. Another one deep inside her.

”So responsive. You like the sound of that?”

”I like your dirty talk. I always thought it would turn me off, I was so wrong.” Oh so very wrong. It turned her on in a big way.

”You've never had a guy tell you like it is before? Open and honest?”

”Raw and uncut?”

He grinned at her. ”Yeah, raw and uncut.”

”I guess not, but I like it.”

”Good because there's a lot more where that came from.” He gripped her waist and ushered her backwards a few steps. ”How about, when we're done bathing.”

”Yeah.” His eyes looked like they darkened, her own breathing definitely picked up a few notches. She couldn't believe how ready she was for another round.

”I'll lick you dry.” He walked her backwards a few more steps, until her feet hit the edge of the water. She sucked in a sharp breath. ”Told you it was cold. I have a feeling that your p.u.s.s.y is going to be extra wet for me, despite the frigid temperature. It'll be in need of a ton of licking.”

Her heartrate picked up. ”Oh really now?” She raised her brows. He was going to go down on her? Chris had never gone down on her.

”Yeah, really. I have a feeling I'm going to love the taste of your wet p.u.s.s.y.”

Holy h.e.l.l! Holy freaking h.e.l.l. All of a sudden, she felt really hot and a lot wet. He walked her backwards and her eyes widened as the water rose on her legs. Maybe not so hot after all.

He winked at her. ”It's better to get it over with.” Thunder let her go and dove in. It didn't seem to affect him at all.

He surfaced and swiped his hair back. ”Come on.” He opened his arms.